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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. well if I'm being so stupid explain why it was such a hard cup run.
  2. considering Arsenal have been top for the majority of the season and Man Utd are now Everton, then all homes ties whilst avoiding Man City and Chelsea can only be viewed as a pretty comfortable draw.
  3. to be honest I don't know what your cup run has been, but I was refering to City getting knocked out. It's yours to lose now.
  4. i miss wii u sports Not sure what Sherwood was hoping to achieve with his post game rant. Apart from the individual errors there was nothing in the game. You can't legislate for two players falling over, but he could "lose the dressing room" with comments like that. What with Arsenal being gifted the FA Cup you must have had a right bad weekend.
  5. it makes sense for them to hold it back with fingers crossed that Mario Kart will shift big hardware numbers and then release this as the next big game when there are a load more new Wii U owners on the market.
  6. Come June, when I'm firing a BLUE shell up your exhaust pipe, I want you to remember these comments. LOL Despite calling me a twat and scum, I agree that the penalty and red card were ridiculous, but you can't give away two goals against a Mourinho team and expect to get anything from a game.
  7. Preordered the T-shirt bundle. It already feels like a major event. I guess the beauty of MK only being released once per console lifespan.
  8. Yeah the range us a major fail. Was hoping to be able to play in bed, but it only works in the bedroom directly above the wii u.
  9. He also said "The gamepad has revolutionised gaming for me" which you then re-quoted as "The gamepad has revolutionised gaming" which is a huge difference and yet you then focus an enitre argument on one word "entire". Come on man play fair. I don't want to take sides here and @Serebii defends Nintendo, sometimes to his own detriment, but there are people on here who are just as bad if not worse when it comes to Sony and in his defense this is a Nintendo forum. The gamepad is justified in my house for off tv play alone. Some of the other stuff like multiplayer COD and Nintendo Land are great additions also. It' not just about sharing the tv. I will often have a football match on tv and play Wii U on the gamepad whilst champ manager is running on my laptop (now that's multitasking) What's the point in saying Nintendo should have ditched the gamepad and made a more powerful console instead, that's just a PS4.
  10. FIFA World Cup is only being released on PS3 and 360. It seems EA are just refusing to move on to next gen:eek:
  11. I can see a new handheld/console hybrid being launched in a couple of years that will run wii u and 3ds titles and in effect allow nintendo to replace the wii u without actually dropping it officially
  12. FIFA, COD, Assasins Creed, Batman are not major 3rd party releases? How dot does Rayman not fall into your "old games that people have already played" theory? Nintendo release old game = stupid Sony release old game = genius Every topic on here you turn into a Sony is better than Nintendo argument.
  13. absolutely... and that is Nintendo's big failure with Wii U. Forget all the nonsense aboaut the gamepad, it's a brilliant piece of kit, Nintendo thought they could release some HD "hardcore" ports from PS3 and 360 and that would shift units as this was mostly what people were crying out for on Wii, but they failed to realise that a huge percentage of Wii owners already had a PS3 and/or 360 and therefore already had these games. I sold my 360 a couple of years ago so I do fall into the catergory of people who had not played these game, which i guess is why I love the Wii U so much and don't get the game droughts as all these ports are new games to me. That said PS4's library is almost entirely made up of last gen ports and that is selling like hot cakes so go figure.
  14. those releases made perfect sense, it was Nintendo showing that the Wii U unlike the Wii could and would get major 3rd party releases plus these were games that were not on the Wii so it was an incentive to upgrade. If you've got a PS3 and like Rayman then you've got the game already and nobody is going to buy a PS4 for Rayman, so I can't get my head round who this is targeted at.
  15. it's only £80 if it's still attached to your forehead! You shall be known as the Pardew of N-Europe from this point on. @lostmario can you change Blades name on the MK League?
  16. can't believe they released Rayman Legends on PS4
  17. yeah and combining PS4 & XB1 sales????? Why not say PS4 and Wii U have combined sales of over 10 million and XB1 only has 3 million so we're not making games for XB1. I totally understand 3rd parties not wanting to take a punt, but using fudged hardware sales as an excuse. Right now Wii U is the biggest selling console of this gen.
  18. he looked like a man that had the sudden realisation "oh shit, I'm here for another 5 years" I really don't get the timing of Rooney signing the contract when he did. He's been bemoaning the lack of quality in the Man Utd squad for 2-3 years and wanting to leave, then when they look the worst they have been for 20 years and he is 6 months away from finally getting the move he wants... he signs a new deal and basically handcuffs himself to the club. I do wonder if (and this applies to Suarez also) there is a buy out clause if champions league is not acheived
  19. just had a vision of link walking around a zoo and Donkey Kong is in the ape enclosure. There could be so many little touches like this throughout the game
  20. LEGO Nintendo. That's fricking Gold right there. How has this not been thought of already. Get on Dragons Den mate. The mind boggles at what they could do with all the Nintendo franchises rolled into one massive LEGO adventure.
  21. LEGO Ghostbusters the video game? I went to a fancy dress party in my late teens with two mates as the Ghostbusters (classic film), as we walked in the dj put on the song (classic) and we did a whole dance routine. went down a storm and I pulled the sexiest chic at the party that night (classic) Ghostbusters will always have a special place in my heart. RIP H
  22. how does the update roster work. I did this last night but a quick check showed none of the Jan or summer transfers were correct. Is this just EA not bothering to update the rosters fro Wii U or does this function do something else?
  23. nice to see Lego on Wii U going toe to toe with PS4 & XB1 versions.
  24. the internet is a funny thing. I had no idea how many Gamecubes sold back in the day, I just bought and played the games. There is so much doom and gloom on the internet about Wii U and sales are tragic thus far, but the Wii U for me is right there with their best consoles. I'm not sure about the whole game drought, I've got 20+ Wii U games and apart from Tank Tank Tank they are all premuim titles, and the 3rd party titles are the best versions a Nintendo console has seen for years. I don't think I had 20+ Gamecube games ever.
  25. perception... i bought a Wii U at launch for many of the reasons you stated why nobody wanted it. £299 for a console with a game, a tablet controller and a pro controller. On par versions of 3rd party games not like the cartoon versions of FIFA etc that Wii got. 32GB Hard Drive which is more than ample unless you download your games which I don't. Free online services and networking (compared to XBL, PSN) and a product that i saw great incentive to buy. I keep hearing how the Wii crowd have moved onto tablets and nobody wanted a tablet controller for Wii U which is just about the most contradictory statement I have heard. Nobody has yet to explain or justify this to me. Much like Nintendo keep rehashing their games and yet FIFA and COD which get yearly updates are the biggest selling games. Another completely contradictory statement and also a complete bullshit one. Nintendo as a whole release one game per game console. There have probably been more versions of COD on 360 than Mario Kart in it's entire 25 year life span. I sold my 360 a few years back and I appreciate that I am in a minority of people who own a Wii U as my only console, but because of that it's brilliant for me as all the launch games which were ported across I did not have, so I now have a huge library of games to play.
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