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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. To be fair, if you add 20% tax to the US price, it's not that far off the UK price...
  2. I'm happy with this. I'm happy they kept consumer rights in tact, since their silence was worrying me. Software lineup leaves something to be desired, and I am NOT happy about PS+ being required for online play. I'll happily buy a PS4 in a year or so, once it has a decent software lineup
  3. You'll find it here http://www.youtube.com/user/NintendoUKofficial
  4. Ahahaha oh god...it just keeps getting sadder
  5. Hold up, Killer Instinct isn't being made by Rare but by Double Helix
  6. A suspiciously light week in Europe as well as Japan this week, with both regions are only getting Mario & Yoshi. I smell a megatonne
  7. Many mainstream places have run pieces about it of late, especially after Microsoft posted their "final" plans the other day, to remove "confusion"
  8. Very much so. He types like that in order so he's not found out. He has proven himself on GAF countless times and all the admins there trust him. Here's a translation http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=62292821&postcount=205
  9. Check the Sony thread, a lot of "hints" about things. Do note, that guy in the MS post is completely trustworthy. Has been shown to know things countless times before
  10. Yeah, if Nintendo hadn't have announced that Mario, Mario Kart and Smash were in this, imagine the fangasming around the net when they're shown. It's funny though, much of the MS and Sony conferences have leaked already. Nintendo is doing it in-house, in a better method (they can cover more in a 1 hour Direct than a 2 hour conference) and it should be awesome
  11. My apologies. I was under the impression that they just did the classic tracks
  12. Having Retro do the classic tracks isn't the same as "co-developing" really
  13. Mario Kart games are one per console. CoD etc. are one per year. Yes, Nintendo are much better in that regard
  14. Not if they damage the brand by releasing a mediocre game
  15. To give a practically dead franchise which seldom broke the 3m mark to a company, sure. To give one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, the most recent home console one which sold over 30 million units, a number that no other game can possibly imagine selling on a single console, to a company whose last game reviewed moderately and didn't break one million units sold across four formats? Ok, they should get right on that. It makes ZERO business sense to do such a thing
  16. That is so not going to happen. You just have to look at sales and reception of the respective games to see that Nintendo would not do that
  17. Wasn't sure. Have conversed with people around the internet who actually thought it
  18. No, Iwata said he wasn't presenting their closed briefings No, they're not. Just over two weeks ago, they announced two Nintendo Directs. One was a few days later and focused on Wii U games of the Summer. This included New Super Luigi U, Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101. They also announced the E3 Direct, and specified that it'll deal with Wii U games for Autumn and beyond
  19. You're right. The show floor opens 12pm local time on Tuesday. My apologies Microsoft: Monday 10th, 6pm EA: Monday 10th, 9pm Ubisoft: Monday 10th, 11pm Sony: Tuesday 11th, 2am Nintendo: Tuesday 11th, 3pm
  20. I was talking free to play as a concept in general really. Yeah, it's profitable, but it essentially screws the consumer
  21. This got posted on GAF. Hype building
  22. Don't worry, it's not happening
  23. I've been saying this for a while. Companies are folding like crazy. It's harder and harder to make money on the "AAA" model. Look at Tomb Raider. Barely broken even at 4m sales. The publishers and console manufacturers are no longer thinking of the consumer first, but just trying to "protect" their assets as seen with EA, Activision and Microsoft. Even Sony is falling to that path with their free to play and streaming plans. The only console company that's resisting this is Nintendo, and they're not doing that well with their console because they're not winging the latest tech in and cosying up to publishers like EA. Overall, though, Nintendo is the most likely to survive the inevitable crash, especially as they're hooking all the indie and smaller developers on board. Due to the current information, there is absolutely no chance of me getting an Xbox One, even if they release a new Halo, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Banjo Kazooie exclusive to it, even though I love those franchises. If the PS4 follows suit, which is looking increasingly likely, then I won't be getting that either. Sony can't afford a failure. They lost so much money with the PS3, and have only just started to turn a profit with it. The PSP and Vita also lost a lot of cash, especially the latter. If they screw up the PS4, then they're gone in my view. As for developers, the major developers, especially in the west, are just going for technical showcases more, and when they're not, they tend to focus on the story so much that it gets filled with a ridiculous amount of cutscenes which is not why I buy games. Developers need to get back to the idea behind games. They're meant to be played for fun, not to have a massively deep narrative that you sit and watch. Collapse is inevitable, and there will only be a few big companies standing in the aftermath
  24. The E3 hype starts on Sunday with a special Call of Duty Ghosts presentation. Following that on Monday are the Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Activision and Sony conferences On Tuesday is the Nintendo Direct (which is their conference) followed later by a press showcase at E3 itself, unlikely to be streamed but of course will be recorded. There are also Nintendo's usual roundtables on that day, including a 90 minute Pokémon X & Y one. The actual E3 Expo (yes, that's a tautology, so sue me) begins on Wednesday and ends on Friday
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