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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. The fewer players the more consistently fun it is, because you have to do more, and it feels better when/if you win, because you did it. played a surprisingly fun two-a-side game today . I think the main thing in any football game is to have evenly matched teams, while ok it is nice once in a while to win convincingly, its nicer to feel either you had to work for your win (ie it was an accomplishment) or feel that you put up a good defence (you lost by a small margin). Basically games where one team dominates the other clearly through out are boring.
  2. or you could take you rev to a place that has broadband (possibly a friend/family members home) and use that connection.
  3. also on the first image the projected screen is affected by the guy, but the images its displaying look like they are projected on a flat surface that is parallell to the screen being projected on.
  4. I want a white one and a black one, pop the spare one downstairs in the living room...
  5. Specifically for the revolution £0. if its cheap enough, and my life is as rubbish then as it is right now, then I'll probably get it, all add-ons and all the launch games at launch. hopefully I'll wait until it hits its first price drop, or (fingers crossed) I won't care if I get one at all or not.
  6. you could have the baton control the levels super monkey ball style - could add something to the game. 4 buttons, a dpad + analogue stick + 3d space + orientation. there's alot that can be done with the controller.
  7. if you really do a survey you'd need to take lots of things in consideration. Perhaps diet? it may be that early developers vs later developers have significantly different diets, and those diets, as well as affecting developement affects intelligence... if there is an effect on intelligence vs breast size I would imagine you would find a very very low correlation. given that you are restricted to a fairly small sample I imagine that very low correlation would be extremely difficult/ impossible to pick up. and as has been mentioned, I think you should do the same for guys. however, tbh, I think you'd be best just to drop it, unless you intend on moving to a different school v. soon.
  8. HD-DVD. if only because sony + copy protection = rubbish. I think HD-DVD will be the accepted data storage for computers. Blu-ray may have an edge as far as video goes sadly. looking at the companies creating the formats, I would say Sony's involvement in Blu-Ray makes it the least consumer friendly, as one of their primary goals is to protect content produced by Sony content providers, regardless of the effect it has on the consumer. looking at the recent sony CD rootkit issue, I wouldn't trust blu-ray.
  9. I think its not meant to be read into other than "we beat their next gen offering with this gen's machine" ppl are then meant to think "I'd be better off buying a cube than a 360"
  10. if you breathe through your mouth, you taste instead of smell. so maybe you ought to include the mouth in the peg statement? and, I don't get what you are implying about...
  11. I guess we will have it by february. 14 weeks is the maximum length of time they are looking at. They may well release it a few weeks before Thanksgiving (they don't want Launch + Thanksgiving overlapping, = uber over demand). Ideally I imagine they want sales to come back down to earth a bit by Thanksgiving. I would see US, Europe, Japan to make the most sense, if they have the ability to keep up with demand. US september/October Europe October/November Japan November/December. If they can't deal with demand I imagine US will be October/November, and europe in December/January
  12. any of the big three could win, a mix of skill and luck is involved, some may need more than others, and some possibilities seem more likely to us, but we all know what we would like. I won't build an semi elaborate story round this, but 360 vs PS3, PS3 wins. Rev has a different control system, either does a DS, or a GC, or perhaps a mix of the two?
  13. home console I think you mean. and it depends what you mean when you rate a game. tbh I like the limited library, means you have a better chance of researching games and buying better games,
  14. They can cheat and use a few gimmicky bits while still using the shell controller.
  15. I imagine he signed an NDA to try and prevent that sort of thing.
  16. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=13996 http://joystiq.com/2006/01/11/ngc-denies-nintendos-non-denial/ ok, now add together... someone senior leaves with little explanation. someone senior "probably shouldn't" have leaked information about twilight princess. perhaps not unrelated?
  17. its nice though, to think of the virtual console, and put some thought into the games we may buy. possible suggestion to the R-E people... maybe you guys could link our forum accounts to an all inclusive game database, which includes all games on the virtual console. Then we could all have a top 5 option in our accounts (optional) and we could have an automatic top 10 recommended games as recommended by R-E users. would also make your top 50 feature (or top 100 perhaps...) that much easier.
  18. hot chocolate > coffee > most tea. I don't really drink any thing but water, unless I'm in a social setting where water isn't particularly disireable (restaurant water tends to suck) so for me: 1st water 2nd fruit juice > 3rd hot chocolate / weird tea (low/no caffeine tea from Africa) 4th coffee 5th normal tea.
  19. with all these people stocking up... but yeah, I had the exact same thought. wheat crunchies are great, what are these skins I hear about?
  20. Pestneb


    there is a type of mould which is pretty nasty, the spores can do nasty stuff in your lungs. its a more furry mould though, if memory serves
  21. I agree with that, and would ask, what is the point? I think you need at least two fish, and plenty of room for them to swim about - and I'm not just talking about the fish here, I'd get way too bored way too quickly with one fish on its own in a tiny bowl. bowls = transport, tanks = home.
  22. remember the DS vs PSP? everyone was upset that the DS was getting bad press, but its sold 3.5 million in europe, so its not all bad. This is perhaps the reason we should be grateful for the EU when we complain about the wait for games, they make us part of a market worth Nintendo entering. I don't know what % of those sales were from the mainland continent and how many from the UK, but I imagine its a sizeable chunk. my main point, the rags mean very little, the number of people who care what they say AND have the money to spare for a full price console is pretty low.
  23. Is the Z800 3DVisor compatible with my Playstation 2, Xbox, or GameCube? The Z800 3DVisor is not natively compatible with currently available video game consoles. You will need to use a signal converter to scale the standard NTSC signal to analog SVGA. Such converters are available from various websites. In addition, these consoles are not capable of taking advantage of the Z800 3DVisor's head-tracking and 3D capabilities. We will provide updates regarding use with upcoming models of consoles. Personally, I think it would be cool, on all consoles, because in fps games in particular I find the lack of the ability to look round the environment in a natural way a real hindrance. with any luck these displays will become standard :P maybe then we'll start getting holodecks? :P
  24. perhaps. but an automatic handicap system could counter that. ie the better players made weaker, the weak strong.
  25. why in what way? searching for a purpose, a result, or a cause? or both? kopo "Because of our egoism and selfishness" Love isn't egoism, nor is it selfishness. Lust, infatuation, seeking approval, pride, fear - they can be the foundation of relationships, infact, I think more often than not they are. and when they are the relationship is doomed to failure, when looks fade, or a new conquest arrives, when the truth is exposed, or times get hard, relationships that aren't well founded on love collapse.
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