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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Trust me when I say the Classic Controller is the best Classic Controller Nintendo has ever made. Its so worth the money.com
  2. Aha. I didnt think it was every friday.
  3. Why do you think tomorrow is the day for new VC releases?
  4. I think 1 hand is more fun. Maybe if you could increase the sensitivety or something, or being able to decide your own neutral position beforehand, it might improve things. Also, the menu system could be the worst evar. There is not much hope for people designing a menu system that sucky.
  5. I think the only thing ridiculous with the control scheme is the angle you have to hold the controller in order to move forward. It makes things more complicated. Going back to anologue stick control doesnt seem like an option to me. The Wii way is much more funny.
  6. I would like to suggest that many boards = more posts being overlooked by people. And fewer boards = more posts getting attention by more people.
  7. The angle of wich you have to hold the controller in order for the monkeys to move forward feels a bit awkward.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPYatiU6Xko
  9. Most likely they want more friidom to experiment with their own ideas.
  10. 2006 wasnt the bestest of years. And there will probably be more people playing and enjoying Wii Sports any other game on that list.
  11. Tenacious D. Very funny and entertaining. The music is great. 4/5
  12. I thought Hyrule Field looked great, but kinda hard seeing from behind the horses ASS.
  13. Happy New Year! Its going to be the best year ever! For sure!
  14. Everyone knows Panasonic has got the longest lasting batteries.
  15. 10 pack cheap ass batteries from IKEA.
  16. Do you think there is too much problem solving in Zelda and that more "snowboarding" type "mindless" gameplay would be fun?
  17. Fire rockets in all the wrong directions and battling the elvish language.
  18. I think you should go with a easier rating system, since one point up or down doesnt matter much in the 0-10 system. Anyway, I will try rating Sonic. A classic game, with great controls, and good level design. The sense of speed is brilliant. 4/5
  19. Maybe they are just concidering it. Also I wish they stop wasting time on sequels.
  20. Antarctica. Maybe I will get some rest there.
  21. The more simplistic dungeons were the most funniest I think. Too complex level design can hurt the overall enjoyment. I also like to see a more un-linear progression, as well as the possibility to take several paths when moving to a destination, in the next game.
  22. It would be funny if he got run over by a stolen car. Oh how I would giggle.
  23. I think they tried to squeze too many things/events into the game, and therefore it might feel a bit rushed.
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