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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. That reminds me, at work I do that and it goes: B for ummmmmmm.... Biscuit? oh I'd love a biscuit now! I probably should learn phonetics. At least it gets a laugh from the other person on the phone ^__^
  2. Your graphics card drivers and all are up-to-date? Could be the fact that the game was designed for an older operating system..
  3. Marks out of ten? How the fuck did you manage to get so many fillings?!
  4. I'm 22 in the summer and I don't have much notion to do mine. Did 5 lessons back when i was 18 and stopped due to lack of monies. A car is just another expense I don't really want
  5. I have an iPod that's a good three years old. And still works. That's pretty rare!
  6. I'm still in awe of your fantastic hair
  7. You would think if a woman wasn't getting enough sex, or was being pestered by their other half that they would leave? No??? And why doesn't it work the other way round? women get as jealous too!
  8. Face was next! XD My elbow swelled up twice the size it should be and was purple for weeks I don't own a bike anymore thankfully
  9. I did that and landed on my elbow. I'm an unbelievable klutz. Its scary..
  10. I walked into a lamppost and i wasn't drunk
  11. Hmm that's a fair point. I know a few people that are around my age with arthritis. They find it helps dramatically with their symptoms, and suggested I try it too. The stuff I have to take at the mo is pretty freaking lethal (think chemotherapy lethal) and does very little to help my symptoms.
  12. All this arguing about weed and smoking makes me want a fag
  13. Or as the case may be with the top being backless, no bra at all XD
  14. Easter eggs on offer now that Easter is over! Guillltttyyyy chocolate
  15. Eating chips is the gateway to obesity, drinking alcohol is the gateway to alcoholism, eating sweets is the gateway to diabetes. If that was the case we'd all die after having a very boring life. I've done the ol' pot before, and not ashamed to admit it. I'm not a druggie. I've drunk alcohol (in the past), in quite large sums but I'm not an alcoholic... Infact I very very rarely drink. Self control anyone? Edit: In case anyone wonders why I compare alcohol to pot - They are both drugs, and CAN be as damaging as one another.
  16. It is kinda pointless. I think more people are encouraged by seeing people who already smoke (as I was) ....."hmmm I wonder what's the hype with that, lets give it a go" sorta thing. As Haggis already said, no-ones gonna give up based on the fact they are hidden away =) (For sure I won't!) Oh that duty free say no more :awesome:
  17. Aww the epic beard is gone. Hit by a cricket ball? Yikes, must have been sore to leave that mark on your face
  18. Its not snowed once here. Kinda gutted... but then i look outside and its relatively sunny! yay
  19. Cigarette display ban considered Hmmmm. Opinions?
  20. Using a non-beta release of Firefox and I'm getting the same issue with the scrolling. Web designers are supposed to design their sites around multiple browsers, and make sure they work flawlessly. "your browser sucks" or "Its a flaw in your browser" isn't much of an excuse tbh. Also in much agreement with miss Nightwolf. Due to security and download limits, people can be fussy in what things they download. Also I noticed that you haven't put a title tag. The top of my browser reads "Untitled Document" Other than that its a pretty good attempt.
  21. A copy of Linkin Park's EP, from when they used to be called Hybrid Theory. Unusual. Not really rare as such, but its the closest thing to rare I have
  22. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you do, overdoing something will damage you. Drink, drugs, fatty foods, too much sugar, smoking. Pot is just one of those options.
  23. I did it once or twice...tbh I didn't get much of a buzz. My pot-smoking friends keep suggesting I do for my health problems. haha
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