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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The PS4K isn't (allegedly) just about 4K resolution and you know it. I don't want people to have less choice, I want Sony to be more honest with their consumers and not announce a heavily upgraded PS4 two and half years into a generation. If they have a decent trade in offer than that'll help a little. I'm surprised (but thinking about it, not actually that surprised) people here are giving the PS4K a free pass, reaction on gaf seems fairly negative, or at least far more negative than here.
  2. 99% of games look and play exactly the same on the regular 3DS and the new 3DS. It's more akin to the PS3 Slim than the PS4K. Why didn't this upgraded hardware come out at release, two years ago? Answer: they wanted to milk their consumers twice. Everyone pissed themselves laughing at PS3's $599 price tag, but Sony have the last laugh basically charging a big chunk of their consumers that and more for the PS4. I also wouldn't bet against a second upgrade in 2019 before the PS5 in 2021.
  3. Sorry I should have been more clear, those owners that already have a PS4, will you be looking to upgrade to the neo with flashier graphics, and if so, do you see a problem with basically giving Sony £600 to the PS4 in the same generation.
  4. How many of you are planning on getting a Playstation Neo when it's released? To those that are, you honestly don't see a problem with giving Sony another 300 quid in the, supposedly, same generation? It's like their $599 PS3 disaster all over again, only this time, they'll have managed to get it in two payments, instead of one. Very clever
  5. The issue is they've cut a generation in half, one that consumers expected to last 5-6+ years, not two and a half. Sure games will carry on running on the old hardware, but that's just another form of backwards compatibility. I bought my PS4 6 months ago, and it's already out of date.
  6. What a surprise, a big game gets delayed. Never saw that coming.
  7. So not only screwed by Playstation, screwed by Microsoft as well. Awesome.
  8. I'm sure one or two people may have suggested a handheld might be out first, but I didn't think it was enough to warrant: I think most people expect the March 2017 reveal to be a home console.
  9. Releasing a new handheld console three months after a new Pokemon gen, interesting idea.
  10. Was anyone actually suggesting that they would release it as a handheld in March?
  11. I wouldn't get your hopes up lol, that would be a giant 180 so close to the event
  12. Enjoying this game a lot more now that I've basically given up with motion controls and looking at the gamepad 95% of the time. The hidden levels and secrets paths are great fun, especially Peppy's mission. Some of the cinematic camera angles they use in this game are beautiful, which I never thought I'd say given the dated visuals. The bit where you have to direct a hidden boss into the Great Fox's flight path, using Z targetting? STUNNING. Overall a fun package but still could have been so much more.
  13. The level with the missiles is pretty fun tbf. The part where it goes all cinematic and you have to fly away from the exploding missiles is EPIC.
  14. I was referring to standby time. Maybe Sheikah is right given the thing was collecting dust (a LOT of dust) in my drawer for so long, maybe that drained the battery.
  15. My Vita can barely last a day and half before it starts flashing manically needing a charge. Piss poor battery
  16. Yeah my Vita standby is a joke. 3DS lasts 2-3 days easily, if not longer
  17. I'm not suggesting Assault didn't receive criticism, I'm saying in my opinion it had it's own flavour. Zero feels soul-less and utterly uninspired by comparison. Though again, I'll admit I've only played through four stages so far.
  18. Assault had it's own personality. Zero feels like I'm playing a remake, not a new game, it feels like a massive step backwards after Assault took the series forward, not just in terms of gameplay but storyline and world building as well.
  19. Crazy good number. Might even catch up to the Vita on its own. Nintendo sales figures are so strange, Wii U hardware sales are so poor but 3DS is great and things like Splatoon selling 5 million and MK8 8 million on an 11 mil install base is just crazy.
  20. Started playing this and I really don't know what to make of it. The controls are a MESS. Sure once I learn how to control the ship and aim separately it'll probably be ok but at the moment the game just seems all over the place. And Starfox Assault had 10x the personality in it's first level than this has in its first two. Very disappointing
  21. How is it dodgy? They're rewarding people for signing up to their newsletter. Makes sense to me.
  22. Gotta gave that anti Nintendo dig obvs. Anyway I suspect the Neo will be obsolete within a couple of years
  23. 90's Super GP? Terrible title, should have kept the original
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