I believe the engine behind Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie is actually a modified Mario one...thats how Nintendo have part of the rights to it
May be wrong on that tho
Thats awesome :p many times while playing halo round my mates, since he only had one headset, we couldnt all communicate. Good idea and removes the need for a headset
Shame its Spring release, was looking forward to fun like this at Christmas
Sword Fighting looks kickass...thats what will be used more in the Serebii house
IIRC, Nintendo have a stake in the games themselves.
I'm willing to bet that it'll turn up on the VC too
But I'll prolly get it on the 360 for gamer points :p
Havent tried...am trying to unlock all the chars and stages again without resorting to pressing a repeatedly
Oh and they are compatible...I just forgot to change folder hehe
Ok :p
Well if they do go the way of the flood, I don't like the real-time idea of it flooding...it sort of limits the game considerably...the free roam that people love of Zelda games will be gone...
Yeah, I always waited and refreshed for a few seconds after I see a 100 point one in order to determine if they're adding more
Kudos on the reference btw lol