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Everything posted by DazDude

  1. picked up 3 mii's on my travel to/and at work today (Airport ftw) I love taking my 3ds out of my bag to see the green notification light lit!
  2. A bit of semi related Doctor Who news, The Doctor is now a daddy (Well David Tennant at least) Linky
  3. I picked this one up in gamestation to match my aqua blue - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Licensed-Mini-Elite-Transporter/dp/B004J1BC3K/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1301193513&sr=8-13 (also available in black - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Licensed-Mini-Elite-Transporter/dp/B004J15I8K/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1301193547&sr=8-3)
  4. Quite Surprised nobody posted this yet!
  5. New trailer here guys http://www.pokemon.co.jp/special/hgss/special/movie.html Looks like you can now see your Pokémon use HM moves in the field
  6. Had a run through of the tutorial mode this afternoon, which is pretty helpful in teaching you how to do various tricks and movements and showing you what to press and when, After that I attempted a race and also did some downhill snowboarding on the really tall mountain which you can only get to by Helicopter, I then did a few tricks on my way down. I am really enjoying this game so far
  7. Picked up this surprisingly decent game yesterday after hearing positive reviews about it, and needless to say I think they were right. Initial thoughts from what I've played so far are great use of the Balance Board and the controls on the Wiimote & Nunchuck are pretty tight too. Graphically the game is pretty pleasing especially when you change the settings to Night. The game is pretty accessible with a variety of different modes, challenges, tricks to pull off. If your looking for a more down to earth game than Shaun White or SSX this is a decent enough title to pick up Thoughts?
  8. Well as far as I'm aware it was doing the same thing on my old TV so it rules the TV out as far as I'm concerned, I have contacted Ninty and from what they suggest it sounds like something they need to take a look at, so I think I shall send it off to them after christmas is over and done with.
  9. Having an odd problem here, Have recently started to notice when playing some of my games and on the wii menu I'm getting what can only be described as random black pixels, thing is its more noticeable on some games than others, For example on Sonic Unleashed its extremely noticeable as pretty much ruins the gameplay picture most of the time, where as something like Mario Kart I barely think I've noticed it. Though Wii Music only appears to have a tiny bit of it so I can't for the life of me work out what's wrong, I have yet to try using the HD cable on another family members TV as I only use the standard def cable as my TV is not HD. failing that I think its gonna have to be sent off to Ninty for analysis
  10. Having checked my local gamestation this evening as far as I can tell multiformat Sonic Unleashed is now £19.99 Needless to say I picked it up for said price
  11. Note the 'not' so sonic screwdriver :P
  12. Yep, That was certainly Hell March not bad considering we had some C&C3 music in the last series
  13. I'm a bit mixed about GAME and Gamestation here myself, yes both are quite small though I think Gamestation tends to be busier. However I usually buy games from GAME, though Gamestation have a much larger selection when it comes to official merchandise.
  14. I mentioned a little while ago about not being able to find random battles on the Wifi connection, I've found it can be fixed by turning off the smash service and then turning it back on
  15. Is anyone having trouble finding random people to play with using the NWFC since I accepted the agreement thing it asks you and then when I go to random it doesn't find anyone, which is odd given the amount of people that surely have brawl by now?
  16. Used to enjoy word games when I was a bit younger so board games used to be a case of Scrabble and Boggle, Though other game wise I used to enjoy Connect 4 and also Pacman! (Which I still have somewhere)
  17. I Thought I recognised the music from one of my games but at that point in time couldn't think what. Otherwise was an awesome episode :awesome:
  18. Seeing this thread did make me wonder where my original thread had been shunted to ... ANYWAY.. This is one game i'm looking forward to, however GAME apparently told me it was delayed last week so this is certainly news that it is available online. But at £25 it certainly seems a bargain. so I look forward to hearing what peeps think of it before I go ahead and order it. DazDude
  19. Yes but like I said thus far have had no problems whatsoever!
  20. After getting tired of replacing Batteries a couple of months ago, I brought a docking station from Gamestation for about £14.99 iirc and have had no problems thus far as I simply put them back on the charger when I have finished playing so their fully charged the next time I play! though I can't say i've heard anything about them killing your wiimote.....
  21. I haven't received a letter yet either and I'm also not sure how many Wii's the local GAME store is getting. I do know that I'm about 32nd in the reserve list though
  22. I've just tried that proggy and it gives some extremely wierd but Cool feelings with some of those presets definately recommend using it.
  23. Could someone actually explain how something like this could actually be made into a worthwhile anime/movie or whatever because it baffles me as the game doesn't really have any sort of plot that would translate well to an anime but heh thats just my thoughts
  24. *drools* Galaxy
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