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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I ordered my 3DS XL with them. They took the cash when they started processing it
  2. Embargoed until the 17th/18th I think
  3. From Eurogamer I like what I'm hearing
  4. Yes, because we're playing games, not looking at CGI art and listening to music
  5. Just hope they do before the 29th so I can get my backup ready I'm hoping so. I hesitated for an hour due to having already pre-ordered it, then they did their whole cancel thing...I did it before they sent tickets out though
  6. It's just they won't promise us launch day yet, they only know their stock for the first two weeks :/
  7. Can't create your own challenges using the GamePad on the Wii one Can't play 5 Player Assist Mode on the Wii one
  8. Off-TV play. That's innovative. Editing levels for the Coin Mode. That's level editing. Thank you, come again.
  9. It seems you need to take the goggles off. I've noticed a recurring bit of bias against the Wii U and games on it. Reused music I'll give you, everything else. No. Online Co-Op for games which cannot extrapolate (Fighters/Platformers etc) are incredibly difficult due to latency. Better to not have it
  10. Joystiq's is meant to be 4.5/5 :p
  11. Anyone hear from ShopTo yet?
  12. Kotaku's recent post introduced this strange tidbit Pretty dark, Nintendo...pretty dark :p
  13. Then we can point them to Microsoft's Surface http://www.microsoft.com/Surface/en-US/support/surface-with-windows-rt/files-folders-and-online-storage/surface-disk-space-FAQ
  14. Challenge Accepted! Don't forget patches, DLC etc :p
  15. Special prequel and a new trailer to the Christmas episode to air in Children in Need on Friday
  16. Probably for the best. Will get a capture device so I can do videos and capture stuff so if I decide to do a section on something that's passed, I can just go to the video and do the screenshot there
  17. I agree. I was just hoping it'd save the screenshot it takes for Miiverse onto the HDD and I could then copy them over and use it, rather than get a specific capture device for the inevitable Pokémon games
  18. Bad thing is, the USB HDD gets formatted solely for Wii U and can't be used with PCs anymore :/
  19. I just hope they don't force you to rebuy virtual console games. That ones you have will be processed and transferred when they're done
  20. Also covers USB storage
  21. Getting there :p. He was questioning why they were doing a zombie game because Nintendo consoles are for kids
  22. Yeah, a friend is using the advert as an example of why the Wii U is shit. "A zombie game where you push numbers into a screen? Please"
  23. I am. Very much so. I think part of the reason people don't have the same hype levels before is that people have matured. They have bills, ironing and mortgages to worry about first. As such, they're more likely to be prudent with spending, wanting to know everything they can before putting their hard-earned money in. They're also less likely to be enthused by new stuff. It's part of the process of growing up unfortunately.
  24. They won't do it based on who's paid. The process order is based upon time of order
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