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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Tube is 10 minutes between Paddington and Earl's Court but assume a bit of extra time to get on the train + walk to the ground, 20-25 minutes in total like Dcubed said.
  2. The Cave, great fun if you like puzzle/platform/adventure games
  3. How many Gracie fashion checks do you need to pass to unlock the Emporium? I've passed two so far.
  4. Sandboxed areas, an empty sky, ridiculous hand holding, a bland soundtrack, forgettable dungeons, generally poor boss battles and horrible linearity. I loved it but it had some serious flaws.
  5. I doubt that very much. They gave Skyward Sword a 10 after all.
  6. Why not? It doesn't matter how old the game is, it still stands up quality-wise today, and the improvements have done just that, improved it. The main criticism of the original was the final quarter of the game, and that's now been remedied.
  7. This game needs to get 10 in EDGE, I'll be really disappointed if it doesn't. Not that it matters much I suppose.
  8. Yes I too have no idea where this 'the terrain is flat' comes from, very strange! That's because the person controlling it tilted the right analog stick upwards, instead of just side to side.
  9. Did you find that on a website for 12 year olds? This. And just in case Wii hasn't opened his eyes yet, maybe he'll believe Lord Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=when+does+autumn+begin
  10. I think the age gap explanation is very plausible to be honest, the E3 artwork didn't look anything like in-game Link. Anyway I'm sure we'll get finalised art closer to the game's release.
  11. These cutscenes he mentions sound intriguing. I'm having a hard time imagining them doing fully 3D animated clips at eye level but then what else could it be given what Aonuma says about them not being possible from top down. I'm also getting a little sick of that Hylian shield, would have been nice if they kept the ALTTP design just to change a bit.
  12. That's a really good article, definitely worth a read (if a bit too much pointless waffle). The game is looking and sounding glorious. I love the idea of interactive landscapes and trapping up to 5 Goombas in the pipe made me chuckle: Not jumping to conclusions, being biased and having a closed mind, also helps.
  13. Sigh, how can this title be called anything but 3D? All of these levels could be lifted from a Galaxy game, minus the gravity mechanic.
  14. Define proper Mario title? This will no doubt get rave reviews and be fantastic fun to play, which is the whole point of games. They're getting an audience who wouldn't go near a Galaxy-style game used to 3D Mario with this bridge title, before dropping a Galaxy game on us down the line. 3D World will be better at raising the Wii U install base, which is pretty vital at the moment.
  15. I'd love to be able to turn off 'Yeah' notifications. Fed up of asking a question and then having someone pointlessly 'Yeah' it, the most frustrating thing about it.
  16. Looks alright, not exactly Nintendo's finest work ever but it'll do IMO. Two Marios on the cover is a little surreal though.
  17. Web browsers are there on smartphones because they're hugely useful. And anyway, the Miiverse website adapts to a smartphones' screen size, so it's easy to navigate. A dedicated app wouldn't look much different. Now if you'd have said a dedicated app would be much cooler, then I'd agree
  18. Exactly what I was going to say. Other than that looks fantastic.
  19. It's probably legit, bit odd having the same character twice though, I would never have thought Nintendo would do something like that but it does show off the cat suits + that this is a regular Mario game that you know and love.
  20. They really really really have to bring back the Deku leaf in Zelda Wii U. Just seeing those gifs of Link floating as his magic metre pings down... stunning and magical in equal measure. Actually the Forbidden Woods was my favourite dungeon in the game, so beautiful.
  21. Holy fuck those gifs are incredible. Give me this art style over bland, grey/brown "realistic" Zelda ANY DAY. By all means deprive yourself of one of the greatest games ever made, for some silly and childish reasoning or because you think you're taking a stand. Believe me it's completely and laughably, your loss. Then you would be wrong. Grazza and I as just two examples consider The Wind Waker as our favourite Zelda, and in my case, it's my favourite game of all time.
  22. It's not a question of time and effort, it's that that isn't how Nintendo operate, with reputation and downgrading people. Can you imagine them explaining that in their next Nintendo Direct! And anyway, they already have taken steps to sort out the drivel, it's called the Popular posts tab.
  23. Stunning screens, stunning game. This was such a great moment:
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