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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I can see why you love her! I'm not even a big fan of dogs and I think she's gorgeous!
  2. A dog is for life, not for Christmas. (i'd love to see how much patience you had with a real pooping/barfing/peeing baby)
  3. I just got confused, I don't think I really understand the mental anguish over it, heh. I could think of a few situations of "death" like experiences that i've had. A lot of my medications do funny things, aggravate my migraines, hallucinations, make me intensely sick. Extreme pain from a few injuries. Stuff like that. Sometimes I think about death, not existing and not being, and its a bit weird.... but that's about as strongly as I feel about it. Wasn't my intentions to make you feel bad/guilty. More interest. I'm the one with the physical problems =P mental anguish is as bad as physical imo.
  4. ;_______________________________________; I can't take it anymore!! :( #141 is such a crier
  5. "feel it"? I don't understand.. When you are taking masses of drugs just to cope, and still in considerable pain, maybe then you'll grasp an idea of shortened lifespan. Maybe that's just me. *shrugs*
  6. hahaha truthery! I remember years ago (read: not so long ago) I used to get up at 7am to wake up my sister =P Now I'd be lucky if I can drag myself out of bed at 10am Getting old is sad!
  7. 3 has the best coverage because they have their own network infrastructure for wireless internet. They also have a considerable power over mobile phone contracts because they have the least "strictness" in regards to credit scoring (giving them a bigger market share) Their internet speeds are also dramatically better. Which when speeds are limited (like in places where I live) it makes all the damn difference. And not forgetting that 3g has a linkage to internet speeds via your mobile phone.. as a "mobile broadband" dongle is basically the same thing as a mobile phone minus the device interface. You can text and make calls too. I thought 3 had some sort of alliance with Carphonewarehouse anyway...? (its pretty laughable, looking at the other companies northern Ireland coverage!!! nil!! they forgot we exist?!)
  8. Twiglets are freaking awesome. It's a Bovril thing - you either hate or love.
  9. We have a pets thread - and its even on the first page! Fish are deceptively difficult to keep. If the balance of the water goes they get all sorts of sickness and disease. One of my fish had a huuuuge tumour on the side of it (to the point where it was knocking of the poor things centre of balance) and it died recently. I do love them however. My uncle breeds tropicals and he had 4 tanks full of baby discus fish. So cuuuuute. :3 just like these:
  10. That's a bit harsh... Like I said, there are some good ideas, although not pulled off brilliantly.. there is some potential. I'm trying not to be all negatives here!!!
  11. Take out a half minute of crap material and make a short(er) intro. Claire's reactions seem to be the funniest thing in the whole video. The jokes are delivered badly, you can see that you want to laugh. And they aren't even that good. I did like the "things that are good with salt" idea, should work on and expand that. I suggest you video the actual thing rather than you just saying it. (because that's not funny) Expanding maybe into a bitch fest - think of things that are commonly hated, like bad drivers, the post office, etc The out-takes are a good idea. Sort out the sound -I imagine its not that easy but a thought- and perhaps a better video recorder. I don't really understand why you are quoting this forum when it isn't really attached to your "franchise" in much way. Would be better having your own forum, getting feedback that way and quoting it, or funny moments. And prizes to the best! It could work, but not the way it is. You really need a selling point, something a little more unique than just a comedy "show". Something different that catches your eye. (like how the AVGN is really angry and curses all the time, and reviews retro games) Be a little bit more specific and find your place.
  12. 3?! no way... 3 have a huge market (especially in mobile internet)..
  13. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I woke up this morning and half of my toenail was ripped off. Serious. Pain.
  14. Yeah should hopefully get your leg recovering faster too (improved blood flow and all that!) I need to join a gym, but im completely bollox with classes - i cant do half of the exercises because of my limited range so I think i'll just jump on a bike or rowing machine for half an hour :P New years resolution! (very conveniently there is a leisure centre beside my work, a bit too convenient if you ask me :P) -- On a completely different note - I think I'm going a bit deaf, can't hear what i'm trying to focus on when there's any background noise near me. Like if someone was tapping their fingers beside me, I can't hear anything except that. Its really quite annoying! Another doctors trip it is... maybe after the snow is gone
  15. hehehehe awesome Cursing and everything?! Good times!
  16. oh wow that sounds fun! We have similar over here but its basically just standing in a shallow pool (aqua-aerobics) I say go for eeeet. You might meet some new people!
  17. eep! at least you managed to get control again.. Thankfully most of our main roads are okay, but everything else is a disaster. The snow has compacted and basically turned to hard ice. Very scary!
  18. As far as I know you can cancel a contract at any time but you have to pay the full term of the contract (ie the bills that are remaining) and upgrade dates don't count
  19. Probably. Although neither will be perfect. You could spend a lot of dosh on a really good one and it would only be fractionally better. (because its being throttled by your internet or the software package using it) You could definitely do with not using the sound integrated into the webcam because they are usually poor quality.
  20. Aw she seems lovely. Perhaps its a good thing that you are still friends. You know you will always have that friendship, wereas relationships aren't always certain.. and can end up bitter.
  21. to be fair not everyone watches what seems to be mostly crap films (no offence to her like)
  22. Got it in one rummeh! people seem to be quoting aspects of games rather than an entire game, or have not played any games that are similar. It's all good though, unique parts of games are sometimes what make them! Lets face it, there are SO many games on the market that its very difficult to find one that's COMPLETELY unique in every way.
  23. I knew a 30 year old woman who died (like in real life, shock horror). So i'm certainly not laughing at that! Your daft humerous way of posting makes me chuckle, that's all the thanks were for! Seems a bit pointless creating threads over every minor celeb dying.. We'd have this forum clogged up with shit if that were so. Yeah it does suck that she died. Yes a lot of people are thinking about how her family must be suffering. And that will be the entire contents of this thread.
  24. I know the meaning of Christmas is debatable but I don't think that is it wesley!
  25. surely you should know that there is "radio safe" or radio friendly versions of nearly every single released :P
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