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Everything posted by fanman

  1. You won't love his posts.
  2. That form is to get them for free; to replace the ones sold with the early wiis that had the old ones. If you want more or have a wii that came with new ones, they obviously won't send them. If you want to purchase one, you ring up and purchase one, separate to that form. Why would they direct you to a form to get one for free, if they are going to sell them to you? For those who do not want to replace them, that's their choice, but to those who have wiis that came with new ones won't get them, which they will know because of the serial code.
  3. So you expect a first party sony game and a game that contradicts the whole philosophy of the wii to suddenly appear on it?
  4. That would tarnish the legend of zelda name, especially for a console where most of the players are new to gaming (well, not most, but a few).
  5. When the final price and date are set, I would assume. Most retailers wait untill they have their allocations confirmed before they take in pre-orders, but some don't (I hate you, play.com).
  6. Not sure about the whole HD thing yet... can't afford a 360...
  7. Doesn't exactly explain the controls though.
  8. I was pointing out that episode 12 was called episode 12 and that the other one was a kind of documentery thing... sorry.
  9. You are probably doing it wrong somehow.
  10. Death note 12 was an actual episode though...
  11. Half of america plays video games, yet half of america doesn't run to the streets killing people with chainsaws, and they are stupid enough to believe it!
  12. When they have covered all the people that registered wii's that came with old straps. You have to put the wii serial code number on it.
  13. Maybe they're just late... is that pokémon worth downloading? Cheers.
  14. http://wii.nintendo.co.uk/6315.html And I haven't got my straps either
  15. Have you considered that as it is their birthday, they may have better things to do than come on here and thank everyone for a post that took them 5 seconds to type? And happy birthday to nintendork.
  16. Dattbayo still hasn't released it And according to bleachportal, it's airing on thursdays from now on... the same day as naruto?
  17. Yeah... almost every shot ends up as a foul for me.
  18. Why do they need to change the name? Seems a bit pointless really... although it will distinguish it from the fillers.
  19. I love baseball, but it's really frustrating once the difficulty starts to increase. The computer hits a home run off of basically everything you can throw.
  20. That's not a double negative, just the wrong word. Double negatives are things like "I ain't got none", which the british are more guilty of.
  21. I thought HD made it looks more realistic, rather than clean.
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