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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Come to think of it, I thought Nintendo TVii was America only. It's on the Japanese screenshots.
  2. There's one thing people seem to be skimming over here. IT'S FREE! That makes it the best :p
  3. From IGN Expected really, but there you go
  4. Top right is the option to add that person to the friends list. The image I gave is a person's profile on Miiverse with navigation to the left The only way they should make it constant would be to increase the screensize so a constant 853x480 is still used for gaming, otherwise it's taking space and cutting off resolution when using off-tv play As for invites, I agree it'd be nice for confirmation but I honestly don't see them being that foolish Finally, the circle around the HOME button will illuminate when there's a notification
  5. On the Wii U, achievements/accomplishments aren't mandatory and are set by the developer. It's unclear if they'll be sent to Miiverse (would be a good idea to...unlock achievement, automatically sends an update to your followers)
  6. I highly doubt Nintendo would leave out such an integral feature. Relax
  7. Don't need summaries, just a basic understanding of Japanese and logic. When scrolling through Miiverse on the Gamepad, you have your toolbar on the left Top option is you Next is Friends (I think) Next is Community Next is Messages Next is News (Notifications) It also doesn't take you completely out of the game, merely suspends it akin to accessing notifications/browser in the 3DS. You also don't have to post a thought on every level to proceed. Why do you want a portion on the GamePad to be constantly showing these things? That'd ruin part of the GamePad. I'm happy with the home button illuminating whenever I get a message. Who says game invites are missing? They're sort of on the 3DS as it is. We haven't seen much of the friend list interaction.
  8. Trying to get from them when they'll nknow about launch day stock
  9. Been trying to explain this all day. I was also called an idiot by someone for saying the home screen and Waruwaru Plaza can switch between TV and GamePad at the touch of a button...it can but they were adamt that it couldn't
  10. There's messaging via text through Miiverse and Wii U Chat
  11. The number bit gets from a mistranslation of the Japanese word for ID. It's a username. Wii U and 3DS aren't joined yet. Also, we know already that accomplishments exist in games, but it's the developer's choice. We know there's some in Mario and NintendoLand
  12. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Iwata-asks/Iwata-Asks-Wii-U-Miiverse-The-Producers/Miiverse-The-Producers/1-Empathy-Network-/1-Empathy-Network--662853.html I can make out Download but not sure what else
  13. Miiverse does look good. I'm interested to see how it works and if it will die off after 3 months
  14. The iOS SmartGlass app is up, replacing the Xbox app so you just need to update that one
  15. America is a major player in the world. A change there could determine the course of human civilisation, the next war and so forth
  16. The problem is that people demand instant gratification for fixes. Fixes with things like the economy will take a while, but the majority of the public won't accept that and only will accept instant gratification. They want taxes lowered and everything, even though it may make things worse. Obama, and even our government, misguided though they may be, are trying to fix the issues caused by the previous governments (Labour's lowering of VAT to 15% to "encourage spending" just a year before they were on their way out just smacked of trying to screw the next government knowing they'd have to raise it to 20%) and it will take a while for it to be fixed. However, Obama and the current government are attempting to fix it, and sometimes they have to raise things to fix it, and people just see them as raising it and nothing being "fixed" yet. I'm glad Obama won, I actually feared for the world if Romney did
  17. The Pokémon Global Link, and any connected in-game services including Game Sync and Random Matchup, goes down every Tuesday from 7am to 2pm
  18. Should he actually be right at one time, he'll villify it and use it as a reason to be trusted. Even a blind gopher finds a gold nugget sometimes
  19. Nintendo UK's page is back up. Nothing groundbreaking
  20. It isn't really product placement when the game is based on that Lego set...
  21. While a level creator is good in theory, does it really fit Mario? Why must every game have level creators these days
  22. Worst case scenario, mug someone :p
  23. Damn, sorry that happened :/
  24. Definitely keeping my original order...got it within the first hour of it being up
  25. I hope they let us know beforehand...I have a backup of a friend who works at Tesco which I'll use, but this is being ridiculous
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