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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. How pathetic this has become. I don't "always say the PS4 only has shooters". Obviously that isn't the case and it's as stupid as those who say over and over and over and over that the Wii U "only has platformers". It's a generalisation. My point has always been that big budget AAA games are samey and depressingly lacking in variety and I think the above examples illustrate my point pretty well. So no, you didn't "prove" anything about the diversity.
  2. Basically, what everyone does, all the time. "The Wii U had too many platformers" is exactly the same, but you don't argue with people who say this over and over. The perspective is irrelevant and action-adventure doesn't really say very much. But fine, I'll call it an action adventure, and lump Red Dead, Fallout, Uncharted, Tomb Raider in with it as fellow action adventures. Would that be better? No, I picking the big budget releases as a fair comparison with the equivalent on Nintendo, and so ignored those three.
  3. Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Starfox Zero, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros, Pikmin 3, Mario 3D World, Captain Toad, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Hyrule Warriors. An online team based shooter, a kart racer, an arcade space shooter, an fast paced action game, a brawler, a strategy adventure game, a 3D platformer, a puzzle game, an JRPG and a hack n slash. Just a handful of titles, all wildly different games without even getting into the likes of Pokken, Yoshi's Woolly World, Wonderful 101, Zelda etc which are even more unique genres still. Now, I type in PS4 games on Amazon and I get: Watchdogs 2 (openworld game), Battlefield 1 (shooter), Call of Duty (shooter), Red Dead Redemption (openworld), Skyrim (openworld), FIFA (another FIFA), Fallout (openworld), Lego Star Wars, Battlefront (shooter), Uncharted, Titanfall 2 (shooter), Tomb Raider, The Division (shooter). Your lack of diversity argument is utter rubbish. Great point, and it's just blown Sheikah's already flimsy, nonsensical argument to pieces.
  4. What does excite you on the competition this gen then out of curiosity? What new, innovative, fresh big budget experiences are there out there that amaze you with their polish, quality and above all ability to bring something new to the table? I'm struggling here. I take it you think the Wii had the best software last gen then?
  5. No one is saying the Wii U has "the best" games, although most people consider its Mario Kart and Smash Bros to be the best in the series, all Serebii was saying was that it had great games, because it does. The Wii U has some fantastic games, 3D World, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Paper Mario, Bayonetta, Pikmin, Yoshi, Captain Toad, Lego City, Wonderful 101, Donkey Kong etc. It wasn't that long ago the console had 4 GOTY contenders in a single year. That's all dazzybee and Serebii were saying, see: It really isn't that controversial to suggest. But of course, positivity gets jumped on. Hell the PS4 sold truckloads in it's first year without any games, let alone quality games.
  6. You're honestly equating hardware sales to game quality? I should have stopped listening when you said PS4 Pros would fly off the shelves.
  7. All those games reviewed extremely well. @Serebii is obviously talking about how they were received critically in the industry, not to him personally as @Ashley suggested. The above five have 81, 88, 92, 93 and 87 scores on Metacritic respectively.
  8. There's a particular airship level in Toad Rally that is just incredible for racking up high scores. Bouncing on all the ninjis and cannonballs let's you basically keep Coin Rush mode going for the whole run. Very satisfying but very frantic and you have to really concentrate the whole time.
  9. The Game Awards footage had a new area, some hazy forest like area
  10. I don't think it's feasible to expect turning every corner and running into something new. The wilderness doesn't work like that, it's supposed to be barren, but with 100+ shrines and enemy encampments, towns, dungeons, towers etc it should be fine.
  11. I realise that, I was just replying to this... My point was, lesser specs doesn't mean they're dropping out of the race.
  12. Sure, if you take away handhelds for some arbitrary reason, but I'm not sure why you would, especially as the Switch is for all intents and purposes a handheld device. PSP and Vita also had the PlayStation brand behind them so were hardly doomed from the outset. Were Master System and Mega Drive more powerful than NES and SNES? If so add the latter two to the very long list of less powerful hardware that won a generation. Sales numbers will dictate whether third parties will stick around or not. If it flies off the shelves then they'll stick around, if it does Wii U numbers, they won't. It's too early to make that kind of call.
  13. I'm almost more excited by that prospect than the actual reveals :P
  14. Half way through the "campaign", all black coins collected so far. Some are ridiculously tough. Have to say I'm actually enjoying Toad Rally even more. Those get very intense and you have to really concentrate to come out on top.
  15. The Game Boy, PlayStation 2, DS, Wii and 3DS were all less powerful than the competition yet all "won" their generation. The Switch is packing a huge amount of tech for a (likely) affordable price, and the lesser graphical specs are nothing new for the company.
  16. I think the report meant the Switch would be 1.51 or greater, as in closer to XBO than Wii U.
  17. And what they have shown made the vast majority of people very happy, hopefully Jan 12th will live up to the hype.
  18. I'm more surprised people expected this portable 6" screen to have XBO capabilities in there somewhere. If it were possible, the Xbox One S would be the size of a couple of Bluray cases.
  19. 37 million downloads in three days? Wow. @Hero\-of\-Time, mine is 8006-9573-8506
  20. Tricky one. Look at it the other way, if Nintendo made this free-to-play or only charged a quid or two, then it may damage their console Mario games. Parents might wonder why they should spend £30-40 on a Mario game, when the mobile one is so cheap.
  21. I was reading the App Store reviews last night, the stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me. :indeed:
  22. Oh that's great to know, thanks! Much better
  23. The Switch is looking and sounding incredible, it feels like they've thought of everything with it. The only thing that seems to be missing is a camera but knowing Nintendo I'm sure there'll be some optional attachment. March can't come soon enough...
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