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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. PS4 version seems to be ten quid more than the others Edit: oh wait, XBO price seems to have gone up since I last checked.
  2. The oval screen is very cool tech too, something that'll certainly catch the eye
  3. Very good. It really does open up a whole world of UI potential.
  4. Yep. I think their track record should allay some fears: the D-pad, shoulder buttons, analog sticks, the rumble pack, analog shoulder buttons, the Wii remote, Gamepad streaming (their own proprietary no-lag technology)... I'm very intrigued, it could be very cool, and having adaptive interfaces for each game opens up a lot of doors.
  5. I didn't realise tablet gaming used triggers, shoulder wheels and dual analog sticks
  6. Personally I think it looks great. Yes the lack of physical face buttons is worrying, but just think how useful it'll be to have UI and button layout be adaptable for each game you play. Sort of like what Steve Jobs talked about when revealing the original iPhone. Each game would have it's own control scheme. And there's also the benefit of having a second screen for maps, inventory etc like the Gamepad. Then imagine if you could take that device on the go and play the same NX game on the tube. Personally I'm hyped. I suspect Nintendo will reveal NX sooner than E3 though now that it's likely been leaked. My only real issue is that ergonomically it doesn't look like the most confortable thing to hold, but the design probably isn't final.
  7. For anyone interested this is a great video that was just released a few days ago. Shows off the incredible potential of this game brilliantly and it's very heartening to hear there's a campaign planned.
  8. Yep I could tell, subtle though it was :P
  9. You're forgetting that we're halfway through a generation. The core gamers already have their main console of choice. If this were the start of a console cycle then I'd absolutely agree with you.
  10. They did, with a Gears of War filter on top! Seriously, I don't remember it being that muddy looking on the N64
  11. Good trailer, hype rising for the game
  12. Having a console that's identical to PS4/XBO won't do them any good. Who would buy it? People already have their PS4s and XBOs. Ultimately it has to be "different" enough to carve out its own space, mid generation.
  13. I'm very surprised that people want Nintendo to cut the hype in half and reveal it in two stages. What's the point? Just go all out at E3 and blow everyone away. Playstation and Xbox would then be an afterthought and everyone would be talking about Nintendo.
  14. Who'd have thought Nintendo might actually know what they're doing.
  15. Got a Kapp'n and Ryu in the post today. Great quality as usual
  16. Because then you'd probably limit yourself to only adding NNID users, which would defeat the whole point. They want this to be a viral hit amongst casuals, and getting exposure on Facebook is the way to do that.
  17. Nintendo don't want the majority of people playing to have NNIDs, the whole point of their mobile games initiative is to bring people into their fold, from the outside. It's not an app for the hardcore Nintendo fan and never pretended to be. It's not an oversight, it's a conscious choice to let you connect specifically with the biggest social network on the planet. How many people have NNIDs? 60 million? How many people have Facebook? 1.2 billion.
  18. Looks very polished. (No surprise, coming from Nintendo)
  19. As much bait as "The Wii U has nothing but 2D platformers' was
  20. Is that really surprising? They value their image as a family company and aren't about to do anything that may threaten that. Jumping into social media on mobile phones is a big enough step as is for them.
  21. IGN review - 6.7 Ouch. Onto the next openworld shooter/RPG...
  22. Ronnie


    Maybe they realised how Sony/Playstation disgracefully left Tearaway to die (not once but twice) and thought they're better off on other platforms.
  23. 1.2 billion people have a Facebook account. I think they'll be fine. But hey, don't let me get in the way of yet more negativity and chat about how shit Nintendo are.
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