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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. Nice one! It's definately a good idea to start excercising too. I started by just eating different and I lost some, but I think I lost some muscle as well as fat. I've now started excercising again to try and build up mucle whilst burning calories. Although I haven't put much thought into the whole thing, I just try to use more calories than I take in. Either through excercise or just taking in less.
  2. Good attitude. I wish stuff like that would happen to me. Doing odd stuff amuses me no end. Once drove down to Weston Super-Mare in the middle of the night for the sake of being different. Got to see the sun come up despite it only being a day trip.
  3. Well thats brought my light hearted tomfoolery to a sobering halt. Real sorry to hear it. Be careful though, 8 stone sounds really light.
  4. Yeah, once I got used to it and a bit further in I did find it a bit less sluggish. It still felt claustrophobic though and never felt fast paced. I guess that was the point though. You're hardly going to be leaping all over the place like an epileptic gymntast in a robot the size of a cathedral.
  5. Repo: The Genetic Opera Would have been better as a musical instead of an opera. Some bits should have been spoken instead of sung. There are some catchy songs in there (I actually got one from iTunes after watching it), they're just near the end. It's a shame that quite a few people will be put off by the first part of the film, it gets better as it goes on. Paris Hilton isn't even that bad. Apparently they didn't even want to give her an audition but as soon as she showed up and sang, they realised she was perfect. It's definately unique, it just misses the mark with about half of the singing. Watch it if you liked Sweeney Todd. Might even be worth a watch if you didn't. I didn't and I quite like Repo. 7/10 The catchy tune I got from iTunes in case anyone was curious Audio
  6. I'm officially jealous. *Runs off to be bulimic*
  7. I wear Lynx. Because I absolutely have to smell like a teenage sex pest at all times.
  8. Did anyone here get to play it? I managed to pick up a copy of the game and the controller not too long ago. As a game it's pretty "meh", but as an experience and collectors piece it's awesome. It manages to recreate the feeling of being in a mech surprisingly well. It's just a shame that a real mech would be sluggish and difficult to control. The controller is very well made, especially the pedals, which feel very solid and chunky. I never realised how limited the production run was either. 2000 units worldwide and then a bit of a re-release in the US. Pictures: Controller: Pedals and box: Please spare a moment to think about how rediculous I looked carrying that thing, including a park and ride trip, through Oxford city centre. I even missed seeing Steven Fry due to the weight of the box preventing me from hanging around long enough.
  9. Christ almighty, are you like 9 years old or something?
  10. I think I'm now pregnant.
  11. I don't think any of my cars have ever had airbags. Only 2 have had ABS. Hell, one of them didn't even have a roof or doors. My safety features are my hands and eyes!
  12. I'm still hovering around 12 and 3/4. Taken up cycling again and I'm still surprised at how easy I'm finding it considering I haven't been biking for 2 years. It's like I never stopped. I should probably start doing weights too since my legs are getting a good workout and I don't want to end up with Chun Li thighs and a Dhalsim top half! I do press ups which seems to help my chest a bit though. The only problem I can see regarding actual weight loss is that I might start gaining some muscles and therefore weight too. Only time will tell I guess.
  13. Tata Nano Sort of review Anyone else seen these yet? The reason the Mini is such an iconic car is because it was very affordable and practical when it was released. I reckon the Nano has the same potential. Plus in todays financial situation and people raving about being green, the car makes sense. £1400 for a brand new one that does 60mpg, it makes sense. Have a picture or two:
  14. Here I is dressed as a Ghostbuster again. I'm not entirely sure whats going on here, but it doesn't seem good:
  15. I just heard the presenter of Channel 5 news say "affenimate". Not massively special, but made me laugh none the less.
  16. I don't like the bits either. But what about slush puppies? They are awesome and a bit "unsmooth"
  17. Bear in mind that that isn't a direct quote and could have been paraphrased by the BBC. I know it isn't an easy decision, but bear in mind that doctors have been through years of training and are the most qualified to make an educated decision on whether or not the boy would have a "decent" life or not. I would hate to be in the doctors situation when they had to make that decision and I can't imagine it was a decision made without a lot of thought. People at the court are also human and more than likely parents themselves. I don't believe it was an easy decision for them either. Bottom line: We have seen very little evidence compared to what doctors and the court have, so I agree with the court and doctors. Although I do feel for the parents, I really do.
  18. True, but you think the media circus would have jumped on it a bit more.
  19. How come we don't hear about Patrick Swayze? I actually want to know what's going on with him. Although I probably would get fed up with seeing him in the papers every day too.
  20. Black Hawk Down A bit cliche at the beginning, with all the soldiers being business like and one being an "idealist", but the action is almost flawless. Plus Orlando Bloom falls out of a helicopter like a "special". Love this movie. 9/10
  21. I like beetles a whole bunch: Petrol staion at a nearby abandoned US air base. I got this one featured in the local paper. It's the graveyard in my village: Driving home from work one night, I noticed the sky was all rad and junk. So I got my camera and went back out: A ferris wheel at Milton Keynes. Happenstance likes this photo so I thought I'd share it: FIRE!:
  22. Serious point: Anyone wonder if there is celebration in India? They were burning effigies after all. Anyone see some sort of bizzarre cruel karma in the whole thing? Jade offends Indian people pretty bad, she goes on Indian TV, get diagnosed with cancer live on Indian TV, dies. Also a prize 180 by Mr Brown. During the big brother racism "scandal": "Gordon Brown, then British Chancellor of the Exchequer, who was visiting India at the time, condemned the programme on the grounds that he is against anything which might damage the perception that Britain is a country of tolerance." Then when she dies: "Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he was "deeply saddened" by the news and described Goody as "a courageous woman both in life and death". " Granted, he couldn't exactly turn around and say "That Jade is still a prize pecker", but he could have just stayed out of it and got on with, oh I don't know, running the whole chuffing country. Oh and my oppinion on Jade? I didn't particularly like her before the whole cancer, surely it would be almost insulting for me to suddenly like her? Meh, I could care less, but I'd have to be asleep.
  23. The thought of a baby with no brain moving without any sort of control just freaks me out. A lot. Especially if it was moving all slow and junk. I may not sleep tonight. "he experiences pleasure and that he has long periods where he was relaxed and pain free". Is it me or is that sentance wrong? Not trying to be a grammar nazi, but it confuses me. And on topic: A line does have to be drawn somewhere. It doesn't seem fair to keep OT alive. Although if I were in the parents situation I don't know if I'd be as logical as I am now.
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