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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. Been looking up the best Mitchel and Webb sketches. The best ones so far: The best delivery of "twat" ever: FOR THE QUEEN!: And for some reason this always makes me laugh:
  2. Yeah the ending was a little odd. Although it's better than him wading in Dirty Harry style and blowing some mofos away.
  3. Got me an epic bike ride in today. 18.8 miles to be precise. May or may not have almost collapsed with exhaustion... Now just deciding whether or not to go to a pub quiz. I like pub quizzes but the group I go with can be hard work sometimes. Plus I'm now knackered from the bike ride.
  4. Not exactly funny, more amazing than anything. Better than the real version IMO Genius
  5. Goafer


    My slightly retarded chocolate lab, Indy: And some of when he was younger:
  6. Lesbian Vampire Killers Thought it would be shit. It was a bit shit. But it was also a bit good. Plus it had a sword with a knob for a handle which never really stops being funny. 6.5/10 Plus I imagine feminists must be furious at the thought of lesbians being killed by a dick sword.
  7. I need some fingerless gloves for when I'm taking photos in the cold. What better than some horrifically green ones for 2 pounds?
  8. I'd say the best way to describe the pain is to compare it to sunburn. It's bearable but a little annoying. Also bear in mind the worst parts are the beginning and the end. Your body gets used to it/releases its own painkillers so it gradually becomes less painful. The only problem is that the natural painkillers only last so long so if you're having quite a long sitting it gets painful again towards the end. From what I've gathered from asking the people who did my tattoos, the most painful areas are the spine, inner arm/armpit area, inner wrist, elbow, above the heart and the back of your legs.
  9. I hate you Rez. Now I've gone and looked up Thorpe Park and discovered it's within a reasonable distance. Now I have to go but I'm not sure anyone I know will actually want to go. Gad Zukes what a predicament!
  10. I think it depends on the night class you do. I do photography one night a week and it's the best thing I've ever done. I sometimes get a bit "can't be arsed" the day of the lesson, but once I'm there I love every minute of it. I say get on the dole and use the money to fund the night class. Just make sure you pick a lesson you'll enjoy.
  11. I like it. I like it a lot. Just found Mine and Happenstances favourite "hinese buffet" in Oxford.
  12. I think adult learning counts for any age. It's more to let adults know that they can do it. I'm currently doing an adult course and the ages range from 17-40 odd. I've been thinking about going back to education since my redundancy. If I don't get the photography job im going to go back to college methinks. Pauper student life for me!
  13. Just quite nice. It would be a bit of a toyboy situation if you get my meaning.
  14. Well that was brutal. I was pretty much told that the course I'm currently doing in photography is a bit shit since it's black and white film work and nowhere does that anymore. So my last 6 months have been a complete waste in terms of qualifications. Although I got to meet some cool people and have fun so I still think it was worth it. Luckily, I think she liked my portfolio. I seemed to have a good range of photos. She also mentioned how she had already seen quite a few portfolios, including some from "so called professional" (her words) photographers and mine was better than people with far more eperience than me. Badical. The only problem now is, if I got the job I'd be starting off as a junior, which involves only working in the busy period. So I'd only be working twice a year for 6 weeks. I'd have to find another job for the quiet times. Gee willekers. And the worst part? I cant even have a proper whinge about the whole thing since she was quite nice.
  15. Just about the head out to my job interview. It's the first time in about a decade that I've brushed my hair. I feel wrong. I'll post updates after. Wish me luck!
  16. I always remember this story when "fat" celebrities are in the media. It's quite depressing really since I think she is one of the best looking celebrities around. Mainly because she actually looks a bit normal.
  17. I always harboured a mild hatred of Jade Goody. I still do, but now it's mixed with a bit of sympathy. What really gets sand in my vagina is the fact that most media have done a complete 180 and have gone from Jade "Ultratwat" Goody to Jade "Possibly the second coming of Jesus" Goody. And the best thing I have ever heard regarding the media was from Russel Howard doing an impression of The Sun "PEADOS! PEADOS! ARE YOU A PEADO?! PEADOS! HAVE A BANG ON HER TITS! 16 TODAY! BEND HER OVER HER BIRTHDAY CAKE IF YOU WANT! PEADOS! ARE YOU A PEADO?!" I was flicking through the Sun one time and noticed a "tragic"* story on annorexia. As per usual they had picked one "beatiful, talented girl" for the story. And lo and behold a few pages later there was another article on how Jessica Simpson had gotten a bit fat despite in reality looking quite lovely. *It geniunely is tragic, but I used quotes to show that it's used so often that it has lost it's meaning.
