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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. Nintendo are not getting out of the hardware business... period! With the exception of the Wii, even though their home consoles may not sell as many units as Sony or Microsoft, combine their handheld sales and they have comfortably sold more units than their rivals every single generation. They make much more profit than either Sony or Microsoft gaming divisions and they have got into a neat cycle where each handheld generation has the power of the previous home console and gives them the opportunity to rerelease all their home console games to the handheld market.
  2. When I got the Wii U i put the Wii in my sons bedroom, but he never played it, so last night i brought it back downstairs, used up all my Wii points and added SNES emulator to relive some of older favs that will never make it to VC. I was up all night playing numerous games and it was a real reminder of what a great console Wii is/was. Now thinking of putting the Wii U in my sons bedroom. The King is dead, long live the king.
  3. maybe I'm being incredibly naive here, but I thought this was going to be a FOC add on to NSMBU, I was fairly stunned to see its £17.99.
  4. cheers @dazzybee did laugh when I saw your comment about points de ja vu with NFS, you seem to be cursed with low points mate.
  5. can i get some advice on this game. How do you know the hard/easy route is it to do with the red/blue arrows. How do you unlock keys, i keep seeing keys that are greyed out and also what's with the padlocks? Any tips would be good. Love this game though and I'm only on World 2
  6. so many SNES games I want. Cannon Fodder Boxing Legends of the Ring Super Tennis Super Cricket the original PES/ISS
  7. what's interesting is if Wii U has COD Ghosts, which is a system seller, and is over £100 cheaper than PS4 or Xbox1 how many people may buy a Wii U this Christmas.
  8. I'm an average Joe. I bought a 360 and sold it very soon afterwards because of the Gold subscription required to play online and at this point the PS+ subscription is the only thing preventing me from ordering a PS4.
  9. didn't see the vid, but from what I've read the only game I'm waiting for is Mario Kart 8, which does not justify owning the console. Can't believe I'm saying this but starting to consider finishing all the games I have and trading in for a PS4.
  10. i really think xbox1 is going to tank. It will obviously shift units in the first few weeks, but with costs, DRM, Gold etc PS4 has really blown it out of the water.
  11. must say I am very tempted by PS4 now. In part because Microsoft are making it look such a good console, a bit like when Wii U sales shot up after Xbox1 announcement. I really don't want to pay for online but if EA do a good version of Tiger Woods with move controls, then I could be tempted. And this is coming from somebody with no interest in PS4 or Xbox1, so it just shows how 3rd party publishers abandoning the Wii U is damaging.
  12. just seen their website, I would have done a billboard and/or a car. Gutted I missed this, what a great way to fund a game. Anybody, know if this is going to be online?
  13. There is no registration fee currently. If Microsoft charge the retail price for a used game it will end the used game market in one fell swoop. Nobody is going to buy a second hand game if they then have to pay the new cost to register the game, and if they game shops swallow this cost then that will come out of the trade in price, so trade in values will be next to nothing.
  14. get all the demo's too and Zen Pinball
  15. looks like a hybrid of daytona/sega rally/virtua racing which if done right and with online multiplayer could be epic. I have very fond memories of 8 player Daytona in the arcades and the thought of 16 player online is very enticing.
  16. Championship Manager 4 based purely on hours spent playing. Or if we are only basing this on consoles, I think Perfect Dark. I would love a Goldeneye style remake with online multiplayer.
  17. The Sun will rise in the morning it has not happened yet but it's not an opinion it's a fact. I was not trying to disprove anything, just trying to keep it real instead of pointless uninformed comments you read everywhere. And why on earth is stating an opinion unpleasant?
  18. what are you disputing and based upon what? Why even bother joining the debate if you are not going to add anything to it?
  19. i'd put my house on any of them.
  20. There is so much BS across the internet regarding all the consoles, I though I would would try and bring us all back to the real world with some hard facts. 1: Xbox One WILL sell well in USA 2: Xbox One WILL NOT sell well in Asia 3: We are in a recession, therefore ALL consoles will sell less units than their previous iterations 4: Sony fanboys WILL buy PS4, Microsoft fanboys WILL buy Xbox One, Nintendo fanboys WILL buy Wii U. Some of my personal observations are as follows: 1: Xbox Live subscription, no used games and to a much lesser extent, always online can only have a negative impact on Xbox One sales. 2: Kinect 2 no matter how much improved on Kinect 1 only really works on Just Dance & Fitness games. On ALL other games a motion controller or standard controller work better. 3: The addition of Blu-Ray, Lovefilm, Netflix, Skype etc are far less of a selling point than on the previous generation of consoles as these are already widely available on other forms of medium.
  21. @Shorty I wasn't calling you a fanboy per se, I was making a point that there is no logical argument to defending the subscription, when Sony & Nintendo offer the same service for free and anybody who would do so would be offering a biased opinion. Of course PS3 got hacked, but that could just have easily happened to Nintendo or Microsoft and anybody who thinks that paying a fee to Microsoft prevents this is deluded. Yes I am a Nintendo fanboy, but one who has owned Sega, Sony & Microsoft consoles and found them all wanting, so I am an educated fanboy. Once again I am seeing Sony & Microsoft releasing expensive machines offering a tonne of stuff I already have and just making games look better than on Nintendo. The bottom line for me is I want a GAMES consoles and nobody does that better than Nintendo whether it's a brilliant controller, or just great games. Sony & Microsoft largely copy what Nintendo does and it drives me insanse when all these teenage idiots prattle on about Nintendo blissfully ignorant that without them the industry would stagnate and we would all end up buying a new COD every 6 months and playing FPS for eternity, some would argue we are already at there.
  22. what is the point in comparing xbox live subscription fees to gas bills and mobile phone costs? It is completely irrelevant. The point is there are 3 consoles available, 2 of which offer free online services and 1 does not, however you xbox fanboys want to justify this cost (and good luck to you if you are happy to pay for something that is free elsewhere) it can only be a negative. I'm an average bloke, married with 2 kids etc, I won't buy xbox 1 purely because of the subscription and this thought process will apply to a very large demograph. Bottom line is that this can only damage sales as will the used game debacle.
  23. no backwards compatibilty, no used games, pay to play online, more expensive... Wii U is starting to look like the console to have.
  24. I'm intrigued by Xbox 1. Kinect on 360 was complete rubbish other than Just Dance and a proper Kinect could be brilliant, although I still think a game like Tiger Woods works and feels more realistic with a wiimote, but some of the other Kinect stuff does look good. 500GB Hard drive seems massive compared to Wii U, BUT, the games will no doubt be huge and because they HAVE to be burned to the HD this will fill up pretty quickly. Blu Ray is nice, but if like me you already own a separate Blu Ray player you can't help wondering how much extra and you are paying for something you don't want or need. The 2nd hand game situation can only be damaging to Xbox 1 as there are simply no benefits to this for the consumer but plenty of negatives. The machine will not be cheap and you will pay for it twice over with xbox live subscriptions. My conclusions are as a multi media centre the Xbox 1 seems to tick all the boxes although you will be paying for things you already have in your house like Windows, Blu Ray, Skype etc. As a games console it looks like a very expensive upgrade to a 360. Kinect could be the killer app and at least Microsoft have tried to innovate, unlike the PS4 which really needs to move on from the SNES prototype controller already.
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