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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I sincerely hope you're right
  2. I am not amused. Layton is far more popular in Europe
  3. Exactly, so there would be less guilt about leaving them, and less feeling of having to go back. If you're going to disappear, then you need to do it right
  4. Realistically, the only way I'd gladly "disappear" is through cryogenics. I'd happily skip the next 50 or 100 years and make a new start then
  5. I've looked into it, but it's near impossible to make it so that the waves of the atoms in your body are 180 degrees out of phase so that I disappear to human eyes. A particle accelerator may do it, but that's soooooo much effort
  6. I know exactly what you mean. People are stupid and idiotic
  7. Indeed...if it kept the same format year in, year out, it would grow tired and boring
  8. Thing is, from what I hear, the rest of S6, barring the final episode, are relatively standalone eps too anyway
  9. I guess I may understand it easier because I've been exposed to temporal paradoxes and schisms since I was a young child
  10. I've been checking around and it seems the casual ones aren't getting alienated as people me think. They're loving it. If anything, it's the "dedicated" fans (I put it in speech marks because I'm dedicated and loving it) who are having issues with it, saying Moffat should go etc. which is hilarious when they were saying he should take over when RTD was running the show. Of course, there are some people who say it's too complicated, but that's probably just because they don't know some of the history, and you can't expect to jump into a show half way through the season and expect there to be no references or plotpoints based on past things. That said, Moffat did apparently say in an interview that the next series will be less arc based than S6
  11. The perfect weapon is the one that gets the job done, and she gets the job done
  12. Brainwashing is a bit of a loose term
  13. She was brainwashed to kill the Doctor...once that's done, the brainwash is pretty much gone. Besides, I don't think it's gone completely yet
  14. Well it said she took ages to find Amy & Rory, but yeah, that's it exactly. Thought this episode was absolutely amazing. I didn't twig that Mel would be River and I love how River gave all her regenerations to save the Doctor. Loved the ep from start to finish
  15. Really only see my mum's side of the family, but even then, that's never really been frequent. Seen my cousins and uncles on that side a bit more since my nan went in the hospital, but still not much. Used to see my nan every Saturday. My dad's side, that's always been an issue...haven't really seen that side since 2008ish. I have a few cousins from that side on Facebook but never meet up with them. We've never really got on with that side, and when my dad had to do, lets say, questionable things in order to prevent us losing the house and everything when I was young (which he was severely punished for), that side turned on us. My aunt often berates my dad because of it and even went so far as to insult my sister when her now ex-fiancé stole thousands from her because of it. Ironically, her family has always been an issue...her son has like 7 kids from 6 different mothers across the country and they're a bit chavvy...yet they look down on my dad, a highly successful civil engineer and us kids despite the fact we're all intelligent successes. I don't really care if I never see that side of the family again. I mean while the other aunts, uncles and cousins on that side are pretty cool, it's not worth the hassle from the other aunt
  16. Not so sure the delay is due to the HD releases...do you have a source for that?
  17. Developers delay games so they can make them perfect. As for cancelling, only a very small handful of games have been cancelled, most of which wasn't due to the 3DS itself but the franchise ending
  18. Not the case. It says it's coming this winter. Winter runs from December 21st to March 20th and fits the delay we heard
  19. Good. Ridge Racer looked like ass
  20. My SerebiiNet account reached 17,000 followers yesterday...with me still not advertising it anywhere Increases by around 50 followers a day
  21. It's a good movie!
  22. Dressing Gown + Towel = Arthur Dent. Cheap. Simple. Awesome.
  23. My dad is from the midlands and has never said it like that.
  24. The thing is, the games on iOS devices are very rarely the substantial games that you'll see on the 3DS. People pigeonhole games all together but the games on iOS are all games with little depth that are just used to kill 5 minutes. Games like Angry Birds, Doodlejump etc. iOS systems are limited to what they can do game wise due to the lack of any buttons, as such, top-quality games are a pipe dream. Some get round it by superimposing a faux controlpad on the screen, but it covers half of it. Look at Infinity Blade. Looks great but it's just tapper tapper tapper. Nintendo made games are almost always of top quality, with depth and substance and proper controls. Yes, £40 is a bit too much, I'd personally drop to £30, but that's because the games are in-depth big games
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