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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. black revo white box? or white box white revo...?
  2. there are two people who make me physically sick, they STINK of stale smoke. they have laptops, and we have to physically clean the tar of them before we attempt to fix them. we don't clean it all off but we do our best. even the laptops being in the room makes the room smell rank (windows open even if its freezing). people like that, probably have mega bad hygiene, otherwise they must breathe in more fag smoke than oxygen. those people I can't stand. most smokers I can tolerate their habit.
  3. when I was four, I was in the next door neighbours garden (was friends with their kids and we had been invited so I was in there legitimatly) anyway, they and my brother ran into the house while I was on the swing, I let the swing stop, then I ran after them. unfortunatly there was an uneven paving slab, and the night before the neighbour and her b/f had a fight involving a bottle which lay broken on the back door step. falling, I put my hands down to save me from a face plant (as you do) and ended up having my thumb lengthened. can't remember the exact details, it was pretty clean, the cut was about half the width of my hand at the time (not big as I was only four). anyway, my hand soon filled up with blood, next door neighbour came out pretty quick, and popped me back in my garden and left me to it 8-). my mum wasn't too pleased when she saw I had a handful of blood pouring onto the floor inside the house. Anyway, I had my hand wrapped in a bandage to stop me bleeding dry (there was a fair amount of blood in the garden and neighbours garden, musta looked a bit sick! and then I went to the hospital where they sewed my hand back up without any pain relief. they were worried about my tendon, but its ended up pretty much perfect, I have a slight loss of flexibility on the affected thumb, but its not really noticeable so
  4. *bites tongue* anyway, I can't read it as the site is blocked from work, and I expect/hope to have better things to do when I get home.
  5. to add something, when I was 18, a friend of mine (16) went through a stage of being a jerk. he tried to immitate myself and another of my friends in an attempt to become more popular in the group, and he tried to put us down in order to pull himself up the ranks. basic social ineptitude. anyway, whenever he tried myself and the other mate he was trying to mimic showed him how it was done, in good humour, but also smacking him back down to the lower ranks. I think he figured out pretty quick his tactics weren't working. anyway, at the time he was suffering from insecurity. however, end product, at 20 he now has a unique (really is unique) humour, and he's far more confident. my advice would be give him space, either he'll learn, in which case he'll grow as a person and hopefully you will be good friends with him later in life when you have both matured. worse case scenario, he'll not snap out of it, and get worse. either way, if you stick round him you'll get offended, possibly offend him, and most likely turn him into an enemy. I've also done that, as it turns out we went from best mates, not good mates, enemies (for like 3 hours) arch enemies (not sure about him, but I actually wanted to kill him, and offered to meet up with him between our homes, where I was planning to beat him to death. I was slightly drunk on rage at the time :/) but even that has miraculously turned back to us being close mates, to the point of me being best man at his upcoming wedding, which is very strange, the one man I have ever hated, and I'm actually going to be his best man. very strange.
  6. well, personally I don't go to pubs anymore because of the effect smoke has on me 1)feel rubbish, seriously, why purposely expose yourself to that simply for the sake of exposing yourself to it?? 2)dry eyes 3)dry throat 4)unpleasant smell I enjoy the pub, but the smoke just makes me feel sick. the wall idea, Is good, but the reason its not been done is they would need to predict fairly accurately how many customers would enjoy a smoking area. the non smoking area would be for all non smokers (75%) smoking area for smokers (25%) but the smoking area can be for non smokers (75%) who don't mind/can put up with smoke (?%) the fact non smokers can go into the smoking area makes the idea difficult in practise, and even if they get an average idea say during a day 60% go into area A, 40% in area B, they'd have to account (possibly) that at hour x 90% go into area A, and at hour y 70% go into area B. so really, even the smoking/non smoking area's are not really ideal. the only reason there were smoking areas was because pre war thinking, really this is a progressive law.
