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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Wishing it was the weekend already. Shortstaffed at work (taking 200 calls a day between 2 people isnt really fun) Trying to work out a DFD for systems analysis....Probably THE MOST BORING subject in the history of education.
  2. That software is so awful to use:shakehead
  3. I don't even know who that ellmeister kid is :P
  4. I'll probably have it re-dyed before i get bored of wearing blue and green.
  5. QFT again. I look like an utter n00bular without glasses
  6. I tried contacts last year. I'd never have them again. I have astigmatism, and apparently makes it all the harder to get used to - they are weighted and have to sit the correct way up to see properly (whereas normal people can wear them any way) And having some strange optician poke them into your eye is pretty fucking creepy. My sister has them (she has only slight short sightedness) and she has no problems. EDIT: max 8-10 hours in one day! Your eyes get really sore/dry if you wear them any longer!
  7. Hahahaha, I bet your fairly raking in the money over Christmas too, handy enough! Slender and wealthy = yay! Barratt's owner is jewish...wow
  8. Its been christmas in ballymena for over 3 weeks.. Mass panic and lots of crowds. Joy (to the world, the lord has come...etc) :\ Saying that I do love christmas, me and my family get drunk and be merry and have a nice dinner, so it's all good =)
  9. Dr Kennedy rocks my socks! On topic:
  10. Totally, I upgraded to the MX1000 after having a really awful cheap rubbish wireless mouse, and i'd never go back. It really is worth every penny gettin a decent one.
  11. Called back for blood tests again on monday - they screwed up or my tests came back high. Eenuh I hope things get better for you, seems like youve had a rough lot lately...
  12. Is his father a bad guy or not? Shes lying, then shes not, then declan tries to kill him, then you think declans dead now, then dad does him for attempted murder then ARGH I'm utterly lost. =(
  13. Razer!!!!!! I been drooling over one of these bad boys for a while =D Oh and they would go nicely with the saitek =) I'd also recommend a Logitech MX revolution, but its a tad on the dear side. Or you could pick up an mx1000 cheaper. mx518 = £33.40
  14. Wow I love the purple/black boots miss Letty =D
  15. qft. Stick with it. As long as you aren't hurting other people, there is no reason for people to tell you that you are wrong or act in an abusive or pushy manner towards you. There is no OBVIOUS right or wrong answer to it all. My fathers side of the family are incredibly religious and TBH I really don't like spending time with them, due to gettin chastised for my tattoos, piercings and dyed hair. (Is this really Christian behaviour at all?)
  16. Good - Programming class was cancelled. Visual basic database connections are driving me to insanity Bad - said VB assignment won't be completed on time. Internet connection needs rewired through the whole house...I gots a date with a dusty attic. =(
  17. Rockin' the pink converse.
  18. Me sensing biterness from darksnowman :P
  19. He likes ichigo by the looks of it... <3 but he kills cats... shame on you.
  20. Born in Scotland (lived in Inverness, Forres, Elgin), lived in Germany (Guttersloh and somewhere else) and now in Northern Ireland (Ballymena) visited... England: Weymouth, Birmingham, London, Yorkshire, Devon, and lots of other random wee places on the way. Scotland: Inverness, Aberdeen, Nairn, Elgin, and probably a load more.
  21. so you get harrassed by people and its your fault for ...not.... having...a....phone.... Wow.
  22. Well i'm on the bored side and it aint too pretty either. :P Hope things get better for you soon tho!
  23. I wasn't the only one then xD Love is what humankind exists for imo. The good parts and the bad. Life would be boring without love and heartbreak.
  24. Long story short, i work in a call centre for district nurses in northern ireland. The only reason i stay in my job is due to the relatively good pay of £12,500 p.a (£6.43 an hour) when all other jobs are paying min wage. I study at night too, so i suppose that would suggest i want to move on to bigger and greater things...maybe.
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