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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Blergh I thought they were at least updating the graphics a little lol
  2. If they then refuse to let me download it because I'm on Silver, I will NOT be amused
  3. I love how they managed to get Stephen Fry to do the narrating in it...
  4. Gameplay havent even started processing my order...I feel they're beginning to slack :/
  5. Am oddly looking forward to this. Hopefully Gameplay will send it tomorrow and I'll get it thursday
  6. Switched my pre-order over to them...lets see if it'll be good. Still got three things pre-ordered at gameplay so its all good
  7. With the free delivery right?
  8. Well that answers that Will do the same...gotta cancel my Gameplay order Does the free delivery at game allow for it to still arrive on release day?
  9. Blergh, Gameplay dont seem to be doing this and thats where I pre-ordered
  10. Sod that...I'll go download it on my PS3 and see how it is ¬¬
  11. Is it commonplace that you cant download new demos if you're on Silver? If so then thats retarded
  12. I got all 242 stars
  13. Hah...wasn't expecting this lol. Thanks guys
  14. "Sonic is controlled with the Control Stick. " Thats better, it may actually be good...
  15. They have ownership of the engine it runs on
  16. I was just having this discussion with someone in my chat The gaming community in general have a whole "if they don't show it, it doesn't exist" attitude...it's pretty cynical and explains the whole attitude people have had towards Nintendo at this year's E3 Personally I like it when a game is announced a few months before release...its what happens with Pokémon games' release in Japan...and let me tell you, the anticipation and hype is the same as it would be for the entire time between say TP's revealation and release but all condensed within a couple of months causing people to look forward to it more and enjoy it more. The anticipation, at least in the Pokémon community, for Platinum is outstanding... Show too much too soon and you get another Brawl situation...too much hype, so much disappointment
  17. Nintendo aimed for where the bulk of the business is. They succeeded They said their key teams are hard at work (mario & zelda teams) and Kid Icarus & Pikmin are on their way Nintendo know that they can reveal a game like that at any time and the "hardcore" crowd will have multiple simultaneous orgasms over it. It's just business. Hardly...Microsoft's conference was even more casual based than Nintendo's...
  18. Excellent, themes can be used Means theres now a reason to have themes as the new dashboard looks better with them
  19. How many times have we heard this...every E3 lol
  20. I'm thinking beforehand in an attempt to introduce the franchise to the newer gamers
  21. But...thats my household :p No really lol
  22. According to CVG, the XBLA version keeps all Nintendo references...but is graphically touched up a tad
  23. Sounds like it may be more of a remake than a port then...thats going to be a bit iffy :p But it would make sense for them to do it as it would get away from the Mario 64 Engine issues...but a bit disappointing as it'll mean its not o nthe VC. I'll get it on Live anyway but I know some without a 360
  24. I believe the engine behind Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie is actually a modified Mario one...thats how Nintendo have part of the rights to it May be wrong on that tho
  25. Well we all know europe's release will be November 2010 :p
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