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Everything posted by FireMeowth

  1. Speaking of Darkrai, your dates for Scandinavia are quite a bit off in your latest Serebii.net update - the codes are available from May 12th through July 31st over here. Oh, and it's the same for Finland too.
  2. It's up on the eShop! Time to download Adorable Mini Bowser Jr. Simulator 2016! EDIT: The title screen is AMAZINGly cute.
  3. Anyone who doesn't have Rhythm Thief already should definitely jump on this deal. One of the very best 3DS games right there.
  4. Warning: That video is less a trailer and more like a summary of the first part of the game (up to what I assume is the first boss), so there are some PRETTY BIG SPOILERS that I'm sure some of us would prefer to enter the game without knowing about. Looks real good, though.
  5. I can't vouch for the Vita version, but I absolutely loved the Wii U version. Definitely worth getting if you're a One Piece fan.
  6. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW (never mind that I already imported the Japanese Fortissimo Edition for the artbook and CD... totally worth it just for the Cipher card anyways, lol)
  7. One of the most important aspects of the main Pokémon games, to me, is the portability. Just a couple of hours ago I was at the local Pokémon League where plenty of people (myself included) had brought their 3DSes and were playing Pokémon games together. I don't want to lose that. I wouldn't mind having a single main game for a stationary console at some point, though (I liked Colosseum and loved Gale of Darkness, after all), but I definitely don't want it instead of the portable games.
  8. Wait, where does it say that there's only a limited amount? Definitely doesn't say anything about it for me...
  9. Heh, the game looks about as bad as I expected it to. At least the map screen isn't too bad, I guess. Are they really? The microtransaction model in Rumble World and Picross is literally the best way it can ever be done, surely. (And even Shuffle's microtransactions aren't too bad considering how easy it is to ignore them if you spend some time grinding.)
  10. He's one of the only characters who (technically) appears in both games - which I assume is likely a criteria considering the name of the pack - so surely it must be him. I'd be terribly disappointed if all we got was Niko or a Phantom... Also, the PH&ST pack comes with a new weapon for Toon Link, too. Could it be...?
  11. Amazing news. Especially because PHANTOM HOURGLASS & SPIRIT TRACKS PACK! Playable Linebeck here we goooo!!!
  12. I finally reached the credits just now. Took me 51 hours and 20 minutes. That final boss was absolutely amazing and probably the best in the series so far. Looking forward to getting through the story in the Epilogue, too (I really need a satisfying conclusion after that ending scene!), but I think it'll have to wait a while - tomorrow is Pokkén day!
  13. I believe it took me just about 70 hours to 100% LEGO City Undercover. That said, I am a very slow player, and I'm sure I spent hours just walking around taking in the sights, but if you're planning to explore everything the game has to offer (which you should - it's all amazing and still the best LEGO game ever!) you'll definitely get waaay more than 10 hours out of it. You're probably not gonna get a full 10 hours from just the story missions, though.
  14. BEST. DIRECT. EVER!! The Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE announcement made me so happy I almost cried! ; W ;
  15. Please please pleeeeaaaase give us localization details for Genei Ibun Roku #FE!! ; A ;
  16. I played tons of Super Mystery Dungeon, posted on Miiverse about my progress in Pokémon Picross, and finished the day by finally watching the Hoopa movie. It's been great! (And now I'm suffering from a stomachache cause I ate far too much while watching the Hoopa movie. Oh well...)
  17. Now if only we could get a Pokémon Ranger 4, too...
  18. You can unlock the next missions ahead of time if your rank is high enough, can't you? I think rank 50 is enough to power through... over half of them, at least.
  19. Yeah, you won't get to the credits without completing the story. :P They're definitely there, though.
  20. Summer Outfit Isabelle. The first one has the Autumn/Winter outfit. Makes sense considering both outfits have separate costumes in Super Mario Maker.
  21. I think there's a big chance they'll keep a touch screen in the main controller, if only because a huge part of Miiverse's success comes from the drawings, and a big reason why so many people are making amazing drawings on Miiverse is because it doesn't require an additional purchase after the console. Of course they'll need to do something new as well, but I guess one of Nintendo's strengths is being unpredictable, so I have no idea what it could be. :P
  22. I've been considering picking it up just because like having physical copies whenever possible, though I assume you can't transfer save data from the download to the retail version. I guess I could use it to StreetPass with one of my spare 3DSes (I'm still so far from that 999 StreetPass present... but I really want it for completion purposes!), so at least it wouldn't be a complete waste. Buuut as said I'm only considering it. Gotta check how expensive it is around here first...
  23. So far, they've only announced that the new characters will be playable on the Wii U, and only if you unlock them with a code that comes with the 3DS game. It's definitely possible that they'll release the characters along with the new story content + adventure map as regular DLC for the Wii U game down the line, but seeing how the code is used as one of the selling points of the 3DS game, it's unlikely that we'll hear anything about that before Legends has been out for a while.
  24. It's amusing to read all the complaints from people who hate amiibo, as if they think Nintendo should listen to them over the people who buy more of their products. I know for sure who I'd want to please if I was Nintendo.
  25. I love me some Mario vs Donkey Kong. And I also love more games to use my amiibo in! Really hyped about this! Also, Mini Bowser Jr. is too adorable.
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