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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. You may want to reconsider that http://www.serebii.net/black2white2/dexcompletion.shtml Some spoilers
  2. My Oshawott was at a higher level to the first Gym Leader's Lillipup. All other Lillipups it could 2HKO with Water Gun at worst. One Water Gun took like 15-20% of its HP off
  3. First Gym Leader in Challenge Mode destroyed me yesterday. Challenge Mode is brutal. The AI is Battle Subway level, they have full IVs and EVs (they can take a hit). It's just brutal. Got walled by Burgh's Shelmet too. Took like 10 minutes to defeat it -_- Dream Radar is live on the eShop btw
  4. It can be turned on partway (that's the idea behind the postgame use) If you restart, you lose it
  5. Plays great too. Squirrel Suit took some getting used to. In the demo, I was the only person who didn't die once though
  6. It ends tomorrow
  7. Really hard to say, there are loads Escavalier Golurk Hydreigon Galvantula Krookodile Cofagrigus
  8. Challenge Mode is a bit trickier...enemies are at a higher level (wild Pokémon don't increase so there's a gap), the AI increases (Gym Leaders and bosses are as tough as later Subway trainers), Gym Leaders get extra Pokémon
  9. I'm waiting for my friend to finish his game so he can send me Challenge Mode. This is the 6th Gen V playthrough of mine...I want a challenge
  10. The developers have said that if you get Black, for completion's sake of the story, you should get Black 2 If you got Black and go to White 2, you'll end up with 2 Reshiram and no Zekrom. That saidm if you have no access to the other exclusives, you'll be fine with them (Black and Black 2 have the same ones
  11. Loved the use of an instrumental version of that in episode 1 of Red Dwarf X. Was very fitting
  12. Press release came out on Wednesday that said November 30th so launch day
  13. I'm not being an apologist, I'm being factual here. I'd do it too if someone was complaining about a Sega platformer not being online
  14. Yep, November 30th
  15. Problem is that platformers don't really work well online. If they are online, there's a lot of lag. Most online games like racers, RTS, FPSs extrapolate positions, trajectories etc which is why when things lag, things jerk back and forth. Platformers require constant pinpoint precision which is not that possible at the moment due to latency
  16. Yeah, Assassin's Creed games are mostly playable on their own, but the real time narrative (which is seldom used) is for those who carry on through
  17. Or they'll surprise us in the January one "And it'll be available on the eShop straight after this, and in stores in February"
  18. @canand should be happy at this
  19. This is a full one
  20. This is what happens when you go with 3D models over sprites. With sprites, you can be more artistic, the style can change much easier. With 3D models, you end up being more and more limited
  21. Seriously though, they're better than not having any reveals and they're certainly better than generic press releases
  22. November 23rd in Japan on both retail and eShop
  23. I'm all for the slight premium to help Nintendo get back into the black to stop idiot investors and analysts saying they need to go mobile and develop for iOS
  24. It is extra content though, and it has been developed so they deserve money. It'd be ridiculous for it to just be like 50p
  25. Due to the new DLC, I've gone up from 170,000 to 500,000. Hope the rest of the DLC is great because I hate grinding
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