Yup. It will ruin the experience! Especialy in FPSs. I hope you can configure your hand in the console (or store it in the wiimote, whatever) e games will use it as default.
What's the deal with that? Link was THE LEFT HANDED HERO and now he's just a hero? WTF!? Someone should sue Nintendo!
Link IS left handed!
The controls should be for left handed people!
Miyamoto is left handed too! How can he let that happen?
What do you think? Do you think that they're rushing PS3, making it TOO advanced for it's release date? This can't be good. There will probably be a lot faulty hardware, bugs, etc.
Including 2 wii motes is the best thing nintendo can do for marketing it. People will prefer to play with someone than to have several diferent controlers.
If Wii ships with 2 wiimotes and Wii Sports it will sell much more than if it comes with wiimote+classic controler and no games.
LOLOLOL! The steering wheel is just a bit of plastic to put the wiimote on! LOL!!!
No extra feautures, nothing... it will feel very strange to hold that in the air (more than without that thing)!
About the game: It looks real bad!
See this: http://media.cube.ign.com/media/545/545832/imgs_1.html <- GT Cube. Same thing + controller update?
I don't want to run copied games on it, but I want to run homebrew. It won't be easy, but not that hard either.
I do think that people will start by trying to hack the virtual console.
I remember seeing official pictures stating that the wiimote shakes. The combination of the speaker and the rumble (even being very week because of the batterys) must be really cool.
They make it sound so big.
I wonder what it is... Microsoft generaly just anounces things without much hype. Maybe sony decided to split Dual Shock 3 in 2 parts... and both will be sensible do movement... that leaves Nintendo, or... something else?
You don't talk like a "female"... you're weird!
Using the the wiimote and the nunxaku thingy as reins would look cool, but it would be better if you could move the horse the old fashined way... like a car with auto gears
Just rembember that there are standards, and it will work on your TVs the best the engineers can make it work. Don't try to understand how it works, unless you study electronic engeniering
I can imagine something like:
14/9: Wii will be relased xxx of xxx in America and Japan;
15/9: Wii will be relased yyy of yyy in Europe;
16/9: Wii will be relased in Japan for zzz yen;
17/9: Wii will be relased in Europe for € aaa;
18/9: Wii will be relased in America for $ bbb;
19/9: Game ccc will feature ddd;