  7. cigarettes dampen the experience for you smokers though. now, I had a plan that I think works well to counter this, give you guys a full experience, and solves the smoking debate problem. first, they develop a liquid that works like a nicotine patch - ie if you are in contact with the liquid your body absorbs nicotine. then all they do is get smokers, pop them in a vat of this liquid, with two tubes leading directly into the lungs. tube one pumps tar into their lungs, and tube two pumps carbon monoxide into their lungs. perhaps tube one should be optional. obviously it would have to be charged appropriately. anyway, it would solve the problem, smokers are dead, and full of nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar, just like they want to be. non smokers are happy, because they get fresher air.
  8. interesting but a regular dpad could do a similar job. what would be more interesting to me would be an eyetoy/projector hybrid, you aim it on the floor, and it projects a footpad for you, on your floor. that would allow a regular dance mat, an analogue dance mat, or any other interface. I guess, given the correct surface to project onto (perhaps a projection mat would come with it?) it could project terrain (sand, grass) and even perhaps game related items, say in a golf game, a golf ball... anyway, it would (ultimatley be 2-d.) interesting idea though, using a dancemate style device. although, having said it would be 2-d, there are techniques that can be used so that from the right angle a 2-d image looks 3-d. so the biggest barried for that would be price, and current technology
  9. I don't eat sweets or drink coffee usually. personally smoking would stress me out rather than relax, Although I guess perhaps its similar to sucking a thumb, or using a dummy as a child, so perhaps it creates some level of comfort in that way? though if that was the case then sucking a thumb would be cheaper and healthier..... so probably not.
  10. but why smoke? you might as well just burn random £10 notes.
  11. presumably he is implying we will receive a pleasant large glut. which tbh is very likely seeing as E3 is under 4/3 months away now (I think...)
  12. pubs could just open up a smoking floor, charge people who choose to go in there the amount they'd get fined if/when they get caught. bonus being, if they don't get caught it would be a nice earner. basically, it would be come like a private club. and I think I read they were going to put up the maximum fine to the establishment from £20 to £200. and to those who ask why not have freedom of choice, the thing is really in my town the only places to go out with friends are smoking establishments. so the choice is stay at home on my own, or inhale smoke. this way, smokers have the choice of stay at home with a fag, or to go out and not smoke inside. and tbh, smokers say are they expected to go outside to have a smoke, well, yes. if I wanted fresh air I had to walk out into the cold to get fresh air, so if you want polluted air go ahead, see how you like it. final point. smoking stinks reduces the ability to taste and enjoy flavours in food discolours the body, clothing and decorations fire risk reduces aerobic fitness reduces effectiveness of haemoglobin and myoglobin affects nervous system. costs loads. to be totally honest, I am completly lost why anyone would enjoy smoking, no one I've ever spoken to has provided a convicing reason why its nice. oh well.
  13. personally, I think an ID card which held 1)driving status (non driver, provisional, driver (and which categories) 2)passport 3)Exam qualifications would be useful. as well as obviously d.o.b, NI info etc. it would be useful going into an interview, and popping your ID card in rather than filling out a application form. however, it does depersonalise things, but we already are there. how many people in your street do you know? name, job, interests, relatives, friends. and in some cases, what do they look like? people are too quick to shut themselves in, and are only interested in those who are the same as them. on superficial things they were born with (age, gender, ethnicity) or more personal issues (political, religious, philosophical beliefs). we're all "guilty". thing is, say in London, how can you know all those people? do you know 5 million people? 2 million? 1 million? 500,000? thats why we (sadly) need these cards. but do we? because really, if I'm going to kill someone, or steal something from someone, a card isn't going to physically restrain me. its a technique to know where you are, yes. however, if traceability concerns us, really we ought to take into account our retina's, finger prints, DNA. all these things make us traceable. I think the importance isn't the cards, but the information on them and how they are used. I think information such as driving license/exam results should only be on if the user volunteers. information such as DNA profile/fingerprints/Iris scans etc being on there are fine. these are things about me which are physical, and out of my control. information such as views and opinions - these should not be on there. My personal opinion. But I agree, they can be very dangerous, and I think its important that the use of these cards should be VERY carefully monitored, and potential abuse should be safe guarded against.
