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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Eh? The 25th Anniversary re-release of Four Swords was completely reworked to be played in single player in the same manner as Four Swords Adventures
  2. That's a solid first party lineup. No other console has a lineup that solid. Let's just hope it helps
  3. Oh, well if Edge suspects it...
  4. I don't get the complaints about aesthetics. Super Mario 3D World has the exact same art style as Super Mario Galaxy, just without bloom Compared with @Ville bringing you here as you made a similar comment in the Morning After thread Plus, it does look like it plays like Galaxy. Too many are making rash judgments All impressions match
  5. Can't believe we've had 9 new Pokémon in 24 hours through three different release methods ;; Roundtable highlights
  6. It really isn't. Watch the Developer Direct for it and then come back...
  7. It really wasn't. The developers have said otherwise. They wanted to do multiplayer Mario for a while, and finally can thanks t the power of the Wii U
  8. Well I'm getting AC4 and Watch_Dogs this autumn on the Wii U, so I'll be showing Ubisoft that there's some desire for it
  9. I wouldn't call this simple 3D Seriously, there's like no difference between 3D World And say Mario 64 except one has linear levels (you still look for stars though)
  10. Not good, but not unexpected. Hopefully this winter will turn things around
  11. Another drop this week for all 3DS LL 27,172 3DS 12,700 PS3 10,394 Vita 9,733 Wii U 6,330 PSP 5,076 Wii 1,060 Xbox 360 432
  12. The E3 direct was awesome. I was blindsighted into having a craptonne of work to do so missed the rest of it live, but got caught up very quickly Super Mario 3D World looks amazing. It's what 3D Mario should be. So many loved the special stages in Super Mario Sunshine, and this is essentially an entire game of that. Multiplayer 3D Mario is a dream people have had since they heard of Super Mario 64 2 and I don't get why people are complaining Mario Kart 8 is a graphical showcase and I love the new mechanic. It's going to make things really interesting and I look forward to it. Disappointed it's so late Wind Waker looks glorious and I love the Miiverse integration in it Bayonetta 2 & X proved that the Wii U is far more capable than the PS3 and 360 graphically, too Smash Bros was brilliant as expected Overall, Nintendo had the best software showcase between the three main console makers. Sony & MS are riding off of other stuff (Sony's conference is only so widely considered because of their DRM stance, which even that is now in question: http://www.edge-online.com/news/e3-2013-drm-free-ps4-is-a-pr-play-expect-similar-policies-across-both-consoles-say-sources/) People wanted Nintendo to bring the big hitters, and they did. Problem is, many erroneously believe that niche titles are big hitters.
  13. To be fair, people said the same about NSMBWii and NSMBU, and they work brilliantly single player
  14. Or perhaps a badass legendary...
  15. Indeed. Should I manage to find/build a girlfriend by December, I know we're going to be playing this a lot (after I power through it in Single Player, of course) Almost all the impressions say it plays more like Galaxy than 3D Land, anyway Also, apparently, one Nintendo rep let slip the Frog Suit is in this. It allegedly uses its tongue, like Yoshi. Guess no Yoshi in this then
  16. You do know that it is playable with GamePad analogue stick and Pro Controller analogue stick, right? They include Wiimote play to make sure everyone can play http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/11/4412144/super-mario-3d-world-preview-hands-on-e3-2013 Polygon preview, overwhelmingly positive Metro statement
  17. It really doesn't. The textures, models etc. are far beyond a 3DS game. It's only "upscaled" in the essence that they use the same base art style.
  18. Which is why they should have called it Mystic-type
  19. Still looks decent enough Happy with my Wii U order for it
  20. Once people watch the HD Mario World stuff, and the Developer Direct, they really begin to appreciate it
  21. I dunno. A $50-$70 price cut with Mario Kart 8 packaged in would have won them Christmas. This could be a fatal error That said, four player 3D Mario is likely to entice many a core player who happens to have a girlfriend or 3, as well as families and more
  22. I get why, since it won't be done til 2015 and you guys would moan more, but I do wish he had
  23. Already announced that it does
  24. What I'm seeing a lot around the net is people being disappointed at first, but now they've seen HD video, developer directs (which would have been at the E3 conference really) and so on, they're actually pretty psyched
  25. I agree. Not having it for Christmas is a big mistake. I'd wager Mario Kart TV is what's holding it back
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