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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. That doesn't surprise me at all, you looked after everyone at the N-E meet, if it wasn't for you it would have been awkward as hell
  2. I blame our council for having the town decorations up on the 4th November. That's Christmas spirit for you.
  3. Yey my life is officially complete!
  4. I dread to think what other people think of me.
  5. Yeah, its important to have things in common, but have differences as well - if a couple did EVERYTHING together, it would only end up driving them apart. I think we all need our own time, or time with different people, to do things the other isn't neccesarily into. But if you have a hobby that is very time consuming, and the other wasnt into it, that could be a problem itself, I think thats what nightwolf and myself were describing. Defo agree with you, flinky.
  6. Yeah I can be like that, sitting on a computer or at a console for hours on end, so it would be a similar situation. And I find gamers have a better compatibilty with me, personality wise.
  7. heh, this is so true! You have to be yourself when you live with someone or its not an honest relationship. ^^
  8. Someone I can talk for hours with about random crap, and someone who can make me laugh. One thing I really cannot stand is men who really overdo deodorant. And I'm not keen on men who are really social, being the complete anti-socialite that I am Looks aren't really a big issue for me. The only thing I like are beautiful eyes
  9. rhydian actually had talent, diana doesn't. Her squawk makes my blood curdle. She has a nice little voice at the beginning of sections then it all goes to pot with that flat dull tone. urrghh. Eoghan may not be the most talented or vocally strong, but he could be with training and a few more years of experience. And the way he is he is at least somewhat pleasant to the ear. Maybe he doesn't really belong in the competition now, but I think he could grow into something quite amazing. gutted that i missed this episode, i even rang my uncle in ze restaurant I was at to find out who went XD Alexandra to win <3
  10. I gots nothin new here
  11. Android, where did you get the dress from? its rather awesome! I bought the new angry video game nerd dvd today ^^
  12. Well I was cleaning my instruments, the cheesecake was in the fridge at the time
  13. I was making some cheesecake today....I got right to the end without any disasters, was quite surprised. Normally i'm a disaster and end up cutting myself XD lifted out some blender parts i was cleaning, and the blade was in the sink. Sliceeeee all teh way down my finger, now im bleeding everywhere. Cheesecake better be bloody worth it!
  14. *nods* it was awesome. Yeah it was a bit stretched out with it being 2 episodes and all, but I still bloody enjoyed it. <3
  15. Me neither. Wordplay and riddles and clue solving was never something I was very good at
  16. Ransacked boots supply of B blond bleach powder and peroxide.. Glucosamine Sulphate tablets - £20 for 60 iirc. (which then set the security alarm off as I left - typical) Boom blox and Dog Island for teh wii.
  17. Yeah I thought the same myself. Hopefully Kenpachi finds out his soul slayers name. That would be awesome, and he'd really kick ass. Thanks for the shippuuden sauce shorteh! <3
  18. Anybody been to woolies today, 50% off (well 10-50% off) the Ballymena store was freakin' packed, like vultures picking off the dead carcass. Fun.
  19. wowsers! colour me impressed. You rock tapedeck!
  20. Happy birthdayyyy! ^___^
  21. This is the thing, lynching a good is only gonna get the mafia closer to a majority. Same goes for non active players.
  22. I got a curtain, hiding behind a curtain. That's all I saw.
  23. I honestly have no idea, lol. *head melts*
  24. I know that Dyson can hide behind things. Suspicious? Didn't really seem that relevant on its own basis. I stand corrected, Maase. Change vote: No lynch
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