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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. I must have a lucky console. I've had a few crashes on NFS, but nothing else at all.
  2. i don't think it is £30 as a rule, that's just a special offer. I may be wrong on this, I'm sure I will be corrected if so. But let's clarify something, they're not free games are they, you are paying for them via the subscription. It's like saying the Wii U isn't really expensive because you get a free gamepad with it. 6 months after release you can pick up any game for less than £10. I for one simply refuse to buy a console that forces me to pay a subscription to go online when I already pay BT for this, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  3. Graphics Whores!
  4. we could all spend the rest of our lives trying to work out out why Wii U has not sold and PS4 and Xbox1 have. The problem is most of the arguments on here are completely contradictory. There really is no logical explanation to it. "Wii U is too similar to Wii" - PS4 is too similar to PS3. If they had called it something different and it had not sold, everybody would be saying, they should have kept the Wii name like Playstation or Xbox. "The gamepad is not a must have feature and made it too expensive" - What must have feature does PS4 have. The gamepad offers something that PS4 and Xbox1 don't and it's the cheapest console. In what parallel universe is having a tablet included in your console not as good as not having a tablet. Games sell consoles and Wii U does not have any games. What did PS4 launch with that is not already available? I'm sure 1 million people bought one for Knack. I could go on and on. People on here just come out with anything they want, no matter how nonsensical it is and because the sales figures are what they are, people just assume they must be right.
  5. of course they were, if half the people who bought a Wii go on to buy a Wii U then it will be a major success. Sony and Microsoft have exactly the same strategy. With regards to the controllers I'm sure Nintendo expect everybody who bought Wii U had a Wii and therefore already have these required.
  6. gaming is definitely approaching a ceiling both in terms of gameplay and graphics. That's why the Wii was such a success, it created a brand new element to gaming. FIFA peaked at 12, TW peaked at 10, COD is just COD and along with FIFA the most guilty of rehashing the same old formula with a couple of tweaks year in, year out. And yet they are two of the biggest selling games so what does that you tell you about the average game buyer?
  7. Not suggesting that it would happen. But the talk has been about Nintendo going 3rd party and my point was that rather than release games on both consoles and partnership would dominate. Even the most ardent XBox fanboy would find it hard to choose an xbox over a playstation that had all 3rd party games plus Sony & Nintendo's in-house catalogue. Just the thought of this with Sony hardware and Nintendo controllers would be a juggernaught
  8. yes mate, was epic and how quick and easy was setting up the game. More of this ASAP. Come on guys, this will be insane in 4 player mode, get into it
  9. if Nintendo teamed up with Sony like they nearly did all those years ago and released a PS5 with exclusive Nintendo games surely they would crush XBox.
  10. People seem to forget just how profitable Nintendo are. If you look at Wii U in isolation it's grim. But if you look at overall hardware sales Nintendo wins hands down against Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo's AAA titles are always amongst the biggest selling games of the generation. I think next time out Nintendo should release a console that is in effect a home console and a portable system in one. The game pad is almost that already. Every time Nintendo release a handheld it's based on the previous home console anyway, so it's logical that the "4DS" will be a Wii U under the bonnet that you can plug in to a tv or just carry around.
  11. sweet. best of 5 followed by some bowling?
  12. when we having a rematch?
  13. let's hope all the buzz will turn things around for Wii U. Next year the big guns are all coming to town, but I really fear that Watchdogs won't happen and we have seen the last of all the AAA 3rd party releases. As a 42 year old who has played consoles as far back as the Binatone, the Wii U is in my top 3 consoles of all time and I just can't get my head round how 100 million Wii owners have not jumped on board.
  14. i read so much negativity about Nintendo's online. First things first, it works just fine, have had some problems on Wii U Sports Club but only when playing somebody from another continent, other than that it's seamless. The whole friends/chat/party is a mess and must be easily fixable. It's crazy that when in Wii Sports Club you can't actually see if any of your friends are even playing the game unless you go back into the friends menu on the homepage. But would I pay £40 per year for an online system that works a bit better? Put it this way when I look at what console to purchase I look at it from a business perspective, and I can tell you now that from a financial perspective owning a PS4 or Xbox1 is nonsensical compared to owning a Wii U. Of course not everybody bases a console purchase on financial grounds and rightly so, as it's entertainment, but if you actually sat down and worked out the total cost of ownership over a 6 year period, the difference is staggering. So to conclude, Nintendo fix the party element and we are all good.
