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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. So this rules out instant messages.
  2. Well I can see why she thought that was a good idea. Oh wait, I cant.
  3. Very cool sig motion2000. Have anyone else noticed the Midna looking statues in Arbiters Grounds?
  4. The revolution is coming, meaning the Wii will sell like sh**cakes to a bigger market than ever! And people are being impatient, probably because they expect very much from it. Yet I dont think they quite realise what Nintendo is about to do.
  5. Even if evrybody was good, there would have to be someone at the bottom of the list. And if everyone sucked, someone would be at the top.
  6. If that thing looks half decent, there willl be a lot of sweaty nerds fondling it.
  7. Is walking upside down from us. Hooo!
  8. The thought of them making the perfect boxing simulator doesnt sound too good at all.
  9. Geeks have dirty minds.
  10. Or we should not trust Wii UK? I havent heard anyone else commenting the graphics in SSX Blur quite like that. Im just asking.
  11. Conspiracy Entertainment indeed. According to Gamerankings, Ex Zeus scored a measly 50%, making the possibility for this being a quality game small. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920792.asp?q=ex%20zeus
  12. Yep I used my Wii. Its subsausage.
  13. Part of the body is a good idea. We should make a new thread.com
  14. Some games that uses the telephone line for information sharing.
  15. And happy birthday!
  16. Who wants to play MMOs anyway? Only a bazillion people. And I think Miyamoto is goin to unveil some new channels and online info at GDC.
  17. Ultimate. O_o
  18. Cool substeinar cake.
  19. So if the Cube had more "childish" titles than the others. Could that mean more childish titles = less sales? Wow, what an amazing conclusion.
  20. I think a dual-core Wii 2 is on the cards. What it needs more though is RAM, as evident in the latest Oblivion downscaling for PS3 scandal.
  21. Jordan is turned on.
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