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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I agree...part of the fun of games is immersion...its hard to be immersed into the game when the main character is talking
  2. Because it's not orchestrated and doesnt give you a John Williams pseudocutout that conducts for you when you make a purchase Plus, no voice acting = big no-no these days
  3. I seem to have the inverse view here...Were-hog bits may be fun, but the Sonic bits just seem to be a glorified slightly interactive screensaver
  4. Awesome, you'll enjoy it. Best season yet. I envy you, not having seen it yet and going into it fresh
  5. Boy is your face gonna be red if that happens :p
  6. http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2008/11/destiny-calls-season-5-promo.html New Trailer January airing...two hour opener WOO, 2 months to go!
  7. Futile Hype Up Week 4; Come on, even though I know you wont...I want Mana
  8. They had Seasons 1 to 3 up on demand for most of this year, that was when and how I got into it Dunno about Season 4 though
  9. You guys played the Tetris one...how amazing is that?
  10. Really? Season 4 of Lost was awesome and Season 5 looks to be even more awesome
  11. There really are some great custom levels on this
  12. If there's one thing that Rare havent lost, its their wit :p
  13. "Load screens - of which you'll see rather a lot - include tips and messages. One suggests that if you don't like the new vehicle gameplay, perhaps you should buy Banjo-Kazooie on Xbox Live Arcade instead. Touchy!" http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=283006 Haha, go Rare!
  14. I dont get it I play it for about an hour, then I cant connect to the LBP servers for the rest of the day. Happened yesterday, happened today
  15. Considering the tag under it is "Impressive"
  16. Since when was 8.3 a bad score?
  17. Only thing I'm gonna end up watching on it is new Lost, new Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe and new simpsons...the rest of the stuff it has on it is complete crap (I don't like 24, so sue me :P )
  18. Is the servers down for anyone else or is it just me
  19. Give the game a try guys...there are many games whose demos sucked by the game actually rocked
  20. From Digitalspy http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/digitaltv/a134623/sky1-sky-news-back-on-virgin-cable.html Took them long enough...shame there's now nothing ever good on it :p
  21. Mine arrived, although for some reason I cant connect to the servers now...could earlier
  22. This game just looks like its going to be similar to an interactive screensaver on the day levels...it just looks like you're on auto-pilot with the occassional button press
  23. Waiting for the post here...though recently the post has been coming at 4pm
  24. I've been tempted to play all Zelda games in order in my downtime recently...so temtping...LA and the Oracle games are the ones I'm looking forward to doing more since I haven't played them in ages
  25. So many random people wanted photos of me with them lol Shame I had a mask on...they tend not to want that without it for some unusual reason...don't get why
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