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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I'm liking the cat pics =P I dont have any pets (my mum wont have them) but my next door neighbours cat likes me =P Every time I reverse up the drive in my car she's waiting there for me! she's gotten into waiting for me in the morning too, just here:
  2. Tools for getting rid of the evidence Murr? :P
  3. I used to, thats one bad habit I managed to kick forever (well 3/4 years and counting!)
  4. I'm addicted to destroying myself. Eating crap, eating obsessively healthily, smoking, drinking, or just pushing myself too hard at the gym. I get cycles of those. It's always the extremes, I have no balance in my life at all I'm obsessed with having a lack of control. The thought of doing something or going somewhere unknown scares me so much.
  5. Yeah I just feel like I could easily sleep my life away. I was fatigued before the bowel thing, as it comes with arthritis... but now its just a totally different ball game. I use most of the weekend to catch up on my sleep and my parents are ALWAYS having a go at me for being lazy, despite knowing about all this stuff. My GP was great, she referred me straight away to a gastro, but its them i seem to be having the issue with. The doctor was foreign, and I had great difficulty conveying how I felt to him. He was just asking questions and I felt like he was going down a checklist of yes/nos that anyone with no medical knowledge could do!! He didn't ask about my previous medical history/when it started/any other symptoms I was concerned about. And because I was having a relatively good day bowels wise, I probably wasn't presenting any symptoms when he had a poke at my tum. He said I probably have IBS, but even I can see that i'm not presenting with the symptoms for it. I'm getting a colonoscopy but that seems to be a huge wait. I'm struggling to keep up at work, been referred to occupational health (who I'm sure will yap the face off me for not keeping up) and I just feel completely crap about myself and the whole thing. my parents yap, my friends don't understand, my sister is incredibly cruel, my doctors don't listen... I'm a disappointment to everyone. I just feel like giving up completely
  6. Aw dyson, sure you know all the awesome people pass second time!! *loads of hugs*
  7. I'd be pretty pissed if that happened to me too Murr! Good luck with the job thing, hopefully its good news =P
  8. I have to agree here, the "gel" covers you get are smooth and strong, yet flexible. I just haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate the sticky feeling of rubber covers, and the fact that all the dust/hairs/rubbish of the day sticks to them! The solid plastic type ones do shit all to protect your phone as well.
  9. Its a unionist celebration in N.Ireland which to me represents all of the bad feelings between the unionists (ones who want to stay as part of the UK) and the nationalists (who want Ireland to be as a whole) Lots of flute bands, bonfires, and drunken louts.
  10. Urgh. Noisy people. It's late. I'd like some peace. Bloody 12th July!
  11. That really annoys me when these "phychic" people take advantage of vunerable people and tell them they can talk to their dead relatives.
  12. Raining_again thinks that mccoy is ace and wishes him a very happy birthday =P
  13. Woooooo josh rocks! Happy birthday!
  14. How tall are you? P.S Tall guys are awesome don't you be thinking otherwise mister!
  15. Agh! (i'd be offended if someone said that to me lol) It can be both genetics and environment. Apparently it helps if you live in a place where the water is full of flouride when your teeth are growing in (i grew up in north scot and had loads) but if you're dispositioned to have bad teeth you just will, no matter what =( I wasn't especially great to my teeth as a kid (bit sloppy with brushing, although i brush 2xday now) and they dont seem to have suffered in any way. I think that was the only good genetics I recieved!
  16. Yeah I get that a lot, well did, with my psoriasis. I thought I was the only one who shuddered at the thought! Definitely not having kids. Gonna be the local cat lady I reckon! And can you get me laser eyes plz kkthanx xx

  17. better during the day than during the night when you're trying to sleep! We've had some awful ones in, one family had a son that was in a rock band, and he was throwing furniture around the house at 3am. (semi detached too!!) We've got some foreign ones in now (a couple) - the fella is lovely but the poor lady doesnt know one bit of english!!
  18. anime list doesnt quote a length but I can't imagine it being massively long (without too many spoilers lol)
  19. hehe sounds awesome, i hope they have special powers of evil, or something. :heh:

  20. They are all pretty awesome n stuff, but where the hell do you keep them? =P (nice skillz btw dude)
  21. yeeeaaah baby
  22. High School of the dead is brilliant so far. Panty shots! Deadly enemies! Violence and blood! What more does an anime need? Looks like an interesting plot too i was also gutted about lack of naruto shippy
  23. Yeah I had the double but I had no bowel problems previous. I thought the episode was just a passing tummy bug (we all get those right? lol) but after 2 weeks I was starting to worry.. My symptoms weren't normal. On that bad bad episode I was *going* up to 20x a day, day and night!! and I still have issues where I have to get up in the middle of the night even now. I've noted the things I eat and resulting pain, seems like a diet with carbs and minimal fat makes me very very sick. Somehow I seem to tolerate a diet higher in fat, oddly. But I do think that there is a huge variation between different cases. Doctor thought mine could potentially be IBS, but I dont get the same reactions ALL of the time. Some days I can get away with eating stuff, yet others my body just feels so awful and he happened to be examining me on one of those "better" days. I just hate how it TAKES SO FUCKING LONG to get any form of diagnosis or help. I had my initial appointment bloody ages ago and i'm still waiting for an appointment for the biopsy. Oh yes I wanted to ask you; do you get passing phases of complete and utter.... phasing out? Like brain fog... as if you can't will yourself to move/think/do anything. It seems to hit me smack on about 3pm every single day >___>
  24. AS long as you don't steal jaysevens eyes, because that would be worse! x

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