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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. Sony/Samsung/LG tv's have always been comparable but Samsung and LG have always been cheaper, probably due to being Korean. It's worrying for Sony that they are failing in what has always been their key markets. They are now relying on their games division to keep them afloat and they lost 50% of that market in the previous gen!
  2. the industry has definitely peaked, which in many ways is a good thing. The leap from generation to generation seems to get smaller every time. You've only got to look at the charts to see that the majority of games on next gen are already available on current gen. This has never happened before. I think the top 40 consists of 3 games that are only available on next gen consoles. There is little room for improvement with graphics and online, motion controls have been ironed out, I can't see where the next big leap will come from.
  3. yeah but TW12 is only 2 player online for the Wii. It is still a great game but it just feels like EA go out of their way to make an inferior product for Nintendo consoles. As for FIFA sales, when was the last time EA released an on par version with Sony/Microsoft. Certainly not in the Wii era and prior to that FIFA was rubbish anyway. I think it's safe to assume that the majority of Wii owners also owned either a PS3 or Xbox, so you are going to buy the best version of the game. Even though FIFA 13 on Wii U was not the cartoon version of the Wii, it lacked Ultimate team. I bet if you could analyze the numbers you would see that all copies of FIFA 13 on Wii U were bought by people who don't own another console.
  4. you have to respect EA for the games they make. I only dislike them because they turn off the servers for their games every couple of years, forcing you to buy the latest installment. But going back to the sports argument, Motion controls make tennis, golf, baseball, bowling etc such a better, more realisitc experience it's criminal that these games just don't exist on the system.
  5. as much as I despise EA, Nintendo either need to get them back on board of find another studio that will make some sports titles. A lack of sports games must be damaging, and I can't believe FIFA would not shift enough units to make it worthwhile fro EA. You've only got to look at the charts and see FIFA 14 on PS4 as the biggest selling game to realise how important it is to a console.
  6. nostalgia is a wonderful thing, I seem to recall F-Zero on gamecube being a beautiful game that would hold it's own graphically today in which case, why dob't they just release a load of gamecube games on VC. That said, I got a copy of Rogue Leader recently which I also recall being a thing of wonder and it looked pretty ropy. I assume you guys have PS3 or 360 and thus have already played a lot of the games on Wii U that I have. Otherwise you need to cut back on your Wii U time. ;-)
  7. can you come round my house and play some of my games? My library of Wii U games that I've yet to even start is growing by the day.
  8. saw a report this morning stating middle of 2014 release, with anticipated 30 player online races. 30! that could put a dent in the MK league. I can remember playing 8 player Daytona in the arcades and that was something else. 30 player online races will/should be utter chaos.
  9. you are a corporations dream punter,the kind of guy that spends £400 on a new console, £60 on a second controller, £60 on a game that's already available on a console you own for £30, £40 subscription to play the thing and then another £20 in DLC and all the while, happily trotting along oblivious (or just in plain denial) to the fact you are getting butt fucked. They are greedy bastards who's only objective is to empty your pockets.
  10. voicechat ain't happening... period. There is a small part of me that thinks, possibly it could happen in party room, but hell will freeze over before Nintendo allow the kind of expletive filled, rage fueled outbursts that only MK can induce onto the general unsupecting public.
  11. i've already got this and black wiimotes coming out of my ears, but if I can get the white package then ding dong.
  12. smartphones are crushing handheld consoles. In some cases it's justified, if you compare Candy Crush to Zoo Keeper, they are very similar games, except one does not require a £100 console and £30 game to play. Sony are also looking in financial difficulties, when will Sony and Nintendo get over themselves, team up on a mega console and handheld smartphone that contains Sony's grunt, Nintendo's software catalogue, 3rd party support and take over the world and be happy with a 50% market share.
  13. I'm pretty sure the new Zelda will allow for motion controls regardless. I think one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo made with Wii U was seemingly dropping motion controls. All they needed to do for a lot of games this gen was simply add HD graphics and update the controls to motion plus and a lot of people would have been more than happy. I think they missed a trick with Wii Sports Club by not making it look at least on a par with Grand Slam Tennis. Yes the controls are much tighter, but to Joe Public it just looks like the original.
