The E3 direct was awesome. I was blindsighted into having a craptonne of work to do so missed the rest of it live, but got caught up very quickly
Super Mario 3D World looks amazing. It's what 3D Mario should be. So many loved the special stages in Super Mario Sunshine, and this is essentially an entire game of that. Multiplayer 3D Mario is a dream people have had since they heard of Super Mario 64 2 and I don't get why people are complaining
Mario Kart 8 is a graphical showcase and I love the new mechanic. It's going to make things really interesting and I look forward to it. Disappointed it's so late
Wind Waker looks glorious and I love the Miiverse integration in it
Bayonetta 2 & X proved that the Wii U is far more capable than the PS3 and 360 graphically, too
Smash Bros was brilliant as expected
Overall, Nintendo had the best software showcase between the three main console makers. Sony & MS are riding off of other stuff (Sony's conference is only so widely considered because of their DRM stance, which even that is now in question:
People wanted Nintendo to bring the big hitters, and they did. Problem is, many erroneously believe that niche titles are big hitters.