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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Aye just take er easy for a while get yer head sorted My day was a bit poo also, woke up with a hugely swollen lip from a piercing I got on thursday.. Was almost at a point where it was swelling over the ring...luckily it calmed down... never again will i get my lip pierced.
  2. its legal in the UK anyway, my parents are 1st cousins. (been legal ever since the war)
  3. Its not illegal to marry your cousin tho
  4. Awh that's shocking.. maybe ReZ is right...or maybe they just aren't worth your friendship =)
  5. Ok. don't want to burn your precious eyesight - I took it off. End.
  6. I'm not allowed to post pictures of the actor, who appears in this threads programme. Right Enough! that does sounds wrong
  7. Not my thing at all but I ain't one to criticize others tastes
  8. That storyline just seems so crap...i mean she's like oh no, I didn't know I was such a bully... christ of course you did you ****. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1211/1366722112_94a9101cb9_o.jpg He is uber sexy. Shame his acting is more than poor. Edit: there now nobody *has* to look at it at all.
  9. I hope my ma hasn't hidden any brothers on me, that would be wick... :/
  10. Awesome, i love the southern accent ^_^ Nice vid!
  11. Before or after hairdye? after would seriously be uncool :/ Sorry my brain must have taken a leave of absence that day
  12. My day is great other than the extreme pain of getting a lip piercing If i had known the pain it may have been different.... :/
  13. I hear ya, ours is "supposed" to be every 6 months....I haven't had one yet due to the health service trusts merger here (been working in this job nearly 3 years). I'm crapping it though, they are gonna crack down on us something awful. I have this silly folder to fill in...what a waste of time....
  14. LOL... Well now you know ^_^ One bad thing about rain..... My face/clothes get stained blue
  15. I had a quick listen over it and that's the two that caught my ears... Have to have a good listen to it over the weekend. ^_^
  16. rachel must leave... >_>
  17. First I knew about it
  18. I'm not that awesome lol XD
  19. The only thing that really gets on my nerves is having to do the answer machine at work. It's about half an a4 page of text to read in something like 3 mins. And it has to be done on 3 different answering machines
  20. I got my lip pierced and finding it really difficult to eat a large amount so like that's awesome for the diet!
  21. Raining_again loves teh rain my username also comes from above lyrics ^_^
  22. ohhhh noooooo! I've heard this movie is supposed to be terrible. Also the fact jim carey isn't even in it, that definately puts a downer on it for me.
  23. If ever I had depression, it was only ever made worse by meds. (then again everyone responds different to treatment)
  24. Was at work today looking at pay scales....Kinda scaring myself. Currently on the old grade 3 level that entitles me to 12,500ish. So boss reckons we *should* get Band 3 on the new payscales, which would mean we get a 2 thousand pound pay rise If we get Band 2 we'll just get the same money. I doubt it'll happen...Gordon Brown wants to save money on the NHS :P Also talk of a 3% rise every 3 years wtf :/
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