  14. thanks for the advice on the HD. I too dislike download games bit took advantage of the eshop bulls up a few weeks back, although still have not received my code for Pikmin 3! Think I will will just delete all my demos for now to make space. As for Nintendo dropping the gamepad... surely this is not actually an option. People keep saying that the reason Wii U has not sold is because the average Joe thinks the gamepad is just an add on for the Wii, if you take it away the same people will think the Wii U is just a Wii. The gamepad is the best feature of the Wii U and let's get real, nobody is not buying a Wii U because it has a gamepad. They might as well just bite the bullet and drop the price to sub £200 and get it into homes and get the money back on games.
  15. Sony were indeed in big trouble some time ago, and yes the PS2 kept the ship afloat. It coincided with the ipod launch, prior to that Sony were the biggest players in the portable music player and almost overnight they had lost the market. Also, flat screen tv's caused them to lose a big share of the tv market as Samsung & LG in particular ate into their market share.
  16. is there any performance differences between y cable and external power?
  17. sorry guys I'm being a bit lazy, had a quick 5 min search but could not find thread. I need a HD for my Wii U , do i need one with it's own power supply, any suggestions?
  18. Moyes has got to go. It's not about giving him time, it's about the fact that he has done nothing in the game to justify getting such a big job and the fortunes of Man Utd and Everton this season have only emphasized his shortcomings. As Liverpool found out 1 season out of the Champions League can take years to get over. Massive loss of income plus the very top tier players won't go to the club. Ferguson has made some horrid signings in is time but Moyes is by far the worst.
  19. did anybody else not receive codes from the eshop error? I got W101 code but not Pikmin 3
  20. For the first time in a long time Nintendo 3rd party releases are on par with their Sony and Microsoft counterparts, so the bad software argument has never been less of an issue. And considering PS4 and XB1 have launched for the most part with games already available and your argument just has no validation whatsoever especially when you take into account Knack and Nintendo's in house software catalogue far outstrips Sony or Microsoft. I don't care if don't like Wii U, but stop using hardware sales to justify it. If bad software is a bad console then PS4 with Knack "one of the worst launch games ever made" and Ghosts "COD with Shadows" is a car wreck. Is a Ferrari a bad car if doesn't have petrol in it? Put petrol in it, it's a supercar. You can't write off Wii U 1 year into a 7 year cycle because it does not have games and you certainly can't then laud the PS4 which has far less software and costs double the money. Nobody knows what will happen down the line. PS3 and 3DS both had very bad first years and both changed their fortunes with great software.
  21. as said earlier, Nintendo sell more hardware than Sony, so all this talk of dropping hardware is daft. It also seems nonsensical to suggest people have moved on to tablets (hello, Wii U has a tablet) and then suggest they should drop the tablet. To say it's a bad console is also plain stupid. Based on what... sales figures? As an owner the sales figures mean nothing other than medium-long term, losing 3rd party support, but right here, right now it's a cracker of a console. Any sensible gamer this Christmas would have bought a Wii U with some brilliant games got a year or two of great fun out of it and then bought a PS4/XB1 when the price had come down and there were more games out. The current situation says as much about the average gamer as it does about the companies who make the consoles/games.
  22. seriously though... they can't ditch the Wii U, any thoughts otherwise are ridiculous. They can't just bring out another console, they take years and millions of pounds to develop and the one thing Nintendo can't do is ditch the 4 million loyal consumers they have. A console life span is a minimum of 5 years, Nintendo need to ride the storm this year, but make sure that by next Christmas they have games coming out that make the Wii U a desirable item and pitch it at a price point where it become an impulse buy and for christs sake get MK8 and Smash Bros to market. They can ride the storm financially they still sold more hardware than either Sony or Microsoft last year and let's not forget that Sony are in exactly the same boat with Vita People are probably bored of hearing me say this on here, but it's a fantastic console, the problem is re-releasing games like Wii Fit, Wii Party etc don't do enough to make the average Wii owner upgrade, when they can just keep playing the same game on the Wii. The Wii was never about graphics so rehashing games with better graphics is not an enticement.
  23. GOLD. I have no idea what it means, but it's gold and I'm gonna use in the near future.
  24. OUCH! On the plus side, with this latest news I reckon I'll be able to get 2 more pro controllers and Deus Ex for under £50 and then my collection is complete. I'll need a good year to play them all and will take stock next Christmas with a view to picking up a PS4 for next installments of TW, FIFA, COD etc.
  25. Not sure if anybody else is getting this but I am getting blocked pages on N-Europe stating "serebiiforums a well known malware distributor has added malware to this page" or words to that effectl.
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