  15. i might get a PS4 when the next Tiger Woods comes out if it's compatible with move. Can anybody tell me PS4 backwards compatible with the move controllers and if not are Sony still doing motion play?
  16. true about the controller but then it will be a cheaper package. The Top bundle that came with both gamepad and pro controller and Zombie U was less than PS4 will be. By the time you factor in a second controller and online services it becomes a lot of money and that was at launch, you can pick up an even better bundle for less money now. I think it's unfair to judge 3rd party support. The Wii U launched with the top games from all the top publishers, nobody knew then that publishers would abandon the console. I will probably get a PS4 down the line to play these 3rd party games as it's likely we have seen the last COD, AC, FIFA, TW etc on Wii U, but I certainly would not have purchased a Wii U if I knew this was going to be the case. At launch it was fully supported. As for the hard drive, Wii U games take up about 4gb. COD on PS4 uses 50gb of hard drive so you are still looking at roughly the same amount of games to fill the respective hard drives and that comes back to what I said previously about Sony being very clever with what info they reveal. It sounds great when they say 500gb hard drive compared to 32gb, but that neglect to tell you that it will only hold 10 games the same as Wii U. Bottom line is I will more than likely get a PS4 for 3rd party games, so I am looking at this objectively and not as a Nintendo fanboy, but my honest unbiased opinion is that Sony have just launched a PS3 with better graphics. As an example, Wii U has created a new way to play COD and improved it no end with local multiplayer, PS4 will offer exactly the same gaming experience that will just look a bit better. yes people will say you can do the same thing with Vita as a gamepad, but that pushes the cost of PS4 even higher and is just a blatant copy of what Nintendo has done with the gamepad. That's what annoys me on these forums, people lambast Nintendo for the gamepad, but then sing the praises of Sony for doing the same thing with Vita albeit not as well and for double the cost.
  17. How much is the PS4? I thought it was like £100 more expensive than Wii U. How was the Wii U overpriced compared to the PS4? A system that comes bundled with a tablet controller and a pro controller and backwards compatibility with games and controllers and free online. When you add all this up the PS4 is actually £100's more expensive. I was intrigued to watch the demo for the PS4 with the robots, which is only playable if you spend another £60 for the eyetoy. As much as Microsoft has been lambasted for it's launch, they have at least been honest. Sony have been quite sneaky/clever in not revealing a lot of stuff.
  18. Much like you guys, I think the Wii U is a brilliant console and I have far too many games. The consoles failure at retail has actually been a blessing for owners as all the games and extra controllers etc have all been available at crazy prices. With the games I have and releases between now and Easter, I am set for a long time. I don't think I'll ever purchase a console again that does not have a tablet style controller as I get so much more game time whilst the wife and kids are watching tv. People can say what that want about the gamepad but for me it's a stroke of pure genius. Playing local multiplayer games using splitscreen just seems wrong once you have experienced tv/gamepad multiplayer. So all in all, thank you Nintendo for once again creating a new experience in gaming.
  19. I thought this was the Wii U thread, did not realise it was the sales thread... MY BAD.
  20. why do we need to argue all the time in this forum. The Wii U has sold poorly, it does not make it a bad console. If you own one as I assume everybody on this forum does, then enjoy it. It does not matter if it sells 20 million units or 120 million units, you can only play with a dozen people online at any given time. This generation is no different to the last few, Nintendo has relied on innovation and in-house AAA titles, their rivals have relied on powerhouse hardware and major 3rd party exclusives. Apart form the Wii, Nintendo usually sells less hardware than their competitiors, but makes up for this with very strong software sales, If the Wii had not gone all Thriller on us we would probably not even be blinking an eye at the current sales. So, can we keep this forum talking about the Wii U and stop all the my dad's better than your dad nonsense?
  21. have not touched the single player game yet, but i'm liking the sound of these champions.
  22. your bedroom is underneath the living room... do you live in upside down land:laughing: probably a saving grace, otherwise you could be in there for hours.
  23. Yep utter shite. I can't play the gamepad in my bedroom and we only live in 3 bed semi. It's pointless if you have to be in the same room as the Wii U. Forget all the other crap people moan about, the gamepad range is by far the biggest fail with the console.
  24. had a couple of frustrating nights on this, but now I seem to have clicked. PLayed some two player online with my son, it's brilliant, so many father and son teams.
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