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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Still can't believe how ugly our Zelda box is compared to the (glorious) US one.
  2. The more I look at the red/blue Switch in reaction videos, the more I want it. I've still kept my grey pre-order but I caved and got a coloured one as well last night from the Game Collection just in case.
  3. Same here, if the price is decent I'll pick it up. Not a fan of the floating camera though, or the fugly visuals.
  4. Interesting read, I had no idea there were so few games with confirmed release dates. Is Sony's PSVR Doomed Heading Into 2017?
  5. Wow, people are still talking about Mario supposedly copying Sega? Who cares if it looks like a particular Sonic game? If EAD Tokyo's track record is any indication, Mario will do it 100x better than anything Sega managed.
  6. On another note, pretty much everyone is talking about how great the screen on this thing is, which is really encouraging. Apparently it's bright and very vibrant. If you throw in multitouch and haptic feedback onto that, bodes well...
  7. I'm confused, do you get two games free a month? One to keep and one to try for 30 days? Reports suggested the free NES and SNES games were yours to play for a month and then disappear.
  8. Zelda for £60 I don't have too much objection with, what I do object with is games like Arms (which I'm sure will be fantastic) also being £60, and 1-2 Switch being £50 for what basically should amount to about 15 minutes of fun. Oh and paying £40 for Zelda on Wii U but £60 on Switch. That looks poor.
  9. The Switch itself isn't expensive but 1-2 Switch should have been packed in and the cost of the games + the extortionate acceossory prices is the problem IMO. I think we're very lucky game prices have stayed more or less the same since the NES, especially since they're 100x more complex. The competition manage to charge extra on the sly with day 1 DLC and season passes that double the cost of a game but Nintendo seem to prefer to just charge extra. Hopefully the RRP will come down but I can't say I blame them charging so much for games like Zelda. I just think it's a mistake.
  10. I'm surprised I thought the grey would be way more popular
  11. Grey, but when they release two blue joy-cons I'll get that as well
  12. I really like the colours they chose, just not mixed together
  13. We knew about it in October, when they released this image, among many.
  14. Ronnie


    High level matches between players who know what they're doing should be really fun to watch
  15. If the Pro controller does have HD rumble then yes the high price is more understandable. I imagine the technology is just going to be used to enhance the rumble feedback with nifty effects based on what's happening on screen rather than gameplay mechanics designed around it. Things like firing an arrow in BOTW and having the rumble quickly go from the bottom of the joycons to the top as it fires, something like that maybe? (not saying that actually happens in the game, just an example)
  16. Ronnie


    No idea why but I always assumed this was a side on beat-em-up, not over the shoulder which of course makes more sense. Just watched gameplay footage and wow it really does look fun! Nintendo fans ask for new IP and here's another reinvention of a standard genre, similar to what they did with Splatoon. I really hope there's a single player campaign though, otherwise it won't really be for me.
  17. Thanks for the report, all sounds good. Is Fast RMX the same thing as Fast Racing Neo? I never played the latter but from reports it seemed a good game.
  18. I never meant this to be a discussion, it was just a light-hearted joke, but for the record... out of 83 reviews for SM3DW on Metacritic, five of them are an 8/10 or lower, and twenty five (a third of all reviews) are 10/10. Everyone's entitled to their opinion of course, even the minority, but IMO a game doesn't have to be perfect to be a 10. No game is perfect.
  19. Nice one, another tick for the device itself. I guess they really didn't want to confuse things by throwing in touchscreen chat. Sure it'll come out in the next few weeks.
  20. I'm the same, I felt very deflated after the conference but as time passes and as the impressions build my mood has definitely changed to excited again. Just wish the prices were lower and there were more games. It's a huge shame they couldn't build on the incredible hype of the reveal trailer. Maybe they will over the coming weeks...
  21. Fantastic hardware. 8/10 :wink:
  22. Fantastic, been desperate to play Legends but have never gotten around to it.
  23. I'd rather they show off a nice little feature like the IR camera than spend time on a meaningless bit of information like where the games go. For the record, there's a slot on the top of the device for the game cards.
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