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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Grr, it wont let me sign in to it. I've managed to get in once last night before it booted me, now it wont let me in at all
  2. The customisation of the character is great... ...til you get away from the face in which it is totally retarded
  3. The word easily should be put between speechmarks
  4. Terranium of Terror is also a bitch to get around :/
  5. Even LittleBigPlanet is disappointing on some levels. It's great fun, creativity is good, but after everything, pretty much all fan-made levels are the same sort of stuff I haven't really played it for a few weeks...got about 2 weeks of use out of it then it got boring
  6. The problem is partially Nintendo's fault With the Wii, the casual market came into full bloom and now everyone is shifting focus to it somewhat with crap like Lips and You're In The Movies being "big" games Other games including new IPs just seemed high on promise and low on delivery
  7. I totally agree, this year has generally been a more of the same year. The biggest games have been sequels adding very little such as CoD5 and GoW2 There's just been very little to intrigue
  8. You can do that? How do you unlock that feature...
  9. I'm going to e-mail Nintendo and get the story :p
  10. I am not amused Space Invaders - The Original Game - Metal Slug 2 Forgotten Worlds I think they must have forgot they havent released it ¬¬
  11. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=319139 Holy crap
  12. AICN has posted a new version of the Star Trek trailer. Same as before, but contains a new bit with Leonard Nimoy in http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39238
  13. Wow IGN, I had no idea that the NPD sales statistics narrowed down "Core Gamer" and "Casual Gamer". Nice spin you have there Oish, this argument has grown tired and really doesnt need editorials for or against it
  14. I did the exact same thing on that level...9 notes and they were all in that room lol
  15. Guarantee we'llget Mario Golf but no Mana
  16. I did it without it. What you should do is place grenade guns on each side of your vehicle...sit in the middle and boom
  17. Go into your profile in the mini guide and press x when over it
  18. The fact he's so talked about now, especially on the BBC side of things, means he wont get in I'm still for Julian Rhind-Tutt to get it
  19. The grunty questions annoyed me as I didnt go hunt down brentilda :p
  20. Wait til a Jinjo Taxi thing in the Terroranium thing...it doesnt even have an engine and you have to get it miles in 2 and a half minutes
  21. I totally agree
  22. Will give it a go. I had a vehicle with full engines (4*Large, 5*Medium, 4*Small, 1*Super), enough fuel and ammo, a torpedile, egg guns, grenade guns, folding wings, folding propellers Can get through to the broomstick one relatively easy, but I just cant get the height for it
  23. This is the best course of action If you already have a 360, why make your parents waste money when you can get it fixed for free
  24. Its because of a cockup with the pre-order codes...they're essentially giving them further exclusivity time
  25. Regardless, I still cant get high just on this level with the vehicle...maybe I need to add more propellers to it
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