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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. You generally need photographic ID, and its specific to official ID, like drivers licence/passport (to travel within the UK) its in the T&C's of whatever flight company you use.
  2. not really. I live in northern Ireland so travelling to the mainland is more than plenty for me. Like I said - my medical difficulties make it hard to travel. I cant do long distance plane travels, sitting in cars/coaches for a long time. I cant walk miles and miles like most people do, so it just would ruin a holiday. And heat would bring on my fatigue. Aren't they like £80 or something these days... and not everyone (working or not) can afford that out of nothing. But then if you can't well you probably can't afford to travel either! :P oooh bitchy Yeah illnesses are pretty shit. Luckily I've travelled all over England, lived in Scotland, and Germany. Had plenty of experiences (like having an apple tree in my garden in germany!) Yeah I've heard of smokers taking the biscuit on smoke breaks, but if a non smoker wants a break its classed as lazy.. Odd how that works. I used to be a smoker - but we are only ever allowed smoke breaks on our official break. So it was a pretty fair system. In the forseeable future. Like I said earlier, I'm not fit to travel now, probably wont get any better. (p.s i've been patronised about not wanting to travel and it wasn't pretty so please don't start it)
  3. Yeah white pepper is pretty rotten... >___________<
  4. And passports are extremely expensive to even get without the travel >_< I don't have one. I don't intend going out past mainland UK so my drivers licence will suffice! (it is very handy having a photographic ID though)
  5. I wish I was a travelling person.. I was brought up travelling, lived in a few countries already. But I have absolutely no intention of travelling. My health problems mean its pretty much a nightmare to travel - I think I'm old before my time. And the small town mentality has slowly seeped into my brain from living here for 13 years. Actually; out of interest, would anyone know the rules about carrying drugs (injections in particular) on a plane?
  6. Well if you lived in an area with a high population of homosexuals, or indeed black people, that would be considered the norm.
  7. dictionary.com Normal: but I think that we are all forgetting.. Normal isn't necessarily something you should want to be.. I'm abnormal and quite proud of that fact.
  8. when I pass i'm getting (read: buying off mum) a green toyota yaris! Yay car buddies! ^___^ *high fives*
  9. Well festivals are one way to spread swine flu... No cleaning, no germ control. Glad I don't really enjoy them :P I blame you all if there is a pandemic ¬___¬
  10. And YT is probably the worst place to watch a film =P
  11. I could do with getting one. Even if its shit its better than wasting money on batteries. I don't think I could ever have the willpower to use it for more than 15 minutes a day anyway :P you get it from amazon tellllstorm?
  12. I can see the majority of us changing to this scheme now....
  13. I went to Ikea (belfast) once before. I found it to be quite the experience. The whole reference numbers thing really fried my head. Oh god. Then the ones that said you had to get assistance with... well there was no fucking assistance to be had. Useful, right? But saying that they do have some awesome basic furniture. And cheap too. Can't complain.. Their food is so so good :3 Meatballs and chips were out of this world. And the person at the till gave me change for a 20 when I gave him a 10..
  14. You need to learn to take a pinch of salt dude, nobody is trying to be nasty Welcome to the forums.
  15. Black pepper isnt like salt, it wont trash your arteries, so he's not doing himself any harm. No need to be nasty, ne
  16. Fuck that. take them to court, don't let this lie, that man could have nearly killed you ¬____¬ 5k is shit all for what you've just had to go through!! What do all your other workmates think?
  17. Just explain to the new girl that the ex may make things uncomfortable, but you had no intentions of causing it, and that you didn't expect her to be invited. That way you don't have to open yourself up to her yet, but let her know that the ex may cause trouble =P
  18. Urgh I hate looking for glasses, I always do the exact same My glasses take a week to do =( my prescription is complex, +3.2 and +2.5 and the left has a rotation too. And I get mine thinned.. (uber expensive!) Have you thought about contacts?
  19. I don't get any hours with anything other than work.. Be a bit more grateful :P
  20. The roles that I (and several others had) I felt were far too advantageous to the town... Hell I found out info on 4 people in 3 days. And the fact there was at least 3 of us made it very unbalanced. But awesome awesome game dude.
  21. This has been bugging me for a while... does Zangetsu have one arm or two?
  22. Vote: rez I have no idea what is going on! >_<
  23. Has the driver been updated? Have you tried checking the settings?
  24. *high five* Dual monitors! 3360 x 1050 is two 1680x1050s
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