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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. Tbh I can see and appreciate the merits of the map rotation, but I would like to see them open things up a bit. the mario kart 8 system would be a good way of letting them see what stages people liked best, even if they mixed the two systems, have 3 stages with 1/2 stages being chosen at random from players choices (MK8 style) and one from Nintendo themselves.
  2. they did it well with mk8 as well. I think they have data on splatoon to make informed decisions, but I think splatfests and gradual unlocking of maps is a good way of doing things. I do think having a way of unlocking "random" 3rd stages would be good, to keep things fresh. Even if you get the 2 main stages 66% of the time and then one of the other idk, 12 other stages "perfectly" about 3% of the time, it would help for longer play sessions. I hated seeing a favourite stage available when I was asleep, or in a mode I hated, or when I was at work etc... and the stage I had played to death available just about everytime I was able to play. I should probably put botw on hold actually, enjoy splatoon online while I still can (or are servers already pretty much dead??)
  3. what I'd have loved would have been for an after story, expanding the map or both. The DLC from what I have heard doesn't really interest me... the "true power of the master sword".. just .. yeah not really, thanks. And a harder mode.. again not really. Finding the koroks on my own is a challenge and I am using it as a way of getting me through until I can get a switch (if I do!) so the korok mask is all that really grabs me at all, but not until I have a switch... and not for £18. I'll be waiting to see what dlc 2 includes!
  4. I'd have preferred if they have the rotation, but have a mk8 like system, where players can choose a stage.. so the selected stage will either be one of the two default, or a player selected stage.... Or even at the very least (so players can't focus on a single map and become super experts on it and always nominate it to give them an artificially higher win %) record how often each stage is played by a player... the least regularly played map amongst all players in the lobby is selected as the third "surprise" map.... or something like that. Also I hope the game won't kick you out of the lobby every rotation....
  5. agreed 100%... however I went into work yesterday and the responses to the debate there made me laugh. These people are in a district that voted le pen, surrounded by districts that mainly voted le pen, so I am taking comfort from that..(it's a bit like here everyone seems mainly to lean to the left) but tbh, I chose to laugh, but it was that or They felt Macron shouted her down and gave her no chance to explain her own policies (ignoring the fact that her immediate response to EVERY question was basically to immediately say "Mr Macron is shit" "I'm for the people" or "Mr Macron did this" (at which point he would often point out actually he didn't...) when they said about the 63% preferring Macron, a guy immediately shouted "it's false, they fabricated the result to manipulate people into voting for Macron" :| and another prior to that had said "people obviously don't understand politics".... I could have voted, but being new to the country decided I didn't know enough about the issues to make an informed decision... I didn't dream the French public were dumb enough to vote le pen in to the second round. this isn't even like farage , it's more like that bnp goon getting into opposition (or worse into power) I think in terms of Brexit she'd be better. In terms of general life, I imagine she would bring less stability to the region. There is the national assembly election in June, hopefully they will block Le pens more stupid plans and disillusion her supporters, but I imagine she'll just hold a few re-elections in the hope that she'll get the national assembly she wants.
  6. Pretty much, having said that, how she would be besides the brexit issue is another question. I really hope Macron will win, but I am hearing a LOT of pro Le Pen talk where I work. Down here Le Pen tended to out do macron though, so I am aware I am getting biased views, but it is worrying that 18% are undecided. Macron is currently (last I saw) predicted at about 48% of the voting population (accounting for the undecided population). Personally I found Le Pen super week in the debate and I hope that is the general consensus.
  7. Tbh, for the UK I think Le Pen is better. So my British patriotic side hopes she gets it. However everything else I just watched 30 minutes of the debate between her and Macron, and have now decided the nations IQ will be revealed from the vote... double Macrons % of the votes, and you have the nations IQ. less than 100 and I am returning to the UK. Which would make the next few months... interesting, because I'll need to plan to emigrate elsewhere for 2018
  8. To be honest, I'm more interested in the new 2ds than a switch right now. My Fiancée loves a few games available on the 3ds family, and this has a web browser right? Which works better than my current 3ds browser... so I may well get it and we can have some local multiplayer together, while I'll be able to use it to occassionally browse the web. The original gameboy kept on going for a loooooooooong time, I think it would be a good plan for Nintendo to keep a "basic" and cheaper entry level games machine in the handheld family, while having a more expensive advanced handheld/barebones home console games with their hybrid systems.
  9. I quite like the sword on the top of the tower next to that wood... pretty vague description but I forget the names of places :/ lost woods or something like that? It seems to respawn often enough too
  10. For the UK having left the EU, I think Le Pen would be best... it would basically kill the EU... Being in France I actually understand why she is popular, but I think people over estimate her competency on the issues that matter to them. Some people were talking of a civil war if she gets through... and I actually don't feel that is out of the question. If she gets through all my short/medium term planning gets scrapped... security isn't perhaps considered the best over here, but if Le Pen gets through I'll have no confidence in my personal safety, and I'll be looking at moving out of the country, which isn't something I want because I'm just starting to feel settled Also I was hoping to live here with my Fiancée... but with the anti immigrant policies of Le Pen I think that would be at best optimistic... so... yeah. very worried. I understood this to be just the presidential election, no prizes for runner ups. I live in an area where Le Pen comfortably beat Macron (40 for Le Pen to about 24 for Macron) so my view point is skewed pro Le Pen, and I hope that is all it is, but 7 May can't come soon enough for me... unless Le Pen actually scrapes 50.1% The people I am hearing are "protest" voting for Le Pen (like apparently happened with Brexit) but given who she is, that seems a ridiculous thing to do. Even a woman who would (if Le Pen follows through) be forced to live in a separate nation to her husband seems to want Le Pen to win :|
  11. Switch is what I understood the Wii U to be. When I was told it was tethered to the game console I was baffled... and held off buying for a long while. I think Switch is what Nintendo wanted the Wii U to be in fairness... they just didn't pull it off.