  18. The way I imagine it, he said it at some point in his life. Not necessarily early. I think I have got a bit too into this personification... I hear ya with the chivalry though. I always hold the door for our be-wombed comrades.
  19. "Where there is a jar that needs opening or a spider that needs scooping into a cup and throwing out the window, I'll be there." Chivalry 1329BC - 1997AD.
  20. If I wrote a song about how if I were a woman I'd winge a lot, be crap at driving and complain about being too hot or too cold every 5 minutes, the feminists would have a field day. Yet "If I were a boy" is perfectly A-OK. God bless outdated stereotypes. Although I imagine the reason that no one has complained is because most men just ignore most things women say anyway. Well if she insists all men are insensitive ogres, I may as well act like one. On a side note, Chivalry is dead, feminism killed it.
  21. I often cycle along a busy main road. It's quite hard to tell which car/lorry sound is coming from where. Plus when cars are behind me they slow down to a crawl waiting to overtake. It makes it quite hard to hear them sometimes.
  22. Got yet another inner tube for the bike. Got 2 just to be sure and the lady kindly informed me that it was 3 for 2 ("who the hell needs 3 inner tubes?" I thought to myself). So I now have 2 spares. Also got a mirror fort the bike so giant lorries don't scare the bejesus out of me when I'm on main roads: Whats that on the lowrider? I'm glad you asked. I bought me a horn for it. I am now an official honky! Plus got some shoes and a tie for my interview tomorrow. No pictures of that though.
  23. Got up early (ish) to go into town and get another session of my tattoo done. Went up to the place, door is locked but people are in. Wait around a bit and someone comes out. Apparently the guy isn't in today due to bereavement. Selfish bastard. Plus the spangly new inner tube I got doesn't fit. Serves me right for trying to see if the self healing tyre thing would fit when it was a bit too thin. On the plus side, I got my portfolio done for my interview tomorrow. Just got to go back into town to get a tie, shoes and an inner tube. The inner tube isn't for the interview. Plus the weather is awesome, so I can cruise with the roof down and look totally rad. If I can get my coursework for my photography class done and repair the bike in time, I might head for a whimsical meander along some b roads.
  24. Today has been a day of contrast. Started off meeting Happenstance in town. The weather was good so I took the MR2 seeing as it's more comfortable (and faster!) than the Scirocco. Town was pretty routine, although I was tempted by some Lego. Not entirely sure why to be honest. Got offered a job interview doing school photography. It's not exactly the jet setting travel/journalism photography I dream of, but it's photography none the less. I just have to avoid the sentence "which way to the chuffing jailbait then?! Don't tell me there isn't any, because I can smell it from here!" and I should be ok. Ready to go out on my bike, I noticed my front tyre was a little flat. Wanged some more tyreweld in there and pumped it up to pressure and the twat burst sending foam everwhere. It was a brand new inner tube as well. Off to Holfords tomorrow again then. I really want to try the self healing inner tubes, but there isn't one wide enough for my wheels. The highest they have is 26x1.75-2.125. My wheels are 26-2.35. Arse. Also got the second sitting of three for my tattoo tomorrow. I'm not actually as excited as I thought I'd be, considering that tomorrow is the day the main part gets done. Expect updates in the tattoo thread tomorrow. Oh, and it didn't exactly happen today, but the neighbour has got rid of their rooster. Now if only I could stop my dad from snoring without smothering him with a pillow, I'd actually get a good nights sleep. I can hear him as if he were in the same room. I swear I'm getting close to the end scene from "One flew over the cuckoos nest".
  25. I just rediscovered "Be quiet and drive (far away)" by Deftones. Am I the only person who feels the chronic need to dance when listening to this song? I have a mad fear of dancing, but I find it hard to resist the urge to with this song.
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