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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Yes the joy cons are perfect for VR, the Switch is ticking a lot of boxes and is looking like 3 consoles in one. The only thing that seems to be missing is a camera, but knowing Nintendo there'll be some optional attachment or something.
  2. There's no doubt that Nintendo have made the one off payment model to maintain their integrity and not stoop as low as other IAP heavy games, but they've definitely left a huge amount of money on the table. I have to admit I sort of wish they'd gone with the Pokemon Go model, at least for their own good, if not ours, or at the very least, just charged 99p for the full game, just to get it in as many people's hands as possible.
  3. Just spent over an hour on this for the first time. No issues connecting, I suspect those complaining about it last night were probably trying when the entire world was doing likewise at the exact same time. Anyway, brilliant fun, absolutely loving it. The way Mario moves just feels so fluid and fun to control and there's far more depth to the gameplay than I expected. Really liking the bubble mechanic too, in case you want to try a part of the course again to get that pink/purple/black coin you missed. Toad Rally is very well implemented, but I wish the avatar for the other player wasn't so obvious, I find it quite distracting when my eyes are trying to concentrate on my own Mario! It's really sad how many people are complaining about having to pay for the game though, but I suppose this is the same market that review averaged Monument Valley 1 star because they "had the nerve" to charge 79p for DLC that doubled the length of the game I think £8 for this is absolutely worth it, but I still think had it been say £3 instead Nintendo would have made more money in the long run.
  4. 1080p on tv also confirmed, likewise NFC, rumble, IR, USB-C, 4 Joycons possible per Switch, different Joy con with traditional d-Pad and 4 face buttons, L and R shoulder buttons per Joy con. Fan is active in portable mode but at a (locked) lower speed than when it's docked.
  5. Gaf has just put up a thread on some new Nintendo patents that have just been filed. They seem to confirm touchscreen, SD Card expandable memory, Gyro controls, two shoulder buttons on the Joy Cons and most interesting and exciting of all... Google Cardboard style VR potential. Plenty more too
  6. We don't know whether you can start the game in an area with signal, go underground and play for an hour without a connection or if it has to be connected 100% of the time, but if it's the latter then absolutely I'm very disappointed. I would have loved to play this on the tube. All I'm arguing against is the amount of data it takes to check if you're online, that's all. The multiplayer and leaderboards will obviously use data, that would have happened even without the always online thing. Every mobile multiplayer game out there would do similar. My point is if you have 5mb to use per day then don't be surprised if it 2016 you run into problems using modern apps. Checking you're phone is online would surely not even use 1mb, let alone 5.
  7. Wow, you must really not do anything on your phone if you have 5mb a day/150Mb a month of data allowance. I can do everything apart from guarantee a 5 minute play through of Mario Run is not going to use 5mb. Checking to see if you're online doesn't take 5mb.
  8. How much data do people think this app is using to check whether it's online every so often or to play the Toad Rally multiplayer? More or less than say watching a ten minute YouTube video every day, or download a Facebook timeline full of photos and video, or browsing big websites, or having your phone constantly connected to upload your pics to the cloud behind the scenes, Twitter notifications going off all the time, push emails being sent through. In 2016, Super Mario Run will use negligible data. No I don't have any evidence for that, it's just common sense ffs. Yes not always having an internet connection if you're commuting or traveling is a big problem, but data usage is not (unless you're still rocking a phone tariff from 2003).
  9. So you've done the research then? Are you able to show me exactly how much battery is being used? What modes require more/less battery? Or are you just making an assumption and then telling me I'm wrong because you've made an assumption without any evidence? It uses battery? Welcome to every single phone game ever. But hey it's a Nintendo game, so let's criticise it more for that very reason. Can you kindly stop being so arsey with me and belittling every single one of my posts? Nothing in my original post was confrontational and didn't deserve yours. I never said this wasn't an in issue for people on places, underground or abroad, so don't pretend like I was.
