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About Cubechris

  • Birthday 01/03/1987

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  • Location
    Lincoln, UK


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    SNES, N64, GBASP, GC, DS
  • Other Systems Owned
    XBOX, 360
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  1. that's Christmas sorted then...
  2. By no means perfect, but there is a lot to like here. I enjoyed it.
  3. I picked undecided, as like Fierce_LiNk, I'm torn between LIB/LAB. However, I'll probably end up going LAB as they have the best chance in my area.
  4. Love Mark's videos, support him on Patreon - get subbed on YT if you haven't already.
  5. Tomorrow is booked off work for non-stop Zelda.
  6. Holy moly, these reviews. :awesome:
  7. Watching gameplay of this, seems like a pretty chilled out game.
  8. I'm with Virgin. No complaints. Speed is pretty good!
  9. This is rad. Nice one. :awesome:
  10. Yeah, the cable is a joke. I've heard the cable length pretty much matches that of the old classic controller for the Wii....which was fine, as that plugged into the Wiimote, not sure what the deal is here.
  11. We've had the exact same issue with the vendor using some online company. We started the process back in May, finally got a moving date for the middle of this month. *itshappening.gif*
  12. Well, at least they decided against putting Mario in Splatoon.
  13. SNES for me, although it was a hand me down, so didn't have many games. Spent many an hour failing at Starfox. First proper Nintendo console for me was the 64. I remember heading to Electronics Boutique (look it up) to pick it up, along with Mario Kart and an extra controller. :awesome:
  14. It was a bit, although I love that they took the time at the end of the Direct with the music closing. Very uniquely Nintendo.
  15. Ok, another question - do you think the console will come with any pack-in game? The Wii had Sports, did the U have Nintendoland? I've seen some muse that the Switch could come with a refreshed Mario Kart or Splatoon bundled in.
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