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Everything posted by ThePigMarcher

  1. Damn Viper , that is some serious good taste you have there , and you beat me to it this time . Have most of Korns albums , loved the debut and I am one of the few that loved 'Untouchables' , but the rest were OK. Currently going through the NWOAHM phase and cannot stop listening to Killswitch Engage , Shadows Fall , Unearth , Lamb of God , God Forbid , As I Lay Dying , Atreyu , Avenged Sevenfold , Trivium , Caliban , Chimaira and Throwdown , all pretty much listed by Viper. Also love Raging Speedhorn , Haunted , Mastodon , Machine Head , Tool and Monster Magnet. Also love a lot of industrial stuff , and gothic too (got a serious thing for Lacuna Coil at the moment). Plus a lot of the 'classic' rock bands. Pretty much any metal/rock band over the last twenty odd years will do me.
  2. I usually go though about 15-20 roll ups day , and have smoked for most of my life. I would love to give up but can't - so to anyone thinking of trying , its up to you but take it from me , there is a bloody good chance you'll wish you never tried.
  3. What has surprised me even more is how come no-one thought about this sooner even though I certainly did not foresee it. Maybe the technology just was not there. It dawned on my earlier whilst my missus was messing around with Mario Kart . I noticed how much she was moving the controller to get around a corner instead of using the analogue stick , and I realised that quite a few gamers do this subconciously anyway. Maybe Nintendo realised this and just expanded on the idea ( I am not criticising them either cos I love the idea).
  4. GoonFace - Restore Points - Periodically your computer will save all your files and configurations and stores these on your hard drive. These settings can then be used if you ever need to go back in time (so to speak) after installing a bad program or running into a virus. Thing is you will not know your system has set a restore point (often called system check points) and over time these things accumulate , as it can happen daily. To see your restore points go to all programs > accessories > systyem tools , and then there is an option for system restore. You do not really need to access this for cleaning the drive , but it has handy for knowing how many there are on the system. Hope this explains a bit (although I am sure a PC geek could explain this a lot better than me). Before doing the clean-up its worth making sure your system is running smoothly with no problems , because once the restore points are gone you cannot back-up in case of problems (although using the above will allow you to create your own restore points. Clearing the restore points is easy , when you run the disk clean-up , click on more options , and it will have an option 'clean up all but the most recent restore point' just click this. Dont worry if it appears that nothing is happening , because depending on how many points there are , it could take a few minutes. Then just run the disk clen-up as usual.
  5. I was one of many others who initially thought WTF , but after reading more about it and seeing the video , I soon came to realise the possibities for this thing are mind-blowing. Personally I cannot wait to get my mitts on this thing now. Nintendo really need to show that video when it comes to marketing because I fear that many others will just see the controller and have similar initial reactions that many here seemed to have.
  6. Has got to be the black one for me - I am afraid I have gothic tendancies ***awaits backlash***
  7. ThePigMarcher here , I was always reading the last forums but only signed up in its last few weeks. Intend to hang around here , as its all good and my Nintendo obsession is worsening. Incidently , regarding the username , if anyone cares, I love Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral album , and ThePigMarcher seemed a logical name especially with the Charlie Manson connections. The clues in the signature anyway.
  8. Have you removed all the previous restore points , might be obvious ,but I know a few people that didn't realise how much space these things take up.
  9. Currently replaying Wind Waker and OOT (ce) and Resi 4. Also trying to get through Baten Kaitos , I like it but it has not really grabbed me yet. I intend to return to both Metroid games soon as I never got round to completing them. I still also find myself playing MVP Baseball 2005 and F-Zero every day. Christ , I think I am still spending too much time on the Cube , is there life outside ?
  10. Shadows Fall - The Power of I and I Chimaira - Nothing Remains NIne Inch Nails - Getting Smaller Caliban - Goodbye Trivium - A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation
  11. With the recentish releases of Killer 7 and Resident Evil 4 I don't believe that 'mature' content will be a particular problem. Obviously , the biggest problem is getting the 3rd parties on board , but , on seeing/reading some initial reactions from these people I think even their support is virtually guaranteed (as long as Nintendo remove some of its bullish licensing issues). As for 1st party support , the lacklustre sales of the crimianally under-rated 'Eternal Darkness' with Silicon Knights may prevent Nintendo themselves attempting such a venture. The so-called child-like content of Nintendo's games is surely part of their charm. Personally , I believe this whole mature content thing is over-rated , I have fully enjoyed my Gamecube experience and do not feel that I have missed anything of importance on the rival machines. Don't forget Nintendo are attempting to distance themselves from their rivals (thank god IMO , gaming was getting stale) , so how this will affect their future plans remains to be seen.
  12. Interesting theory Yen , especially as the Japanese are notorious for the leads being too short.
  13. Nice Love the idea of a Pilotwings follow up , that has been sadly missing for far too long. A new Soul Caliber would also be great , slashing the controller widly should be fun , as a bonus make sure the mother-in-law is sitting next to you (just in case you thrash about too madly - double the damage , bonus).
  14. Have just finished watching the conference and all I can say is OMFG. I have been playing games since my early teens (some 20 years ago) , and even now Nintendo can inspire such excitement and enthusiasm. I honestly do not remember being this excited about a console for ages (if ever) , and if the developers can match that excitement then gaming will truly be revolutionised. This child-like excitement is something I believe only Nintendo can provide , and long will I remain a fan. All I want now is a launch date !!
  15. I was a little disappointed at first , but after giving it some thought I realised that the possibilities this system offers are just incredible and I love it now. This really is what gaming needs to truly become next-gen , although I also realise that its success is going to be down to publishers ability to use/adapt to the controller. Lets hope that this can happen , I am sure Nintendo have it covered (why else would they come up with this concept) but with 3rd parties this remains to be seen.
  16. Gamespot have posted a detailed hands-on at http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-23521-2567-x-x-x
  17. More detailed pics are available now on gamespot , apologies if delayed but my browser has slowed to a crawl. That thing looks intriguing though.
  18. IGN are currently sort of transcripting the speech , nothing major yet - and the page is very slow
  19. Saw that too , was also really impressed with that. I am sort of hoping the shape is similar to the Cube's controller because that thing is just so comfortable.
  20. Very impressive job , as sleek as the Revo itself
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