  10. I still can't wrap my head around this, why is it a pain in the ass? Isn't your phone connected to the internet more or less 24/7? As for being a waste of data, it's not actually sending or receiving anything substantial, so the data usage is negligible. And anyway, it's 2016, who honestly spends extra money on data or has a cap on how much they can use per month.
  11. I loved the part about him not minding that his videos on smaller indie games get the least amount of views and that he'll continue to make them regardless
  12. I hadn't realised that, fantastic news
  13. Does anyone have the URL please? I don't receive Nintendo UK emails
  14. Given the Switch was revealed in late October, and basically had two months to make an impression, that's very impressive and hopefully bodes well.
  15. I figured Mark Brown's outstanding videos were good enough to dedicate a whole topic to them. There's dozens already up so feel free to trawl YouTube for them, but here's the latest one: Some really clever innovations here and it's nice to see them highlighted. Plus, any extra love for Darkest Dungeon (besides IGN nominating it for GOTY) is always appreciated from me personally The Hitman example is something I wasn't aware of but is a really interesting way of adding replay value and upping the stakes and tension.
  16. Excite Truck is easily one of the Wii's best games, fingers crossed this means a Switch entry...
  17. The original trailer looked stunning but given the development trouble I was convinced it was never going to release. Great to hear it's been rated, and for Switch as well.
  18. Don't expect it to play like NMS or an arcadey shooter. It's basically a space simulator, and will take you a bit of time to fully get the hang of it. There are missions but they're generated ones like fetch quests or "go to this system, find this guy and kill him", or community based ones where everyone pitches in to get an objective completed. There's mining, a stock market to trade on, faction based gameplay (not touched this part of it) and plenty of bounty hunting (in and around the asteroids of a ringed gas giant is my preferred locale for that sort of thing). The game tries to be as realistic as possible with a strong scientific foundation, so that means actual distances within systems. Traveling between places can be a bit boring, it's whether you have the interest or patience. It can be quite awe inspiring to fly around a system though, really makes you appreciate the incredible scale of the universe. All in all it's a great game, but don't expect a campaign or anything like that, it's similar to NMS's 'do what you want' style, whilst being very different in terms of actual gameplay.
  19. Erm, there's no contradiction between my two posts. Reports from people in the know say Switch's first year will be amazing, without specifying much about the games we can expect themselves. All we know for sure is what's confirmed, Zelda and some new Mario game. It's hard to judge the thing's launch when we basically barely know anything about it.
  20. I'm well aware I'm not able to truly experience the incredible game-changing innovations like deeper blacks and more pixels on a 1080p stream. Thanks. I personally feel the product itself is a pointless counter productive waste of time but apart from that the presentation itself was just terrible, a feeling mirrored by most of the industry. It's considered a joke in the same way as the Wii Music demo years ago or the Giant enemy crab PS3 showing are.
  21. You decided the yarn store was worse than that PS4 Pro joke conference. I disagreed by stating the opposite. You became arsey. *shrugs* If you feel a cold, emotionless presentation about vitally important gaming developments like faux-4K and deeper shades of black is better than a fun segment full of charm and personality advertising a brilliant game then that's your thing. Just don't jump down my throat for presenting an opposing view. Not really surprising given nothing from Nintendo is out in the next three months and you've four years of PS4 games to catch up on. I imagine I'd be similarly excited if I had four years of Switch games to look forward to. I won't be unhappy. If I don't want what Emily Rogers calls a "much better version of Mario Kart 8", I won't buy it. Easy. There'll be plenty more original games to play I'm sure. Ports and remasters are EVERYWHERE in the industry these days, we can do worse than these brilliant games being given a second life, it could be games that have no place in modern gaming like Parappa or Crash Bandicoot.
  22. Half of Playstation Experience felt like ports of old games or DLC, it's where the industry seems to be these days. I doubt the Wii U ports will have taken much development time and given their big studios haven't released much in a couple of years there should be plenty of original games.
  23. From reports the Switch's first year is going to be insanely good.
  24. Sorry but, what do we know so far? Confirmed (big) Switch games are Zelda and some new Mario title, that's basically it. Maybe wait till they show off the thing off, including all the new games in January before wondering what to play.
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