  14. I also believed that Nintendo did confirm sd-card support. and tbh, I'm more inclined to believe spong misinterpreted what was said to them Nintendo rep "yup, thats the real revolution there" meaning, yes, that is the Nintendo revolution. ie stating the obvious. Spong: "hmm, we were looking at the flap bit. that must be the revolutionary bit, its a hint!" thats more believable to me than nintendo thinking "hmm, lets tell users that we will support sd-cards, then, when we release it, we can surprise them and scream "NOT REALLY" lol, that would be fun. yes, lets do that." It may not be sd-cards, but it was definitely solid storage format, memory sticks highly unlikely, sd most likely, any other storage format sits between the two. perhaps a custom sd format will be produced though...
  15. I really hope you're wrong there I remember the DS, and how stupidly hyped I was about that. hype is fun, but its stupid if you put too much worth on what is essentially a lump of metal and plastic.
  16. Something I was thinking about - alienation of the userbase. and you know what, I think thats what the last generations have done. not from the company, but from society. look at the stereotype here - think of your stereotypical gamer. despite what some say Sony did, gaming isn't really cool. its fun, and more acceptable, but because it is still confined in the publics mind (mainly younger males, and often socially inept ones at that) it means that its not a topic that can really be openly discussed in the same way as say films or music. With bringing a wider demographic in (ie females and older people) games may become actual mainstream, rather than the more pseudo mainstream we have now. that, imo is a true revolution. think, if you ask someone about films/music, you don't ask them if they watch films, or listen to music, you ask what types they enjoy. you assume they listen to music, and watch films. I don't know about you guys, but I tend to assume the majority of people I speak to don't play videogames regularly enough to have developed tastes, and thats even within the younger socially inept male demographic segment.
  17. I'm pretty sure the revmote would work fine with the GC, much like the microphone and bongo's work fine with it. I don't know obviously for sure whether the GC could cope with the revmote, but there are no clear reasons that I can see that say the GC couldn't have used the revmote.
  18. hard choice between the snes and nes. in the end, it went to the nes, because of my age I enjoyed the games so much more, and I just played it loads more. so I'd say in this order: 1) Nes 2) Snes 3) DS 4) GC 5) GBA 6) GB 7) GBC 8) N64
  19. I'm pretty sure they were aware that it wasn't necessarily the final name, but revolution means more than star-cube. since the site covers the gameboy line, the DS as well as the cube, and the revolution (what ever its name will be) it doesn't necessarily have to have the homeconsolename-europe. they may change their name, or stick with it and justify the name as the code name of Nintendos (final name of revo) and (usual rubbish about the greater significance to the word revolution as it relates to the site, its aims, and nintendo's aims) in short, doesn't matter.
  20. I think the revo is a GC2 tbh. I think there is merit in having improved graphics, but I don't see the point in HD right now. the standards aren't standard enough yet imo, and consumers in general (in my experience so far) are fairly ignorant when it comes to HD, other than vaguely knowing it is better, while not quite understanding how. I don't think by the end of this generation they will have been able to fully realise 100% realistic graphics at 480p, so I don't see the rush to support higher resolutions. perhaps I'm wrong though. I would rather realistic physics, larger worlds, and more realistic graphics than more sharply defined graphics. or to put it another way, would you rather pong style graphics on a 1080p screen, or the graphics we have now on a 480i screen? exagerrated point, but the fact is if the 360 focused completely on 480 resolution all the extra power and work could go into othergame related processes. meh. the controller doesn't interest me as much now, but I can see it has huge potential, and I hope it gets fulfilled. time will tell.
  21. i go home in a couple of minutes, get home, log onto PC find out whatever (if there is even anything) and no need to waste 30 minutes waiting for info.
  22. better loading times? the loading times in the N64 were fine (virtually non existant) and same with the nes and snes. infact, by my definition of load times, non of those machines had load times, and thats what I hope for in the revo virtual console.
  23. From my A level/GCSE biology I seem to remember that proteins, when heated above 30 degrees become vulnerable to denaturing. this is what turns for example, the fairly liquid egg white into a far more solid substance after cooking. perhaps an experiment is due
  24. What I'm also wondering is how they would do the DNA testing, how many people would they need to test?
  25. once I purchased 3 games, only one came through, and they didn't charge me for the postage. I figure they'll charge me for the postage when they send the other two games. That was 2 years ago though, and I've since cancelled the card I had used. hmm.
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