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Everything posted by xernobyl

  1. I'm left handed and I hate it's position. The controler must be symetrical! Anyway I doubt that that's a real button.
  2. The smoke looks good. Not the fire. In fact it looks so good that makes the rest of the picture look bad.
  3. It iz zeh sicret rail gan!
  4. Fine. Oil and parts. Do you know that Samurai Jack fights robots just because it was the only way that Genndy could make it violent?
  5. They should also mention that nintendo also has a Hammer smashing action game (with hopefuly lot's of blood).
  6. It's not that I'm always searching but I only found out Bombermanland today! I don't remember of seeing any thread about it. I found it on this video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1636956545939059633&q=Wii It's in the last 20 seconds. In the video you can only see Bomberman shooting something. Is there any directfeed video of it somewhere? EDIT: Here's another video. It doesn't look very bombermanish: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-315201546441447885&q=bombermanland
  7. Non-wankers crap. Maybe their penises are too small/light. It's not like the wiimote weights >1kg. Just so you know.
  8. Show some (official) information on that subject...
  9. I find that completly sensless. Working with shaders is has easy as coding anything else. If their developers can't understand a few math papers, then they should hire guys that can solve diferential equations.
  10. From far as I'm concerned I rarely find good films on cinema! Only american shit. The DVD's are a bit better, but the imports are expensive, and there's always that special TV Channel that show good indy films.
  11. Don't you just hate the american Snes controler? Purple buttons...
  12. Since when 20 months is short for a team of ~100 persons and a game of this kind??? :|
  13. The shifting part is actualy understandable. A console (or computer as they call it now) like PS3 requires a huge amount of work (just look at MGS4), while a console like Wii does not require that big effort, so it's a lot Cheaper to produce for it. And that means more proffit. And more profit means more beer. And game developers like beer. See what I mean?
  14. Yamauchi will never let Nintendo be bougth.
  15. 1GHz = 1000MHz Giga stands for 10^9 (or 1000000000). Not 1073741824. That only happens in bytes since bytes work in base 2. See this for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giga
  16. "They're different chips for different platforms and different uses. I don't think it's a fair comparison to put them on a chart [to analyze]. That's not what it's all about... I think if you focus on the capabilities that the chip will have for the average consumer, with the amazement and wow factor, I think that's the value that we bring." They're GPUs how hard can they be to compare!?! It's not like comparing a cow to a UFO! This CPU is slower and has a better power consumption so it can't be compared to this one that does not. Or something like that.
  17. Does it really matter to you what's inside? Does it matter to you that your playing on a 3ghz other than a 3mhz? Why do you care if you're not developing for or reverse-engineering it? The only hardware gamers should care about is if the controler is ergonomical or not! That's your job as gamers! Just wait for it to get out.
  18. Mine works like that. It's from my neighbour.
  19. PAL 60 progressive scan (720*576@60) it's Wii's theoretical max resolution. It's good enough for anyone. You can check wikipedia's article on PAL or NTSC, or even SECAM, but they're all pretty technical for most of you
  20. xernobyl


    About the name "Wii" it only sounds bad in English speaking countrys. I never thought of relationing "Wii" with piss... if that was true you, english speakers, wouldn't call "we" to the 1st person of the plural. You could call it "wu" or something. I doubt the virtual console will be region locked.
  21. I don't know what was the first fully 3D game, but a Star Wars arcade game was one of the firsts. There was also Elite for Commodore 64... The only right thing he says is that PCs are obsoleet.
  22. pedrocasilva: Não tens mais nada para fazer??? You can do everything without shaders... but not as fast. "a deepness in the sky" has bloom, and it was done way before PS1.0 standard was created. Even earlier demos (1997) on AMIGA had bloom, it can be seen on some TBL works. I've seen some things about gamecube's architecture a while ago, and it's a really good architecture for graphics, while xbox and ps2 have a standard pc like architecture.
  23. You realize that's normal, right? It's normal for a company to register a lot of domains to avoid shit. Specially when http://www.gamecube.com was a porno site.
  24. I predicted a microfone there, since gamecube had one, and also DS has one. The Wii mote is the new swiss army knife! I hope they add a scisor to it!
  25. My laptop also has a slot like dvd and I've read in the manual that it doesn't read 8cm disks, so I won't try. But I really want to know what happens.
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