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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Ohh.... 206bw, now i feel outdated with my 205bw's That is one sexy monitor tho! ^_^
  2. Yup you can get it done at a beauticians. Its like wearing mascara only more permanent, comes out in about 6 weeks. Painful if you get the dye in your eye apparently! >_>
  3. The only weird feelings i get are deja vu. Its creepy.
  4. Yeah I was thinking of using one, i'll be going into town tomorrow and having a look for something like this. Hopefully when i get it cut it'll be in a lot better condition too =) Eenuh your hair is gorgeous tho Next colour is blue. Once I get it cut next weekend. I like leaving it just for the sake of it not like falling out. I don't like the idea of using bleach and colour in my hair in the same day. It's a toss up between Electric Blue or Turquoise I've had the turquoise in before, and its a hell of a lot darker than that image...
  5. Aye I'll be the first to admit its not in a great condition these days. Just takes plenty of conditioning =)
  6. That's the two girls on your avatar mr chair? I like the song, and they are a beautiful duo =) Natural beauty as well, not airbrushed, fake tanned or lacking clothes.
  7. I always found English to be really difficult all through high school =( I was getting major fails until i started gcse's and thanks to a good teacher managed to pull it up to a C. (with a lot of bloody work at that) I did intermediate modules and coursework for maths but still managed to pull off an A after the higher exam...and i didn't study. >_>
  8. R_A + camera = bumpage Me an ma frizzzy white hair. Its shocking o_o
  9. Chairdriver: I can confirm it was not you that was targeted on day 2.
  10. He played the game, just like any other gameshow.
  11. I don't want to confirm anything yet, and reveal any good people for the Mafia to slaughter.
  12. Hmm, I watched this. The music at the start was hm, okay i suppose. But the voice holy christ >_> And his gawpy face, i couldn't bear to watch the rest.
  13. Have a good one Echo
  14. I found out who the radio presenter targeted each night until his death.
  15. I have my suspicions. But none of it is 100% rock solid. I investigated a death.
  16. Gotta book an appointment to get my hair cut, gonna go really short, for laughs, and to dye it easier.
  17. The information I have isn't conclusive. Because I've just joined the ranks I'm going to Vote: No Lynch I still have to catch up on 30 odd pages >_>
  18. Aye troubleshooting rarely answers my problem. I had this issue with my pipex address on msn a few times before. It wasn't able to access my contact details. Nothing as specific this time, tho i imagine that's the problem. Microsoft is fail =( edit: CB are you ever not happy? :P I'm jealous of your awesomely hyper personality
  19. Had work today was very boring. Making faces at my workmate while he was on the phone amused me for a while, but he got his revenge. My msn address seems to be somewhat corrupt, i can only get on with my old addy
  20. Yeah i only used guest for mine and then tried with my username and it was the same. Must go on gender and date of birth
  21. They don't look bad to me at all. =) Whoops on the piercings tho =/ Its a good look! I want my hair short now ^_^
  22. 03/07/1986 You are Brown Koala, who is quiet and modest. Edit: Seen as everyone else is doing so: You are Brown Koala, who is quiet and modest. You are graceful and have atmosphere of being rather old fashioned. You don't like conflicts and are a peaceful person. People will not hate you. But you don't get loved passionately by the others either. You tend to have the same kind of relationships with each one of them, and no one becoming special. You don't get too close to anyone. You have great sensitivity, and those who get to know you may find you rather too nervous. You are cautious to people around you, and worry too much about your family and yourself. You are realistic person, and you prefer rationalism to emotional things. Nevertheless, you possess great sensitivity and have sense of beauty. You are very romantic type of person. You also possess natural aptitude to spirituality. Your selfish comment may make you isolated from people around you. If you can control your weakness, you may be able to show your talent that matches the need of the society. If you try to be a perfectionist, you will break the inner balance and may shut yourself in your own dreamy world. You should see things objectively and widen your vision. This will lead to successful life. Once married, you will be a devoted wife, and a mother obsessed with children's education. (i bolded the ones i think are true)
  23. Big ears pft. You have nice hair.
  24. I'm a bit rough with my data storage, so an external drive would be trashed within a week. I think one of them is actually sellotaped together. And it STILL WORKS ^_^ Pretty indestructible in my experience. And no power cables.
  25. My life is pretty much coasting. Its enough work to do just that these days. The age thing is scaring me too.... People my age (coming 22) are getting married and having children o_o
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