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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I had 14 acupuncture needles todaayyy ^___^ would have been 16, but since i had surgery on my toe very recently (like Wednesday) she didn't put two there. So basically 2 on each hand, one on each arm (mid way, on the inside.. which is a lot sorer than outside), elbows, 2 on shoulder area, and 2 on my neck JUST below my skull (uber weird) and two on my right foot. She said that needles in your toe are meant to be a good for pain.. I think she meant that they are good for CAUSING PAIN! Aw man it hurt like hell.
  2. The likes of a lan cafe except with consoles would be a great idea. A good idea for an existing lan cafe that wants to expand I suppose. Rental seems like a bit risky mind :/ Too expensive and your pushing away business and too cheap and your not making profit
  3. You'll have an onboard sound card... The newer motherboards (you have a new pc afaik?) have pretty decent ones.
  4. I was joking about the bitch slapping like... honest! I agree with the repetitiveness.. But i'm simple minded and it keeps me amused
  5. We all know that lovely face by now mr arab_freak
  6. *talks to brick wall* Bleach isn't shit... I'll bitch slap you boy
  7. Children, children... calm the heads... the lot of you. I personally cannot wait for Bleach tomorrow. ^___^ BETTER be good to make up for a drought of two weeks let me tell you!
  8. Is the router on its way to internet heaven? Updated drivers recently? Or windows update?
  9. cant go wrong with good old logitech ^^ Linky!(£29.99)
  10. oh oh oh oh motoko kusunagi! Ghost in the shell! Yet to watch that one. But Ell and myself played her in the DIY mafia Purple hair is win, and so is this sig! 9.5366/10
  11. Sexah! I see Topshop in the link, thats where you got them from? Skinny (jealous much)
  12. lol o_w... I'm on your side, I hate dubs... (american accents harhar o_o) But the guy can do what he wants
  13. Nah I don't think i'll be able to, be on anti-TNF therapy by then. I'd feel a bit wick hanging with everyone that is drinking Also that white cards game looks awesome beyond words.
  14. *dances* I got six injections in my toe! Argh! Talk about painful Surgery FTL! I still can't feel my toe its rather funnnn
  15. I stutter when I get nervous more than anything Now that you mention it I get a weird shivery type thing sometimes, s'quite weird :/ I only get nervous around people I don't know, or in large groups.
  16. I think that's pretty accurate. I feel very suffocated and scared when I get them.
  17. We LOVEEEE to hug Coolness B!!! You win for being so happy and awesome
  18. Well I don't take meds for depression or anything, just immune-suppressants have really scary side effects. My panic attacks got so bad I was taking them every night. Luckily I got over that stage but I still have bad nights occasionally where I just have to sleep with the light on or whatever. Not sure why I just get very scared ;_; I'm glad you don't suffer from them too much tho, and I hope the depression goes away =)
  19. That sexy Moogle. Just needs ya username on it ^__^
  20. I think Dante needs a forum hug! I can sympathise with you too my meds fucked my head up and I had some seriously scary panic attacks =(
  21. recovery boot partition on the hdd?
  22. My dads work takes on degree students. (fujitsu siemens) They pay less than 15k for entry level jobs. A lot less. And that's if you can even get a job after uni. Depends where you live, and if there is a need for those jobs in that area.
  23. Latent, but not correct. Whose the bitch now, boy. Pass the spliff thankyouplease! ^___^
  24. Can't! Lose! E! Status! Must! Wait! For! Forum! Quiz!
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