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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. The 4th mission really pissed me off Got through to the last 30 seconds before the ships took off and for some reason they got attacked and my units didn't do anything
  2. Yeah it is Getting the Skull on Sandbox is insanely tricky
  3. Downloading Mythic Map Pack now...should be good
  4. New Joe Pic which has made me realise I need to get my hair sorted lol
  5. While importing is logical, when you get it in retail in America, they then add the tax on (you'll end up having to pay customs if you import which will also raise the price), if you use 15% as the tax (just hypothetically, as that is our VAT), and then add that to the price of the US one and convert to GBP, it's pretty much level
  6. I wouldnt be surprised if the price does lower before launch
  7. Depends on where you go. Game's doing offers of bundles and ones without
  8. Yeah, I liked the episode but I'm not sure I like how they wrapped up the "get back to the island" in only 6 episodes...
  9. Cool, pre-ordered mine (without any extras too)
  10. Woo Now I gotta pre-order one to make sure I get it. Shame if I'm to get it from game they'll probably do it in some gay-ass bundle
  11. According to someone on CVG, Argos has been printing material stating an April 3rd release for here too. Shame my Credit Card has a cacky £100 limit (only just got one and need to build my credit rating), gotta use my Debit Card to get this
  12. The lack of the White DSi disturbs me
  13. Its also apparently not the first time they switched episodes around...they did it in season 1
  14. I much prefer Super Paper Mario to the other ones. Its great fun and is much better as is than as a Turn-Based RPG But thats just probably because I'm not a fan of turn-based RPGs
  15. Chavs saying they've only been with one person? Please
  16. The actual olympics are in 2010...
  17. You become famous around the country, get money for selling your story and are continuously fed money from the government for free while people who follow the law and don't do it end up getting nothing. Yeah, that'd deter them
  18. Yeah, shame people dont realise that thats what its for
  19. Pikmin 2 may be a purchase as I never got it on the cube...that and DK:Jungle Beat are on my to get lists
  20. I bet it was for this; http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=208140
  21. I went Picasso
  22. And yet we'll still be screwed with releases
  23. Who says shes dead?
  24. Na they stated you dont need Halo 3 to play ODST and that its essentially a seperate game that just enhances the story, engine etc
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