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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Last two, no. I've played Uncharted and found it massively over-rated
  2. The Vita to me does seem like an impressive piece of kit technologically, despite the crazyass pointless back-touch control. The thing that's holding me off getting one is the game lineup. Nothing in it appeals to me at the moment. I hope this changes but still, until then...
  3. It's really iffy. What you need to do is try and guage their feelings and then go from there. Sometimes, it's worth the risk
  4. More plausible
  5. Yeah, I was...think that's how I was able to stop it. I managed to prevent it from gaining control and booted straight into safe mode afterwards
  6. Because no programme is called 0.323518821146213.2134354.exe and masquerades as Command Prompt. Also found some files at the same time, changing registry to open up nltysmms.exe upon loading MSN, Windows Live Messenger, Windows Sidebar and Media Tray. Malwarebytes picked up the first one, but the second one was getting through all my virus scans and it was self replicating whenever I removed any part of it. I had to rewrite some registry to prevent it replicating and remove it
  7. My computer just somehow got a major virus off of the Guilfest site (was checking the dates after someone asked about a Pokémon giveaway there). This virus yields a massive ZERO search results on google and isn't being detected by Virus Scanners. I may need to rewrite Windows a bit to remove it
  8. Of course! Why would I stick to reality? Reality is boring
  9. Well obviously you hear the answer, then leave :p
  10. Another alternative, and this is one that I love (when I get the stones to do it). Go up to them and say something completely random. Ask them a random question. Be mysterious, then walk away. This adds some mystery and will usually result in them thinking about you more and they may come over and initiate things properly and will make you stand out from the crowd.
  11. Third parties should announce their own stuff. Nintendo is a developer also and they shouldn't have to shill other people's work constantly Yeah, though it's a bit early for a main series game without it risking damaging BW's sales like FRLG dented RS's. That said, I believe that any main series games this coming year will be DS games with MAJOR 3DS enhancements. My bizarro theory is; Third gen remakes. Two games, counterparts of eachother. One is a remake of Emerald and has you go through Hoenn first, then end up going to Kanto afterwards while the other game is a remake of FRLG and has you go through Kanto and Hoenn afterwards, with the second regions being set later than it being in the other game, but the wild Pokémon in the games being the counterparts from the originals. Or they'll just be RS remakes :P or the third game
  12. I strongly believe the major game announcements will include a Pokémon game. We've been promised more games announced this year so
  13. I am still of the belief that stuff like that wont be shown. This is Nintendo's conference Plus, that person is acting like it's a trade show, this is just a conference
  14. They have said that if this sells well, we will get more new stuff
  15. As I said, before the conference was confirmed, the rumour (seperate from that of the hardware) is that it was for software and that there will be a massive software announcement at the conference. The conference was then confirmed a day later
  16. Games, features etc. but the only new hardware I'd guess shown would be new colours, not a redesign
  17. Brian Ashcraft is also known for constantly bashing and berating Nintendo. After a poor quarter reporting, it would be criminally negligent to suddenly reveal new hardware once the original is just starting to sell well
  18. Sounds better than having a dad who I probably should have committed due to his insanity. Seriously though, I'm sure your parents are reasonable, just need to talk to them calmly about it
  19. Nintendo does usually show one around TGS yes
  20. Really? No posts whatsoever? I'm somewhat surprised. It was a fairly good standalone ep which is what people have been clamouring for.
  21. Agreed. This is my first order with ShopTo now. That, and the fact that GAME would tell couriers to hold on to it til Friday for delivery. I want it for cheap and before released
  22. I very very much doubt Nintendo will be showing a redesign. I haven't heard any rumblings about it, but I have heard rumblings of lots of new software
  23. £1,000 a week for carehomes :/
  24. So sorry to hear about that Ganepack :/ So, the hospital wants to discharge my nan. They feel they can't do any more and it's just up to therapy. However, she cannot live alone, so they say we need to put her in a carehome. They then went onto say the closest carehomes which we're likely to be able to get her into are in Basingstoke which is over 50 miles away. I am not a happy chappy
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