  12. Yup. I'm here. Not too happy with the prospect of Le Pen getting the presidency.
  13. I've not bothered with the camel for now.. got 3/4 guardians, levelling up armour, searching for fairy fountains and gathering potential armour upgrade items!! how many fountains are there all together? I found two, I guess there is one more atleast...
  14. next to no chance in my old area. I'm expat now, I understand that puts me in a tory safe seat as well.
  15. http://learnpractice.com/rules-dutch-articles some people disagree.... hope that helps!! even in French there are the odd nouns hear and there that make no sense on their gender, even applying all the rules I know of but having basic rules helps as a guide, on duolingo I would just take note of the instance you get it wrong and make a flashcard set of "crappy gender words". It would cut down the work a small amount at least, hopefully...
  16. In French there are a number of rules that help figure out genders. very basically, if it ends "e" a good guess is that it is feminine, if not it's male. the other rules are to explain the many exceptions, but 90% of nouns are probably covered by that first rule. I guess the down side is the 10% that don't are also generally the 10% you'll come across very often.. but even so I'm sure there are rules out there. Dutch is more "niche" so finding good materials will be tougher though. Another tip is to just learn the "de" and "het" as you learn the nouns. I haven't a clue with dutch so just englishing it up, "dechair" hetboat" "dewindow" "hetdoor". Good luck anyway!
  17. surely then a CRB check should pick this up??? is that not the entire point of the things?
  18. On the plus side, when Labour lose surely that'll be it for Corbyn???
  19. I did notice that boosting your armour seems the way to go. picking up weapons from enemies I noticed the strength going up and up! trying to figure out on my own how to boost my armour now though, need to go out hunting for goodies and then visit a fairy to upgrade all my armour sets! I'm liking the game more and more, I'll get the DLC if I end up racking up 180 hours!
  20. so weird thing the other day, I had a boomerang sword... went up to the guardian at the tech lab... snuck up while it wasn't facing me, jumped and repeatedly hit it.... it faced away from me and just fired a laser shot each time I hit it... until eventually it blew up.... is that a one off glitch, or do they not like being hit with boomerang swords?
  21. Possibly she was getting mixed signals from you.. liking her but holding back because you were concerned about things not having great long term potential. She may have just assumed you weren't interested, or may also be in two minds herself. you giving her that present she may have felt she had to choose to go for the friend or g/f response.. but as you guys aren't official she blurted that b/f thing out in an embarrassed way. She might have died inside when she heard herself say that... and wondered why the hell she said it after you left... Just saying she may not have everything sorted in her head and can say the wrong things too. Obviously she did say the wrong thing, but we don't know what's going on in her head, her history, her personality etc. there may be a good/weak reason for her doing that, and it could be down to her interpreting your responses as not being interested but being "too nice a guy" to say so... or feeling you're out of her league or idk.... people can be weird, but then you need to figure out if you can enjoy being with someone who is her kind of weird.
  22. two weeks?? could you not just load up an earlier save file and go do something else? with the camel boss I had a feeling he'd not be too much fun, so I saved just before activating the gizmo... a few seconds later I was loading that save up and heading back to death mountain. I have since read spoilers on how you're meant to get to the Goron's but I didn't know, so I just skirted round the mountain avoiding enemies as best as I could, then quickly paraglided in to the town and ran to the sanctuary, activated it and teleported out as quick as I could. must have eaten half my meals just to recover those hearts I lost as I burnt I went to the armour store after given up on the camel boss, and I'm now fully decked out in heat armour! but that heat was brutal, I went from borderline too cold then the heat meter jumped to on fire. I'd have appreciated it at least jumping to very VERY hot first so I'd know to back away... not have my first warning that I was seeing smoke come out of my gear! I'm in touching distance of my two remaining divine beasts, going to try a few more shrines then grab the master sword first, I was kinda hoping the extra yellow heart containers could be used to trick the master sword, but no such luck need two more shrines and I'll go grab me that sword and go guardian hunting!
  23. I figured as much but I'd heard the sword was a bit disappointing this time round so just seeing if it was worth going out of my way to get it. Also, how would people rate the bosses in terms of difficulty (not the puzzles, just the bosses)? So far I found the elephant one trickier than the bird one, but maybe I was just better prepared/equipped for the bird battle...
  24. my main issue is the meal slots... I wish that it wasn't as limited, or there was a way of expanding it. basically elixirs seem useless to me, given that I have limited space. Better create a meal with an effect than waste a meal slot with an elixir that has limited effect on my heart containers. also the fact that effects don't stack. I can understand not mixing effects in preparing meals/elixirs, but if I have a cold resistance elixir with 5 minutes left and I take a cold resistance meal that gives me 3 minutes.. unless it's cold resistance vs heat resistance, sure I understand maybe cancelling out, but a cold resistance meal actually in effect reducing that cold resistance... anyway, got the bird and elephant, going to try the camel in a bit, and I need to hunt down the lizard. Does the master sword help in the boss battles on the beasts? I've found it but just need to boost my heart container count so I can survive grabbing it!
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