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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Thing is, Nintendo games typically have a crazy high attach rate, far more than any other system so whilst a subscription service might make sense on PS4 and XBO, when you sell 6 million copies of MK8 on a 10 million installbase, they probably stand to make more money selling the games normally, for full price.
  2. Pokemon Go was announced a year before release, didn't do it much harm. Super Mario Run was given prime time at an Apple event, can't get much better than that, so for all the game's potential shortcomings, I don't think the announcement was one of them. Also there are blocks that make you go backwards if you choose to, you can see them in the trailer, though that impacts your time so could mean risk/reward in terms of coins/score.
  3. I'd still prefer they just worked on Shovel Knight 2.
  4. Galaxy was certainly more innovative, but judged as a standalone game, SM3DW basically perfected 3D platforming. Bitesize levels of expertly designed courses, each one totally different to the last They're both amazing though so we're arguing over the top tier of platforming games.
  5. People "liked" it, it's got a 93 on metacritic but I think many under-rated it simply because it wasn't Galaxy 3. Judged on its own merits I would say it's just as good a game, if not better IMO.
  6. I wish more people thought like that about Mario 3D World. That game is so under-rated IMO
  7. Yes I'm a man with taste. :awesome: I guess I just like the hybrid of traditional platforming and RPG-lite elements that Sticker Star and SPM have. I think I'd find Thousand Year Door a bit boring if I ever played it.
  8. I loved Sticker Star, one of my favourite games on 3DS. If you don't go in with any preconceived ideas about what a Paper Mario game should be (as I did), it was a ton of fun.
  9. Must admit, I thought the same. The Super Mario Run reveal was huge.
  10. Maybe they'll do exactly what Xbox One did and reveal it six months before launch, in other words anytime in the next three weeks.
  11. I won't get one. This is a discussion board, and I'm sharing my views about it, if that's ok with you? I'm not angry at Sony, I'm pleased they've given me no reason to upgrade. I'm just perplexed how they think a console like this was necessary or a good idea. Either start a new generation like Scorpio is (to be joined by PS5 sooner rather than later I suspect) or don't. Not this half way situation the "Neo" was rumoured to be doing.
  12. Who can possibly think this is a 'disaster'? On the contrary, most people see this as a good thing. I think you're overestimating the resources required to make this mobile game. It's probably a very small team and will barely affect their big development teams.
  13. Interesting, I didn't realise that. So we have a 4K system, that doesn't play 4K Blurays, that doesn't render games at 4K and who's main selling point of HDR gaming will be available to every other Playstation 4 system with a patch. What a pointless mess this thing is. Surely PS5 can't be far behind, they'll need something to compete with Scorpio because this certainly isn't it.
  14. Nice job Sony with that sticker. Can someone explain the difference between 4K gaming on the Scorpio and 4K gaming on the Pro? Is it the same thing? I heard Microsoft were boasting about the Scorpio having "true 4K", any idea what that means?
  15. Getting screencaps online from PS4 is a ballache so I don't really bother, or else I'd have flooded this thread with them.
  16. Plus, wouldn't the person have visited the link and screen capped what they saw? Obvious hoax by someone with too much time on their hands
  17. iOS timed exclusive, Android next year
  18. Again, I'm not fuming, I'm chuffed to bits with how half arsed the PS4 Pro is, it means I have zero reason to upgrade, especially once the HDR update is released for current PS4 owners, making the Pro even more pointless. I'm not fuming about the Scorpio because Xbox has lost this gen, they had to do something. Far better to go all out and release a big leap forward early than half arse it like the Neo was supposed to. Streaming 4K content? Have you ever seen how much compression these streaming services apply? Quality wise it wouldn't compare with UHD disks. I just think it's an embarrassing omission, especially given the Xbox One S plays them. Apart from the lack UHD bluray playback, I don't think anyone's complaining as such, just totally underwhelmed, and judging by that solitary person clapping at the presentation, it seems the press are as well.
  19. No I just don't bow at the altar of Sony. At no point have I suggested it's the death knell of the company, just that it was a terrible, cringe-worthy presentation and the Pro is a pointless bit of tech in 2016 (but will likely make Sony a few extra quid so maybe that's all they care about). I'm also pleased the presentation sold me on not getting a Neo, I'd spent weeks convinced I was going to pick one up.
  20. The Wii U can play all Wii games. The Wii could play all Gamecube games, does that mean they were part of the same generation? Microsoft are making their next Xbox backwards compatible. A console that's over 4x more powerful does not indicate same gen. They made that very clear, and Playstation made it very clear the Pro is a small iteration for this gen.
  21. The Pro is a continuation of this generation. The Scorpio is starting a new generation for Xbox, it's apparently 4.5 times more powerful than the One. I'd steer clear of Gaf or, well most other gaming forums then. This place is a Sony paradise compared to the backlash elsewhere on the net.
  22. Isn't that what people did when they went from the 360 to the PS4? They rebuilt their library from scratch because a better system came along. The same thing could happen here. It's the next gen Xbox and it could tempt a lot of people over. That is until the PS5 releases a year later and renders the Pro even more pointless.
  23. The PS4 Pro is still a PS4, the Scorpio is a huge step up from an Xbox One. The real joke in all of this, apart from a 4K device not playing 4K Blurays, is that the HDR wizardry they spent so long trying to explain will be available on the older PS4s as well with an update. WTF? It's yet another example of how utterly pointless the Pro is. It's a product that no one asked for and that doesn't need to exist. If they were that keen to future proof they should have just focused on delivering a few more first party games, and ridden their winning streak for another year or two, and then trumped the Scorpio with PS5 in 2018.
  24. I totally get what you're saying but in terms of the arms race potentially stifling what should be the main priority of a video game, look at two demos they showed yesterday... Horizon looks absolutely incredible visually, but that's the third or fourth time we've seen the hunting a dinosaur gameplay loop in three or four gameplay trailers. Sure it looks fun, but so was No Man's Sky the first five hours. Where's the gameplay depth for a game so hyped? Mass Effect looked incredible but the gameplay they showed off consisted of rocket jumping over a few chasms, pressing a couple of buttons and looking at some kind of energy reactor thing. Where's the gameplay ? I get that the whole point of the presentation was about visual fidelity, but it doesn't exactly bode well. Especially since we've barely seen much else from Horizon since reveal. Look how amazing our game looks, instead of look how much FUN our game looks, seems to the main message these days.
  25. I was worried this would be a procedurally generated endless runner like the Sonic one but it's heartening to see the levels are designed and finely tuned. I think it could be really great fun as a quick time waster.
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