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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. It's pretty clear this game needs more time. A lot more time but unfortunately Nintendo need a big game out around Xmas. I'm not too worried about the controls, his review of the visuals was pretty scathing though, and rightly so. The game needs a huge amount of work in that department even if the dull N64 art style has probably already been decided on.
  2. You're absolutely right, very depressing thought.
  3. Given the lack of meaty single player story driven games on Wii U I would have just as happily taken another Starfox Adventures style game. A nice 30 hour single player storyline to get lost in.
  4. And maybe populate the environments a bit more, ok WAY more.
  5. All is forgiven Ninty, that packaging and book look lovely
  6. Unless it's DLC for Destiny, then that's ok obv.
  7. The game seems fun, I think the big issue for most people is the visuals. They're frankly shocking and not just the textures or art style, but the environments just feel empty. Obviously gameplay is king and that's what matters, but it's hard to get past the dated look.
  8. That sounds great, looks like the online/sharing aspect is being done properly.
  9. One is an iterative driving sim, the other is a story-driven RPG.
  10. Joy. I'm talking about a Skylanders/Disney Infinity style game that ties together the Nintendo universe in an arcadey platformer/shooter/RPG/whatever using amiibo you already have. Not an Animal Crossing party game that forces you to buy dedicated new ones.
  11. Sony and Microsoft show their vision for the next few years. Nintendo chose to show what's coming out in the next 9 months. It was an obvious tactic, and I'm sure they have a vision beyond that. Unfortunately the quality simply isn't there. Let's be fair here, Sony have very little coming in the next 6 months. After that however there seems to be a great deal. It wouldn't have changed anything. Sure a few fans might have been appeased but the quality still wouldn't have been there. The party game Animal Crossing that no one asked for, the middle finger mulitiplayer spin off Metroid that no one asked for, the dated looking Starfox, the lack of a dedicated amiibo game....
  12. So much colour! The demo they showed on stage looked absolutely fantastic tbf. Good to hear they're not half-arsing the collection, I'll definitely pick it up with a PS4 in a few months.
  13. Selling a PC I hardly use to fund both. I'd only get one but there are exclusives on both sides I'd love to play.
  14. It's happened a number of times, you changing your tune from day to day in a very obvious way. Credit where credit is due, the other two had impressive conferences and Nintendo most certainly did not. That's not swapping sides, it's being observant and objective. AAA gaming on PS/XB is still samey, iterative and shooter obsessed but there was enough other things of interest to tempt me into investing.
  15. I've just read this thread back and you're absolutely right! From what I've noticed, @dazzybee seems to do this all the time. One opinion on something one day, then completely the opposite view on the same thing a couple of days later. I spent £800 on a gaming PC about 6 months ago, I'm planning on selling it and getting a PS4 and Xbox One with the money. Just can't get into pc gaming.
  16. That's different, no one was desperate for those games because they come to every platform. Fans have been very vocal about wanting a new Metroid for years, and then they finally give us this fugly spin-off. It's a massive kick in the balls. We wait ten years for a new console Star Fox and that's what they give us? Now granted the game will be a lot of fun but what have they been doing for the last decade?? How can the visuals look so terrible? I take your point though about circumstance and perspective, but man, Nintendo are their own worst enemy at times.
  17. Is the Uncharted Collection just a straight port of the PS3 games or did they improve the visuals? The four games look fun and are tempting me to get a PS4.
  18. It's not about which game releases before which other game. It's about fanservice. Knowing your fanbase, giving them what they want and keeping them entertained. Everyone wanted Retro to do a Metroid game two years ago, instead it was another DK platformer a few years after their previous one. People are desperate for a Metroid game, so they give them a half-arsed multiplayer arena shooter with a Metroid title that may as well not even be there. It's just detached from reality. I'm glad Nintendo aren't doing a Sony or Microsoft and showing games three years before release. The problem is the games they're revealing for release in 6-9 months are just sub-standard. 10 years to work on that Star Fox game? Really?? Animal Crossing Board Game Party?
  19. Coming off of a conference where Playstation gave the fans exactly what they wanted, again and again, Nintendo FINALLY announced a Metroid game, it just happened to be probably the last thing their fans wanted. I'll reserve judgement on Zelda, but "Totem time !!" as Link dresses in a Princess Zelda skirt isn't exactly a great start.
  20. It looks as empty and minimalist as the Zelda U footage at the Game Awards.
  21. I was genuinely expecting a Skylanders style amiibo platforming game that would tie in all the amiibo already out. I thought they needed a bit of time to get it looking good and playing well. And instead we got... 2 Nintendo characters in a Skylanders game. :-| A basic Chibi Robo platformer on 3DS and Ryu in Smash wouldn't have made any difference.
  22. It's pretty crushing watching Jose's body language when asked first up to sum up the show in one word. The disappointment on his face is sad
  23. Five games spanning three consoles. That's a little different to a COD or Assassin's Creed every year, or six Forza games in a decade.
  24. Hyrule Warriors 3DS with lower frame rate and draw distance is a little different to FF7's update from PS1 to PS4.
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