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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I haven't looked at the list, but launching with (I assume) 3D Mario and openworld Zelda already beats any console launch probably ever. Anything on top of that is a bonus. This console needs voice chat!
  2. I thought Game were asking for £50, is it only 20?
  3. Yeah it wasn't for me. I enjoy Gamexplain though...
  4. I thought it looked strange at first, then I realised, the eyes are far too big!
  5. Cheers for spoiler tagging it, it would be nice to make it through the last few days without any more leaks ruining the surprise.
  6. Having games you play regularly within easy reach is all well and good (I love the Wii U Quick Start screen, so fast) but the inability to re-organise any games and having apps mixed in there as well is really annoying. Also their three tiered screen is just clunky and I find the whole menu just ugly. It's all a bit of a mess IMO.
  7. They'll sell more if they release 3-4 every week than if they put up 200 in one go.
  8. I'd love to get a PSVR but there's just nothing that interests me whatsoever in terms of games. Everything out at the moment just screams gimmick, the sorts of games you'll play once then never go back to. The only thing that's tempting is the X-Wing VR mission from Battlefront but even that's not enough to spend hundreds of quid on the headset + the overpriced Move controllers. Definitely something to get into in a few years (if gaming in VR actually takes off)
  9. Random thought, I'd like to see a new Pilotwings for the Switch launch. It occurred to me we probably won't be hearing about that many games on Thursday. I wouldn't be surprised if it only showed off games released until June, so launch line up and a few launch window games, then at E3 they can reveal the big guns.
  10. There's no way it'll be £199, there's a lot of tech in this thing and they need to not only make some money but also leave themselves some wiggle room if the price needs lowering down the line. Not to mention the UK is going to get screwed on the price compared to the rest of the world. Apple recently raised their MacBook prices in the UK by £500 a few months ago.
  11. Yeah $250/€250 sounds likely but I think we'll be lucky to get it for less than £250, in fact I could easily see us paying £270.
  12. I just mean that after the initial buzz no one is really talking about it much anymore, at least in the mainstream media and no impressive looking games are on the horizon for it. PSVR seems to have bombed hard in terms of sales as well, and that seemed like it would be the highest selling of the three. But yeah, give it a few years to get the costs down like you say @Retro_Link and it'll stand a better chance.
  13. Personally I look at the more powerful systems and I can easily appreciate the stunning visuals of the Order, Battlefield 1, the Division etc but at this point, none of it wows me anymore. Sure they look stunning, but the race to more realistic graphics has just gotten stale IMO, and 4K and HDR nonsense certainly won't change that belief. On the other hand, I look at the less powerful Wii U and the visuals of say, Yoshi's Woolly World, Mario Kart 8, Wind Waker HD, Paper Mario Colour Splash, Captain Toad etc... just beautiful games. THOSE wow me and it's hugely exciting to see what they think of next. Unlike say, the next Battlefront, or the next Assassin's Creed that'll just look like a slightly prettier version of the last one, or with slightly denser crowd scenes.
  14. I've played Elite on DK2, amazing experience. Especially leaving space stations. I genuinely think it's the best showpiece for VR at the moment. Shame interest in VR seems to have fallen off a cliff. Really needs a killer game.
  15. Someone wake me up on Thursday when we can stop picking holes with everything Nintendo do and will actually have something interesting and fun to talk about.
  16. The Switch IS more powerful, than both the 3DS and Wii U. In a handheld form factor. Personally I find that extremely impressive.
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