9:30am PST...thats in an hour
I'm hoping there's something new...something to reignite my faith...a proper full on hardcore game from Nintendo themselves for the Wii...not Punch Out as that looks like it has turned quite casual
What? The first party entries from Ninty are a bit lackluster, even after this...I mean Punch Out...Woo?
Where's Starfox, Kid Icarus or any of the rest
From that list, this is what I intend to get;
Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo) - spring
Forever Blue 2: Beautiful Ocean (Nintendo) - 2009
Sonic and the Black Knight (Sega) - spring
Give us more stuff Ninty :p
Its not a ridiculous solution necessarily as you can get some massive SD cards nowadays
The ridiculous part is that this wasnt implemented at the get go
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I had to have designed video games in order to know what I'm talking about. How foolish over me. I should be ashamed.
Megaman has never appealed to me, I've just completed Wario Land and de Blob isn't jumping out at me. Everything else is just more of the same. It brings nothing new...its made me apathetic to the gaming industry
Thats a nice idea I would love that
Games tend to be blah atm, I'm kinda counting on this to bring games back to the awesome level they used to be at. Aside from a handful of games coming out, nothing is appealing to me, especially on the Wii
Spend your stars on music??? Would have been good if any of us had stars remaining after you killed them all Nintendo
Agreed. Am looking forward to it. Cant be arsed to hook my N64 up (will hook all my consoles up next year when I move out and potentially have more room) so having it again will be good, especially with sharper graphics