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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I felt the episode was good, not amazing. Had a lot of hilarious western clichés but it was a bit by-the-numbers. The Doctor being dark and starting to actually be willing to kill people arc is interesting...it makes me wonder if he'll actually be directly responsible for Amy & Rory's exit by killing them
  2. A western episode on another planet? Hmm...
  3. Do we know what Nintendo Network features it has?
  4. A delayed game has the potential of being fantastic. A rushed game is bad forever
  5. Got a tonne of directfeed screenshots here: http://www.serebii.net/dungeoninfinity/pics.shtml
  6. I am wondering if Nintendo will work a deal with Platinum/Sega to get the first on the eShop
  7. The Wii U controller is not handheld. You can't play games away from your home which is their intent with Pokémon. I never said spin-offs won't be on the Wii U, believe me, they will. However, the main games will NOT
  8. Timeless style != outdated
  9. Ubisoft have apparently said that ZombiU renders in 1080p
  10. I know you're being facetious, but this is a common request so I'm just going to answer this for anyone who actually wants it. Pokémon as a concept is designed to be handheld. Something you take with you to trade with people, hence the increasing amount of local wireless features in the games. Home consoles do not do that. The developers have said outright that the main games will forever remain handheld.
  11. It won't be ported. Sega dropped it. Other publishers, including as I read Sony and Microsoft, decided not to help bring it back. Nintendo are funding this game. It's a Nintendo exclusive. End of
  12. The 3DS one has been out for a while in Japan without online. They'renot going to shoehorn it in at last minute in localisation
  13. "The ZombiU Pack is like the #WiiU Premium Pack but instead of Nintendo Land it includes the #ZombiU game and a black Wii U Pro Controller." Figure you guys should know
  14. The Pikmin one looks awesome. Player 1 on the GamePad as Olimar. Players 2-5 as Pikmin that Player 1 has to pick up and throw
  15. Yep. All purchases, DLC, full games, eShop games I don't see why they wouldn't have them...the 3DS eShop has all DSiWare on it
  16. We got Wii Sports in a proper case so we should get this in it. If not, I have a few Point Card cases I can use
  17. Nintendo are trying to fix that though. They're getting core games on it to try and kill the "Nintendo is kiddy" image, but it seems they'll never remove that :/
  18. I dunno. RAM wise I think the next Sony & MS console will be on a similar level of 1-2 GB of RAM. Personally, I am psyched. I never lost my love for Nintendo, though the past gen was the first one where I personally got other consoles, for obvious reasons. Bringing all these third party games and core games is a massive boon for Nintendo. It will please most of the core crowd (I saw most because of those idiots bitching about Bayonetta) and may mean that the Wii U could reach Wii style sales. I'm not worried for the future as the generational jump won't be as big as people think it will. Games will finally render in 1080p as standard and there will be better textures and bumpmapping. Other than that, it's not that much a jump.
  19. Yeah, there are LOADS of people bitching at Nintendo for this Makes me want it even more. Get it doing well enough to get more sequels on Nintendo consoles so those "core" gamers can cry themselves to sleep
  20. 1. Yes. You can use any SD card and/or external hard drive to do it. 2. Games such as that are no doubt coming 3. Becuase it needs it. Even half the RAM total is over double what the current gen have 4. This is LAUNCH WINDOW stuff. They have two first party games coming at it, with several more in launch window and they're publishing more. This thing was to detail the releases for launch, not for stuff this time next year, that's what E3 is for next year
  21. Well it's still 10% for DLC and download only titles so
  22. Anyone else think NintendoLand will be installed on the Wii U already rather than given as a disc?
  23. In multiplayer it does apparently
  24. The Sensor Bar was mentioned in the EU briefing as being in the box. They're wrong
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